Come Back To Me

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"Someone please help! He's bleeding out!" Kakucho's voice rang throughout the hospital, medical staff instantly rushing over to him

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"Someone please help! He's bleeding out!" Kakucho's voice rang throughout the hospital, medical staff instantly rushing over to him. "He was shot in the stomach he's loosing a lot of blood...." Kakucho tells them frantically. Sanzu was still somehow a bit conscious, his vision was blurry though and everything felt like it was moving way too fast. There was talking all around him as they lifted him onto the bed, a non-rebreather mask getting put on him. They were about to wheel him away when he swore he heard shouting, the medical staff around him looking in the opposite direction. He turned his head as well in the direction they were looking at, his heart almost stopping at the sight.

"Help please! She's not breathing please she lost a lot of blood!" Hina was in shambles, Takemichi right behind her as she tried to keep your limp body up. The medical staff quickly took you away from her arms, getting you onto a bed. "She's unresponsive, begin chest compressions!" One staff member yelled, they pushed on your chest but you remained unresponsive. "I- I think she was shot, just please save her!" Hina was panicking, she yelled and yelled asking them to save you.

"We need to bring her in for emergency surgery stat, the bullets might still be in her." Sanzu watched through half opened eyes as they began to wheel you away. "Y/n?" he thought to himself as they started to wheel him away as well, he lifted his oxygen mask, "Y/n??" The hospital staff tried their best to calm him down and return the mask to his face, he even tried to get out of the bed. Hina looked over at the pink haired man, she stood as he continued to yell your name to the best of his ability, hospital staff trying to keep him still, Kakucho now getting into the mix aswell.

"Where are you going??" Takemichi called out to Hina who now made her way over to Sanzu, "Are you Haru?? Do you know Y/n?" She asked, the hospital staff trying to push her away, he didn't respond to her as he stared blankly, the blood loss really getting to him. "Haru if it's you, Y/n loves you! She loves you so please don't forget that!" She yelled as they wheeled him down the hallway of the hospital. "He has no pulse, we need to retrieve the bullet from him." Sanzu's consciousness slowly slipped away from him again, the only thing on his mind was you.

Hina sat in the waiting room, Takemichi stroking her back as she cried into her hands. You were in surgery, the doctors trying to save your life. While your doctors were trying to save your life, somewhere else in the hospital, they were attempting to save Sanzu's life as well. You never would've thought that one day both you and your boyfriend would be fighting for your lives at the same time.

"She's lost too much blood, we need to do a blood transfusion." The surgeon told the other staff. They removed the bullets from you, they were about to stitch you back up. The monitor next to you let out a long beep indicating that you were flatlining. "We need to hurry she's flatlining!" They weren't sure if you'd make it, there was a high risk.

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