A New Friend

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Sanzu's eyes flutter open as the sunlight peeking into his room slightly blinds him, causing him to squint his eyes

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Sanzu's eyes flutter open as the sunlight peeking into his room slightly blinds him, causing him to squint his eyes. He sits up holding his head and groaning, but then he notices he's not alone. He slowly turns his head to see you fast asleep. His eyes widen as he quickly peaks under the blankets to make sure your still clothed, and sighs in relief when he sees that you are.

"What the fuck happened last night?" he asks himself as he walks to the bathroom to grab an advil or two. He pops them in his mouth, swallowing them quickly. As he walks to the kitchen to get some breakfast quick, he stops in his tracks, the memories of last night flooding back into his mind.... you finding him at the beach, you crying, the kiss, you guys going home, him asking you to lay with him, and then him confessing to you that he was jealous of Koko and that he needed you.

The pink haired man groans as he runs his hands through his hair. "Fuck! Shit Haru..." he silently yells dragging his hands down his face. "I need to distance myself from her.... that can't happen again." he tells himself as he walks over to the kitchen, texting Ran to pick him up as his car was still at the beach.

You wake up in Sanzu's bed, the morning rays greeting you once you woke up. The bed felt empty as you looked around to see Sanzu wasn't there. You stretch and then get out of the bed.

"Haru?!" you yell walking around the apartment looking for him. You don't find him anywhere so you guessed he went to work.... but he didn't have his car so how?" You speed walk over to the front entrance to where the key rack was and notice your keys were still there. You jog to your room where you had left your phone last night and text Sanzu.

Haru how did you get to work I was going to drive you back to the beach remember?

5 minutes go by and you receive a text back:

One of my colleagues drove me to get my car, didn't want to wake you

You didn't really question it. You remember you had a lead for him and quickly send him the information you had found and set your phone down to make some breakfast.

Sometime late in the day you decide to go out just to get out of the house as you had grown bored. You get dressed into something casual and head out.

You went to the shopping plaza, just to mostly look around and then treat yourself to lunch. You walk into a clothing store and admire their large selection. You walk over to the nearest section by the door, looking through the articles of clothing. You were too focused admiring a sweater to notice another woman come up next to you.

"That would look cute on you! You should get it!" You slowly look over to where the voice was coming from which was right next to you, there stood a light brown haired woman. She was wearing a four leaf clover necklace and had a couple pieces of clothing draped over her arm. She gave you a bright smile as you admired her features.... she was beautiful.

27th Floor | Sanzu Haruchiyo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now