Happier Days

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3 day time skip: 3 days before the incident

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3 day time skip: 3 days before the incident.

Mitsuya texted you, he told you that your dress was ready so he wanted you to come by to try it on. You went back to your texts with Hina to get the address again, and once you arrived you went up the stairs to his office and knocked on the door. The door soon opened to reveal Mitsuya, who gave you a big smile. "Come in come in, this won't take long." He moved to the side allowing you to enter and once you got in you noticed no one else was there. It was just you and him.

"Is Yuzuha's dress done too?" You ask walking to the back where your dress was. He nodded, "She came by earlier with Hakkai and tried it on." He opens the curtain revealing your now completed dress. "Just try it on and call me if you need help with anything okay?" You nod in response as he closes the curtains to give you privacy and walks back to his desk. You walk up to the torso mannequin that held the dress.

You began to undress until you were only in your under garments. You slipped the dress off of its display and stepped into it, pulling it up your body. It fit you perfectly and was actually pretty comfortable, it wasn't too tight or loose at all meaning Mitsuya got your measurements perfect in one shot. You admired yourself in the standing mirror that was propped up against the wall in the room. The dress was beautiful and you looked and felt beautiful in it as well.

You wanted to send a picture to Sanzu so you picked your phone up, opening it to the camera and taking a mirror picture of yourself in the dress, sending it to Sanzu. You walked over to the curtains opening them and stepping out to show Mitsuya. He looked over from whatever he was looking at on his desk, a huge grin growing on his face as he stood up walking towards you.

"You look amazing Y/n! I knew the dress would look good on you.... does it fit right? Is anything uncomfortable?" He asked slightly concerned but you quickly shook your head dismissing his worries. "It's perfect, and it's actually kind of comfortable, you really know what your doing." He gives you a warm smile after your compliment. "Thank you, I love what I do so I have to do a good job if I wanna continue down this path." "I bet one day you'll be famous for what you do, designing clothes for models and getting your name out there, I could see that happening." He looks at you for a minute, taking your words into consideration. "Yeah.... maybe one day."

After you change out of the dress and back into your regular clothes, you say goodbye to Mitsuya as he waves you off, watching you leave his office and the building.

You look stunning babe, so glad you're all mine♥︎

You smile at the text displayed on your screen, typing out a message back.

I miss you, I cant wait for you to come home :(

Sanzu smiles down at his phone, ignoring the conversation happening in front of him.

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