Cheer Me Up

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The ambulance soon came, there was a cop car as well

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The ambulance soon came, there was a cop car as well. Takemichi was fine for the most part, they brought him to the nearest hospital and luckily he'd be good for his wedding in a couple days. You, Sanzu, And Kakucho were currently being questioned by the police as to what happened with Mikey. You were sat down on the sidewalk, your eyes fixated on the pavement below. You listened in silence as Sanzu was getting annoyed by all the questioning, Kakucho trying to calm him down while trying his best to respond to the questions so you all could leave.

"Did any of you push him? Maybe had a grudge against him and decided to get rid of him?" The cop asked, Sanzu throwing his arms up in the air. "I told you he fucking jumped, that's the end of it." Sanzu replied back, his temper growing. "Well what about her, she's awfully quiet." The officer tilted his head over in your direction. "Listen man, don't fucking accuse her of shit she's probably traumatized and you're being insensitive, this is why I can't stand you fuckers." The cop was about to respond to Sanzu's remark until Kakucho took over.

"He's got a point she just witnessed someone take their own life, we all witnessed it. If you have no further questions to ask us we'd like to get home, we've had a long night." Kakucho was a lot more composed than Sanzu, he just needed to make sure Sanzu wouldn't end up in a jail cell tonight due to how he was acting right now. The officer sighed, looking over at you once more. "Fine, i'll let you guys go. Have a safe ride back and uh, i'm sorry for your loss." He spoke to Kakucho before heading back inside his car.

Kakucho turned around to Sanzu who was facing in the opposite direction, trying to calm himself down. Kakucho sighed as he walked over to you, crouching down to your level once he reached you. "Hey, we should go meet Takemichi at the hospital." He spoke, his voice gentle. You looked up at him, "I have to tell Hina, she's probably worried right now..." You tell him and he nods. He stands back up, holding out his hand to you. You take his hand, finally getting up off of the sidewalk below.

"Sanzu, let's go!" He lets go of your hand before calling over to him, Sanzu turning around and walking towards the car. You gave Kakucho your keys as he got in the drivers seat, you and Sanzu in the back. None of you uttered a word as Kakucho drove you all to the hospital. You stared out of the window, the lights of Roppongi reflecting back at you. Once you had all reached the hospital you headed inside. By the time you arrived he was already stitched up, they called in antibiotics for him. They just needed to do a few more things before letting him go.

"Thank you for taking the bullet for me.... I would've been dead right now if you hadn't." You speak quietly. "Of course, if you had died... well I don't even want to imagine that." He told you. "Have you called Hina yet?" He asks you and you shake your head. "I was going to once I got here, maybe you should tell her yourself though." Takemichi nods and  you open your phone to Hina's contact, handing the device to him. There was only one ring until Hina picked up.

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