Two Lovers

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"Hello Y/n

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"Hello Y/n... I think it's time to put an end to things once and for all."

He lifts his arm up, pointing the gun at you. "It's unfortunate things had to end like this, but you didn't listen to me." He spoke, your body shaking now out of fear. "Why.... Does he mean that much to you?? Your really willing to kill me just because you think i'm a distraction?" You spoke, your voice a little shaky as well. He said nothing for a moment, the gun still pointed at you and his finger lay on the trigger.

"Sanzu...." He spoke suddenly, "Sanzu is basically the only person I have left, the only person I can trust.... I won't let you take that away from me." "Why can't you see i'm not taking him away from you?! He's told me himself he'd never leave you, hell he'd even die for you!" You shout a little with tears starting to fall down your face.

"I can't take that chance Y/n.... i've lost everyone, i've lost everyone I love, I don't have a single person except for him. I don't have a bunch of friends to run around with like you do." Your eyebrows furrowed out of confusion. "What.... how did you know that-" "I've been following you around for the past week. Ive been watching you from a distance, all those people you get to hangout with.... I don't have that." He was starting to get mad.... maybe even a little jealous?

"You can try then, it's not too late for you..." Your voice quivered and he shook his head. "It's too late, but I chose this path for myself." He walked a few steps closer to you. "Aren't you afraid of Haru hating you for killing me?" You ask, trying anything to get out of this situation. "He won't know it was me... I can just frame someone and it'll work since he's so trusting of me." Your tears pour out more because you knew he was right, after your gone Sanzu would still be working with your murderer.

"You know what it's like to lose someone you love Mikey.... I love Haru.... he loves me too, and your just gonna split us apart?" You felt yourself giving up, your words not affecting him whatsoever. "Maybe in another life Y/n... just not this one. I hope you've enjoyed the time you've had with him so far, but this is it." You accepted his words at this point, you couldn't run because he'd end up finding you again eventually, maybe he was right.... maybe in another life you and Sanzu could be happy together.

"Goodbye, Mikey." You spoke, a small smile appearing on your face as you stared at him. "Goodbye, Y/n." and with that, two gunshots went off. A gunshot to your chest, and another to your stomach. You fell to the ground, blood starting to fill the inside of your mouth. It hurt, it really did. It wasn't just the gunshots you just obtained that hurt.... it was the fact that you'd never see him again that hurt.

You watched from the ground as Mikey stood for a second, watching you bleed out. He walked away soon though disappearing from your sight.

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now