[ Chapter 11 ]

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You sat in the new room that belonged to you, your things all in their respective spots and clothes inside the closet

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You sat in the new room that belonged to you, your things all in their respective spots and clothes inside the closet. You looked around, still unable to believe what was happening.

You were meant to stay 3 months at their place, where you would spend time with them, and be through their daily routine from up close.

"Y/n? May I come in?" You heard Namjoon's voice from outside the door. You looked up at the door and got up, going to the door and opening it.

"Hey, we are about to have dinner. You can come if your hungry." He said once the door was open and you came in sight, his lips curving up into a smile.

You smiled softly and shook your head, "Thank you but I'm not hungry. Fans made me do some cardio today so I'll head early to bed." You replied.

He let out a soft 'Ah', understanding what you were talking about. "Yeah, ARMY can be like that sometimes." He chuckled. He reached over and patter your head cutely, making you giggle before he pulled his hand away.

"Okay then. We'll leave you some food out so you can eat in case you wake up in the middle of the night hungry." He added, bowing his head softly before walking away.

As you were about to close the door, you heard a pair of footsteps echo up the hallway to your room. "So, you're not going to eat now?" Jungkook's voice echoed.

You widened your eyes and opened the door a bit to see Jungkook there, a soft look in his eyes. "Ah, I'm not hungry. I'm just tired and I want to change my bandages and go to bed." You replied.

He pointed inside the room, asking for permission and you granted him, opening the door fully. He walked in and you closed the door, turning to find him examining the room.

"I like how you've put everything away already." He said softly, glancing at you over his shoulder. You blushed softly as you went to his side, smiling. "Yeah... I wanted to put everything away at once." You replied.

Silence fell over the two of you, simply looking around the room while standing side by side. You turned to look at him one moment and noticed he was looking at you, his eyes examining your features.

Your lips parted slightly as you stared at each other, a few inches of space between your hands. His fingers gently grasped yours before the door opened, the two of you turn to look, his hand long gone.

"There you are! Sorry for bursting in like this Y/n but Jungkook disappeared out of nowhere." Jimin said, chuckling softly. Jungkook looked at you, giving you a smile before sighing.

"I'm here, Hyung. I was about to go back." He said, making his way to Jimin. "Stop bothering Y/n, she needs rest," Jimin replied, pushing him out of the room before waving to you.

"The room looks amazing!" He exclaimed before closing the door. You chuckled softly before sighing and turning around, facing the bathroom. You headed inside and heard the door of the room adjacent to the bathroom close.

Two rooms were connected to one bathroom. You pulled out the medkit you brought for the bandages you had to change and pulled your shirt up, tucking it underneath your sports bra.

You tried to carefully pull apart the bandage that was stuck over your wound with some paper tape. You hissed when you tried pulling it, groaned every time the shirt fell, and covered your hands and visibility of the wound.

The door to the other room soon opened, revealing Jungkook there. Your head had snapped up the moment the door opened, your eyes slightly wide. "Sorry, I heard you were struggling with something." He said, pointing to your hands.

"And I imagined it was probably the bandages." He added after. You blushed heavily while he closed the door and headed to you, helping you up on the counter.

"I'll help you." He said quietly, his eyes staring right into yours before turning to your stomach. He carefully lifted the shirt enough for only the bandage and your stomach to show, letting you hold it.

He then carefully worked on pulling the tape off, drawing a few hisses out of you and a sorry out of him at each hiss. His eyes were deeply focused on taking care of said bandage, carefully pulling it off.

You watched him deeply. His lips were bitten between his teeth, eyebrows furrowed, and eyes slightly narrowed. His fingers barely touched your skin, being too scared to hurt you even if it was the smallest touch.

"Done." He said, looking up at you. You glanced down to see a brand new bandage over your wound, small pieces of paper tape on the corners and sides.

You looked up at him and noticed him staring, a soft blush creeping up your cheeks as he smiled cutely. "Thank you." You said, pulling the shirt back down. He helped you off the counter, his hands gently on your waist.

Your hands rested on his shoulders, slowly stepping down onto the ground and sliding off the counter, looking up at him again. The small distance made you both freeze, his eyes never leaving yours.

His hands gently caressed your sides, eyes glancing down at your lips and back to your eyes. Soon enough, he sighed and chuckled, pulling away.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make this awkward." He said.

You both blushed and looked away from each other, silence falling between you once again, just like in the bedroom.

He let out a soft giggle, "I-uh... I haven't had dinner yet. The hyungs went to bed, so, we can have dinner together if you'd like." He suggested.

You smiled and nodded, having begun feeling hungry a few minutes ago. "Yeah, sounds great." You replied, letting him guide you to the kitchen.

He gently took your hand in his with a smile, pulling you inside his room.

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