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You get into Sanzu's car and he pulls out of the parking lot, his tires screeching a bit

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You get into Sanzu's car and he pulls out of the parking lot, his tires screeching a bit. He keeps his left hand on the steering wheel as his right hand rests on the window, his fingers rubbing his temples. He doesn't say a word as he just stares at the road ahead of him, driving over the speed limit. You sit stiff in your chair, it's almost as if the drunk feeling was now replaced by fear.

"You know..." Sanzu finally speaks causing you to glance over at him. He shakes his head. "I was gonna get laid tonight." he says as he glances at you and smirks at your disgusted reaction. "Yeah, well not anymore since you know you just had to go and get hit on by some creep." he says leaving you in disbelief. "So your saying this is my fault? Why'd you even shoot him anyways?" you ask glaring at him. "I'm just saying if you didn't go alone I wouldn't have had to come and save you- and also Bonten owns that club so I could do- or shoot whoever the fuck I want in there darling" he responds back. Just as you feared, Bonten did own the club. "I didn't ask you to fucking save me asshole." You say raising your voice and shake your head. "Who told you that you could raise your voice at me y/n?" he says speeding the car up.

"I'm not fucking scared of you Haruchiyo, matter of fact i honestly don't give a shit if you kill me after this, at least I won't have to take care of a grown ass man anymore." you scoff rubbing your temples. This causes Sanzu to laugh speeding up the car even more. "Slow down." is all you say. "What's wrong, you said you don't care if I killed you, I could do it right now and get it over and done with." he has a sadistic smirk on his face as he now weaves in and out of cars.

"Stop being such a fucking dick head and just drive me home!" you yell, his speed never decreasing. "No you'd rather fucking die than live with me any longer, so why don't I grant your wish for you sweetheart!" he replies, shouting back at you even louder, a wide grin on his face. You regretted saying that you didn't care if he killed you, maybe the alcohol was making you bolder. Tears started to run down your cheeks, you were pissed, tired, and a bit scared and his speed was making you nauseous as you were still intoxicated and you REALLY didn't feel like throwing up right now. "Sanzu slow the fuck down!" you scream, voice cracking from crying.

Suddenly his speed decreases. His eyes wide now as he stares at the road ahead. He hasn't heard you say his last name in god knows how long, it was always Haru or Haruchiyo... that's how he knew he fucked up. He listens to your sobs, regretting scaring you because he never wanted to make you cry, he was just mad, and your words did hurt. You leaned against the window, trying to calm yourself down, you know you might've been harsh, but he didn't have to do all that. At one point he opens his mouth to say something, but then stops himself.

The rest of the ride home was completely silent.

By the time you both got home, the man from earlier was sitting in the parking lot with your car. You run out of Sanzu's car, and jog over to your own. The man rolls down the drivers window and you lean down. "Hey thanks for driving my car back, I appreciate it." you tell him smiling, even though your eyes are red and puffy. "Of course, it's no problem." He smiles back and opens the door to get out. He hands you your keys. "I'm Kokonoi Hajime, but you could call me Koko." he says holding out his hand. "L/n F/n, you could just call me by my first name." you respond back, shaking his hand. You admire his a-little-longer-than-shoulder-length light hair.

He's very attractive
You think to yourself, lost in his appearance, and it seems he's lost in yours too. "Your very beautiful." he speaks suddenly, causing you to break out into a smile. "Thank you.... your very attractive as well." you tell him. He pulls out his phone. "Can I have your number?" he asks and you nod, taking his phone and putting your own number in it. You put your contact name in and hand it back to him. "Thank you." he says smiling. "I should get going, now my rides here." he speaks as you hear a car pull up. "Until next time, y/n." he gives you a wink before walking towards the car.

Sanzu was already inside the apartment. You were sorta anxious in the elevator going up until you hit floor 27. You hoped he was in his room so you wouldn't have to face him, after tonight you didn't really trust getting into a car with him anymore. Once you reached the apartment and opened the door, you didn't see him, his shoes were at the entrance though. You let out a sigh of relief, taking your shoes off. A small lamp was casting a bit of light into the living room. You shut it off and quickly and quietly jog over to your room, locking the door behind you once you get in.

You plop onto your bed sighing. This night was stressful, at least one good thing came out of it though, you even smiled at the thought of him. Kokonoi Hajime.
You kicked your feet a little, smiling at the thought of him. He had taken your mind off of Sanzu for a bit. Too exhausted to even move, you fall asleep in the same position you were in when you plopped down onto your bed. Kokonoi Hajime being the last thing on your mind before you had drifted off to sleep.

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