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The next day when you woke up Sanzu was already gone

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The next day when you woke up Sanzu was already gone. You woke up early too so you could make him breakfast, but it was too late. You thought it was a bit strange since he never really goes in this early, but you just shrugged it off.

You make yourself a bowl of cereal, turning on the TV to watch the news for the weather today as it looked cloudy. You see one of the same stories on the news which is about the gang Sanzu is in, Bonten. It made sense though seeing as how they were a very very dangerous group and the police couldn't even catch them.

You didn't really mind that Sanzu was out doing very illegal stuff, you just hoped he returned back safe everyday... you never admitted that to him though. You liked being stubborn with him and showing uninterest to get him back for constantly teasing you. He used to tease you and flirt with you so much back in high school that you developed a crush on him to which he reminded you that you guys are "just friends and will never be anything more than that."

After that he cut down a bit on the teasing and flirting, but he still continued a lot of it only this time he reminds you here and there how you guys are strictly just friends, or even just friend zoning you. It annoyed you but after that whole experience you learned not to take things he says to heart as he was only probably trying to get into your pants anyways.

You finished up your cereal and got ready to go head to the grocery store or to do some shopping.

Sanzu loved his job. He got to kill people and follow his boss Mikey. Whatever gang Mikey went to Sanzu would follow right behind him, showing his loyalty to Mikey. Many people weren't sure why he was so loyal to him, but they never questioned him.

"Sanzu!" one of his colleagues called to him. He turned to look towards his right seeing Haitani Ran calling him. He raised an eyebrow in question at the short haired man. "The piece of shit is in there." Ran replies pointing over to a door. "Try getting any answers out of him before you kill him you know?" Ran told him knowing that Mikey wouldn't want him getting killed right away.

Sanzu waved his hands in a 'yeah yeah i get it' manner. He quickly pulls a couple pills from his pants pocket, dropping them into his mouth and swallowing them. Ran hands him a revolver, making eye contact with Sanzu in the process and then watches the rosy pink haired man walk away. Once inside Sanzu notices the target on the ground, hands wrapped in chains that were cemented to the ground, a dirty rag in his mouth gagging him. Blood stained the wall behind him, taunting him that he would have the same fate as the other unlucky men that were held here.

Mikey is spotted sitting on a crate a little farther away, not facing the two men. "So, your the fucker who tried to kill one of our executives? You look wimpy and pathetic it makes sense you couldn't succeed." Sanzu speaks shaking his head in shame while pacing back and forth in front of the man. The man shakes his head aggressively, desperately wanting out of the situation. Sweat beads start building up on his temples and forehead as he looks at Sanzu with pleading eyes.

"That's nice but" Sanzu says, giving the man a swift kick to the nose, blood already starting to trickle down and onto the rag in his mouth. Sanzu squats in front of the man, gun in his right hand admiring its exterior. "I only like when women look at me with such pleading eyes." he says smirking to the man as he stands up delivering a shot to the mans foot causing the man to attempt a scream through the rag in his mouth. The sight makes Sanzu's eyes lighten up, seeing someone in front of him squirm in pain, his smirk turning into a wide crazed grin. His blue usually droopy eyes now filled with excitement and blood lust.

"Now trying to kill one of our executives isn't gonna roll here, so tell me first what gang your apart of." Sanzu reaches down and takes the rag out of the mans mouth. The man only pants heavily and repeats "please let me go" and "i can't tell you anything" over and over again. Sanzu rolls his eyes standing up now feeling anger boil inside him, and also upset that the mood was killed. The man goes on and on pleading and begging. Sanzu takes a deep breath in and turns the opposite direction of the man as his reaches his hands into his hair while closing his eyes, gun still in hand.

"Oh for fucks SAKE just shut the hell up already!" he quickly turns back around and aims the gun at the man all in one swift motion, his voice starting to raise. The man stops pleading and starts whimpering instead. "Your giving me a headache man just-" "kill him" Sanzu gets cutoff. "Just kill him." Is all that's said again. Sanzu's lips slowly curl into a huge smile again as he stares at the man, gun still pointing at him.

"Well you heard him man, and whatever Mikey says, goes." Sanzu tells the man, starting to laugh enjoying every second of what's happening. The mans eyes go wide as he starts trying to shuffle on the floor, but the chains hold him back. A stain is seen seeping through his jeans and Sanzu scrunches up his nose in disgust. "Wait no-"


the revolver finally goes off, cutting the man off from what he began to say. The bullet straight between his eyes as he went limp in the chains. Sanzu still keeping the same big grin on his face as he slowly lowers the gun. "God I love my job." he laughs putting his hands in his pockets and heading for the door he came into.

He opens the door and places his left arm in the doorway while swinging his head out to see if anyone was nearby. He spots another executive who is also Ran Haitani's brother; Rindou Haitani. "Yo Rindou, find someone to clean this shit up!" he calls making the pinkish-purple haired man look up at him. "Yeah yeah I got it." Rindou waves his hand walking away.

Sanzu then feels something brush past him. He looks down and sees Mikey walking away. "Might as well put a hold on the cleanup- we've still got more people to take care of." Mikey says but then suddenly stops in his tracks. He looks over his shoulder, his lifeless eyes staring straight into Sanzu's blue ones. "Or did you forget your working overtime tonight?" Mikey asks him but Sanzu only smiles and shakes his head. "Course not boss, can't wait to kill some more of those fuckers."

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