Final Goodbyes

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You had already driven Hina back to her apartment

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You had already driven Hina back to her apartment. You told her about the whole situation with Draken, she seemed worried for him. She told you all about their friendship... you couldn't even imagine what he must've felt when you told him the news. You picked up dinner on your way home, once you arrived and got out of your car, Sanzu coincidentally pulled up as well.

You stood by the side of your car as you watched him step out of his, a huge grin on his face once he saw you. "Hi my love." He spoke as he walked over to you, planting a kiss on your lips. "Hey, you look happy... i'm guessing things with the Haitani's went well?" You asked and he nodded. "C'mon, let's go upstairs and i'll tell you all about it while we eat." He told you as he eyed the bag of takeout in your hand. You both headed upstairs, Sanzu eager to tell you about the good news.

Once you opened the door to your shared apartment, you kicked off your shoes and walked over to the kitchen with Sanzu following behind you. You set down the bag on the island and pulled out the food containers, Sanzu taking a seat while hungrily admiring the food in front of him. You soon sat down as well, Sanzu taking a few bites before speaking.

"So, I met with Rin and Ran right, and I talked to them about helping me find a job because blah blah blah.... well anyways they said they could help me get connections, they're gonna try to get me into a business, you know like the type where i'll have my own office and do all that work crap." He speaks with excitement in his tone. He began stuffing his mouth again. "Wow... that's great honestly but they're willing to help you without wanting anything in return?" You ask a bit skeptical.

He freezes for a moment from eating, his chewing stopping as well before he gulps it down. "Yup, nothing in return... I was actually surprised too but who am I to complain?" He tells you, he seemed hesitant though. "Haruchiyo." With just the use of his full first name from your mouth he sighs. "Fine fine.... the thing is i'm gonna have to do some work for Bonten again... but only for a little while I swear." You sigh as well now, turning in your chair to face him.

"Why do they need you back in Bonten? What'll you be doing Haru?" You ask a little frustrated, you thought he'd be done with Bonten for good, but then he got pulled back in. "I won't be killing anyone... i'll just be helping out a bit with the money they bring in. They don't have Koko anymore to do that shit so i'll be helping out for a little bit." He tries to reassure you. He places a hand on your thigh as he gives you a serious look.

"C'mon babe, it's the least I can do since they're helping me get a job." You rub your eyes before turning back to your food. "I don't even get why you need a job, you have a shit load of cash still from being with them." You shove some food in your mouth and he laughs a little. "I don't wanna be sitting home bored all day.... it's time to start acting like an adult." You look over at him and give him a small smile.

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now