[ Chapter 2 ]

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The members sat in their living room, only Jungkook wasn't there. They were all talking about how you had risked your life only to save Jungkook, willing to get hurt instead.

"아미는 정말 대단하다. (Army's are really amazing.)" Hoseok said with a sigh. "그 소녀는 정국을 안전하게 지키기 위해 기꺼이 상처를 입었습니다. 나는 그 여자와 그렇게 할 의향이 있는 다른 사람을 바라봅니다. (That girl was willing to get hurt only to keep Jungkook safe. I look up to that woman and any other that are willing to do that.)" He added, leaning back on the couch.

"좋은 여자야. 최소한 정국이가 그녀를 보러 갔으면 좋겠다. (She is a nice girl. I really hope that at least Jungkook can go see her.)" Namjoon heaved a sigh. Seokjin got up and headed to Jungkook's bedroom, knocking softly on the door. "정국아, 들어가도 돼? (Jungkook-ah, can I come in?)" Seokjin said in a sweet, quiet tone. Loud enough for Jungkook to hear.

A quiet '예(yes)' was heard, Seokjin's hand gently grabbing the doorknob and pushing the door open after twisting it. There laid a clean Jungkook on the bed, his back facing the door.

"자신을 청소 했습니까? (Did you clean yourself up?)" Seokjin asked after making his way inside and closing the door. When the members had reached their dorms, Seokjin sent Jungkook to clean himself up and put some clean clothes on.

Seokjin's heart shattered when he grabbed the bloody shirt before he threw it in the washer 30 minutes ago. They wanted to give Jungkook some time alone since they knew he liked dealing with his feelings alone, but, they still checked on him every 5-10 minutes. Jungkook nodded in response to Seokjin's question, heaving a shaky sigh.

"응, 나는 했어. 태형이가 더러워진 옷을 가져왔지? (Yes, I did. Taehyung brought you the dirty clothes, didn't he?)" Jungkook replied in a quiet tone. As he spoke, Seokjin had made his way to his side and sat down on the bed, intertwining his hands together while leaning forward a bit.

"어렵다는 거 알아. 당신은 이런 일이 당신에게 일어날 것이라고 결코 기대하지 않습니다. 하지만 약속할게, 당신이 그녀를 볼 수 있게 하려면 무엇이든 해볼게. (I know it's hard. You never expect things like this to happen to you. But I promise, I'll try anything for you to be able to see her.)" Seokjin said, glancing at Jungkook.

He finally noticed the red, puffy eyes, along with his snotty nose, and his trembling lips. Jungkook's eyes slowly trailed to connect with Seokjin's, a sob escaping his lips.

"그것은 내 잘못이야. 그녀는 내가 아니었다면 다치지 않았을 것이다. (It's my fault. She wouldn't have gotten hurt if it wasn't for me.)" He whimpered. Seokjin reached over and caressed his head in a father-like manner, leaning down and hugging him tightly.

"알아. 그러나 그것은 당신의 잘못이 아닙니다. (I know. But it is not your fault.)" He whispered. Jungkook hugged Seokjin in need of his comfort, he needed his older brother.

After a few hours passed, some of the members were asleep and others were awake in their rooms. Some were unable to sleep due to the worry of what happened to you after they got you in the ambulance.

Jungkook was one of them, who was sitting on his bed staring at nothing. His stomach growled in hunger, making him heave a sigh. "배고파... (I'm hungry...)" He muttered to himself.

He slowly got up and tiredly headed to the kitchen, trying not to make too much noise for the members who were asleep. Once in the kitchen, he glanced at what Seokjin had cooked.

He had prepared some chicken stew, rice, and grilled meat. But there was a bowl covered with plastic wrap on one side filled with Jajjangmyeon noodles, a post-it note on top.

'배고픈 줄 알고 주문했어요. 잘먹어요~ -JM (I knew you would get hungry so I ordered this for you. Eat well~ -JM)'

A small smile grew on Jungkook's lips at the small note Jimin had left for him. He was the best Hyung he could ask for. He carefully discarded the plastic wrap off the plate and threw it away, picking up some chopsticks and instantly digging in.

While he chewed the first bite, he stared down at the food and sighed, swallowing. "그녀는 먹을 수 있었을까요? (Would she be able to eat?)" He muttered to himself. With another sigh, he continued eating from the noodles, taking a few pieces of the grilled meat that was left from Seokjin's cooking.

Once he was finished eating, he placed the bowl away and put the chopsticks in the sink. After heading back to his room, he went into his bathroom and brushed his teeth before getting in bed and taking his phone.

Thousands of posts were on Weverse, Twitter, Google, Facebook, everywhere. They were all about you and how you jumped in front of him to stop the bullet from hitting him.

'Such a brave girl!' - btsarmy324

'She is the best representation of ARMY.' - jungkookslays

'I hope she is okay. Hopefully, the boys will try to find the culprit.' - jjangjjangmanbongbong

Jungkook sighed and turned the screen off, closing his eyes. "I'm sorry..." He whispered, deeply hoping he could see you right now.

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