Painful Memories

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1 Week Timeskip

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1 Week Timeskip

It had been about a week since the whole situation with Sanzu. You guys hadn't really talked to each other much and he was bringing home girls everyday since. You stayed at Kokonoi's a few times over the past week as well when you didn't want to deal with all of the noise at home.

On a more positive note though, you and Hina spent more time together, you also revisited the pet shop a couple more times causing you to become friends with Chifuyu and Kazutora, you found yourself bonding more with Kazutora though. You now had both of their numbers and you guys would text sometimes.

Today you were going out with Kokonoi since he took the day off. He planned to take you to a nice little café and then a movie afterwards. You got ready and dressed in casual clothing since you weren't going anywhere fancy. Soon he texted you that he was outside of your apartment and you headed downstairs.

"Hi pretty." he says once you get into his car. He gives you a quick peck on the forehead. "Hii i'm excited for today, i've been waiting to see this movie for so long." you tell him smiling as you buckle your seat belt. "Then let's not take too long at the café, wouldn't want to keep you waiting any longer." he smirks as he drives off to your first destination.

You arrived at the café. It was small but nice and cozy inside, luckily it wasn't busy though. You both take a seat at a table next to the window, having a view of people passing by. "Here's the menu, get whatever you want." Kokonoi hands you a small laminated piece of paper. There were limited options, but they weren't that expensive. "Hmm I might just get a cup of tea and a few pieces of cake roll." you tell him as you slightly bite your bottom lip looking at the menu, still unsure of your decision.

"Mmm that sounds good, i'll get the same." He smiles at you as he pushes the menu over to the side. You both order and about 10 minutes later the food arrives. "This is so good i'm honestly glad you brought me here!" you mumble with cake roll in your mouth causing Kokonoi to laugh. "This should be our new spot from now on then." he sips his tea making eye contact with you and you nod. You guys talk over cake and tea until you finish and hurry to leave to get to the movie.

You guys decided to walk to the movies since the theater wasn't far from the café. It was a bit chilly outside but nothing you couldn't handle. "That place was cute, inexpensive, and had good food, overall a win win." you smile walking besides Kokonoi, he seemed a bit out of it though as if something was on his mind. "Koko?" you say waving your hand in front of him, he quickly glances over at you humming in response. "You okay? It's like there's something on your mind." you give a nervous laugh. He looks down at your right hand. "Where did you get that scar from?" he suddenly asks and you quickly cover your right hand with your left.

"I didn't notice it until we were eating, i'm not sure how I didn't since it's scarred across the top on your hand." You stay silent for a moment until you sigh. "Remember how I told you that i'm staying with Sanzu because I owed him for saving me once?" He nods and you look straight ahead as you continue to walk. "I had just started middle school, one day I left school early due to a rising fever. I was walking home and no one was around until suddenly three delinquents came across my path." you stopped talking suddenly and Kokonoi already knew where this was going.

"You don't have to continue-." "No it's fine." you dismiss his worry. "We crossed paths and they started harassing me, stealing my bag trying to find money and once they hadn't found anything they got mad. I felt like shit due to my fever and just wanted to get home so I ended up kicking the one who had my bag in the groin.... not really a smart decision because once I tried to run they pulled me back and basically slammed me onto the ground. They started to beat me up a little as punishment until someone interfered."

"I looked up to see a kid who looked my age, he had long blonde hair and somehow I immediately recognized him.... it was Haruchiyo, he must've been skipping school, I think he recognized me too and that's why he helped... at the time we hadn't talked in a long time because he had started getting involved with gang shit. Long story short he tried to fight off all three of them...." You looked down at the pavement below. "It didn't end well, two of them held him down and the next thing I know the third pulls out a pocket knife...." You sigh at the memory. "What i'm trying to say is on that day he got his scars. I couldn't do anything about it, I was in pain and sick and when I tried to stop him, he swung the blade up causing it to cut my hand. They left us both when they finished, I blacked out after that and when I woke up I was in the hospital, they said my fever had gotten much higher which was why I blacked out."

"Y/n...." Kokonoi speaks but says no more out of slight shock. "He hates his scars y'know.... I can't help but think that maybe if things went differently, if I somehow could've tried harder to stop them, or even if I just never left school early, maybe if I had even taken a different way back home dammit... now he has to live with them because of me. Of course looking at them sometimes reminds me of that day, but I don't find them ugly or repulsive, no, I think his scars are beautiful because they show who he truly is, someone who would put themself on the line for people they care about."

"He truly is brave, he would always tell me not to blame myself but it's kind of hard not to. That's why I feel I owe him big time, for saving my life and all of the pain he had to go through that I caused." You give Kokonoi a sad smile, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. "Would you blame me, Koko?" he suddenly pulls you into a tight hug. "Of course not Y/n.... it's not your fault I promise you it's not." he squeezes you tighter, a couple tears fall from your eyes as you hug him back.

After a few minutes of hugging in silence and Kokonoi gently stroking your back to comfort you, he pulls away. He swipes his thumb over your cheeks, drying your tears. "Come on, let's go watch the movie, you've been waiting a long time to see it right?" He gives you a kind smile and you nod smiling back. He takes your hand, giving it a small squeeze out of reassurance.

If only you had known this would be the last happy moment you had with him, you would've held his hand a little tighter.

a/n: Dw guys this was like the last chapter containing wholesome Koko content because in the next chapter it all goes downhill BUT also in the next chapter things go uphill with Sanzu, I mean of course since this is a Sanzu fanfic after all!

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