[ Chapter 79 ]

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After Jungkook's help when the baby was kicking, you decided to go into the bedroom and rest for a bit, have a nap

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After Jungkook's help when the baby was kicking, you decided to go into the bedroom and rest for a bit, have a nap. All the work you did tired you easily and you wanted to have a nap, even Jungkook urging you to do so. You got into a comfy pajama set that Jungkook bought for you that said 'Baby momma' on the chest part of the top, a baby sewed onto the stomach part.

You found the pajamas adorable and they were comfortable as well. You got into the bed and hugged Jungkook's pillow close, covering yourself with the blanket before closing your eyes and slowly falling into a sweet sleep.

After a few hours, you woke up in the afternoon, yawning and stretching in the bed, feeling a bit better and rested after that sweet nap. You carefully got off the bed, hearing Jungkook's voice echoing through the house. You exited the room to find him standing in the middle of the room, phone to his ear.

"I don't know. I want it to be a surprise and something special. I don't want to do it suddenly, you know?" He stated with a small sigh, turning around after he sensed someone watching him. He widened his eyes, smiling at you before he turned to the phone again. "Hey, Y/n is awake so I will hang up now." He said, hanging up in a rush and turning to you again. "Hey, baby. Did you sleep well?" He asked softly while he made his way to you.

You nodded as you sleepily rubbed your eyes, leaning into his arms once he was in front of you. He smiled at your adorable state, picking you up bridal style and taking you to the couch. He sat down with you on his lap sideways, caressing your back and belly softly. "Did the little bunny let you sleep?" He asked sweetly, earning a nod from you. "Hm, good." He said with pouted lips, slightly teasing your sleepy state.

You leaned your head on his chest and sighed, keeping your eyes closed. "Who were you talking to?" You whispered. "Jimin hyung. He wants to surprise his girlfriend since their anniversary is soon but he doesn't know how." He replied, making you look at him in confusion. "And why are you supposed to surprise her?" You asked, catching him off-guard.

"Well, she is like a sister to me, and I want to gift her something special... and to surprise her properly. He wanted us to just drop by his apartment and wish them a happy anniversary." He explained, gulping while he stared at you with slightly wide eyes.

You hummed, not paying much attention to what he said and sighing. You laid your head on his chest and nodded, "Okay. We can head to a gift store and buy them something that can be special to them." You said, yawning softly.

Jungkook sighed in relief and nodded back, patting your back softly. "Why don't you go and change while I order us some food and get a movie set up, hm?" He said softly. You looked up at him and hummed, "Yeah, sounds good. I'll use the moment to take a shower as well." You replied.

After getting up with his help, you headed to the bathroom to shower, hearing Jungkook sigh in relief again behind you as you entered your bedroom. You prepared clothes for yourself and finally headed to shower.

About half an hour later, you walked into the bedroom to find Jungkook changing into some jeans and a black shirt, turning to look at you. "Oh, hey. Small change of plans." He said with a nervous chuckle, fiddling with the shirt he was going to put on.

You gulped as you stared at his naked chest for a bit. "W-What happened?" You said as you headed to the bed, holding the towel around your body with one hand. "Well, the boys came... with their girlfriends..." He said slowly, scratching his nape.

"Oh... So no movie night?" You asked with a small pout. You heard some shuffling before feeling Jungkook's arms around your waist, hugging you from behind. "We can still have it but with them. Or I can ask them to leave-" You shook your head and looked at him, staring into his soft eyes.

"No, it's okay. It's been a while since we've seen them anyways. And I'd love to meet their girlfriends too." You said quickly before he could start feeling bad, knowing this man better than yourself. "It's fine, I swear." You reassured him.

He sighed in relief and nodded, sweetly kissing you. "Well, they are here. We should go once you're ready." He said against your lips. You smiled into the kiss, your hand moving to the back of his head and humming. "We might be doing something else if we keep this going." You whispered with a giggle.

Jungkook pulled back ad he chuckled, looking deeply into your eyes and humming. "Well, them or your pregnancy doesn't stop me from doing it." He whispered teasingly, leaning down to your neck and nibbling on it playfully which made you squeal and laugh. You patted his cheek when he pulled away, a wide smile on his lips.

"You make me the happiest." He whispered, leaning his forehead on yours. "I know... And you make me the happiest." You whispered back, closing your eyes for a bit. After a minute of enjoying each other's warmth, you finally pulled away and he helped you get dressed.

You both entered the living room to find the biys with their respective girlfriends, smiling at you as you walked in. "There you two are, the soon-to-be parents!" Hoseok said happily, making everyone chuckle.

"Hi, my name is Brianna. I'm Hobi's girlfriend." The girl beside Hobi introduced herself, offering her hand to you in a respectful greeting. You took it, shaking it sweetly before turning to Namjoon and your best friend, the two holding hands.

"Well, well. It seems our matchmaking worked out after all." You teased, Sena slapping your arm playfully. "Shush, you, the one who didn't want to go with Jungkook in the first place." She replied, the 4 of you laughing softly while you hugged Sena close.

After pulling away, you turned to Yoongi, who brought his girlfriend Aria. A really sweet yet shy girl. Jimin, Taehyung, and Seokjin brought their girls as well, all just as sweet as the rest. You spent time getting to know the girls, both genders separated into groups as you talked about your things and the boys about theirs.

It had been half an hour when you heard Jungkook clear his throat, making you look to the center of the room where he was standing, Jimin nudging him to go on. "I-I... Ehem... Y-Y/n, can you come for a second?" He said softly.

You furrowed your eyebrows and smiled at his adorable state, heading to him with a giggle. "What is it?" You asked, glancing to see everyone standing around you with soft smiles.

Jungkook took a deep breath and smiled at you, "It has been a year since I saw you at that meet and greet. Since you jumped in front of me and took a bullet to save me. That day, you risked your life and saved me, because you didn't want to see me hurt." He began, taking your hands in his.

"Then, you tried to leave but couldn't because your love for me was holding you back. We grew apart but grew together and stronger than before. Then you met my family... Got the amazing news that you were pregnant..." He chuckled, making you smile wider as tears grew in his and your eyes.

"But from the beginning- I knew - That we were meant to be. That you were my Mrs. Jeon. That's why..." He said slowly, letting out a sniffle as he dug something from his pocket, slowly lowering down on one knee. You gasped softly and sobbed, covering your mouth with your hands as he fiddled with the tiny black box, looking up at you and slowly opening it.

"I was wondering... Will you marry me?" He asked offering his free hand for you to take it. You sobbed heavily and uncontrollably, nodding your head in response the moment he finished talking. "Yes! Yes, I will marry you." You whimpered, placing your hand on his. The boys and girls cheered and clapped, some of them recording the moment as Jungkook slid the ring on your finger.

He stood up and instantly hugged you as close as possible, burying his face in your neck, his hands caressing your entire back while holding you close. "I thought you would say no..." He whimpered.

"I would be crazy to say no to you." You said, causing Jungkook to giggle to which you joined in. The boys joined in the hug as the girls did the same, having a big group hug filled with congratulations and cheering.

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