[ Chapter 6 ]

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It has been a few days

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It has been a few days.

Jungkook has been visiting Y/n every day, making sure to bring her plenty of food and snacks. She also got her a sketching book and some other things to keep herself entertained.

At the moment, they were both drawing together in silence. Y/n kept her eyes focused on the book while Jungkook glanced at her from time to time, a soft shy smile on his lips.

Y/n yawned slightly, taking the open banana milk bottle and sipping some of it. For the last couple of days, she had loved Jungkook's care and kindness he had shown her.

She enjoyed his presence and she could see their relationship growing closer to a nice, small friendship. She leaned back against her pillows, hissing when she felt her wound hurt a bit.

Jungkook instantly put his book down and went to her, "Does it hurt? Want me to talk to the doctor?" He asked worriedly.

She looked up and shook her head, giggling at his worry. "No, it's fine. I just pulled it a bit." She replied. Jungkook helped her sit closer to the pillows by carefully lifting her and pulling her towards the pillows.

She thanked him quietly before looking down at her notebook, hiding the drawing from him. It was only halfway done but he could still see that she was drawing him.

He went back to his chair and sat down with a sigh. His phone began ringing and he quickly pulled it out, noticing it was Seokjin. "응 석진이 형? (Yes, Seokjin hyung?)" He said once he answered.

"아니, 그녀는 아직 여기 있다. 우리는 단지 그림을 그리고 있었습니다. 왜요? (No, she is still here. We were just drawing. Why?)" He said once more.

"아, 알겠어. 그럼 빨리 갈게. (Ah, I see. I'll be there as soon as possible.)" He said with a sigh, a pout growing on his lips. Y/n hugged the notebook close to herself with a small pout on her lips too, having understood what happened.

Once he hung up, he heaved another sigh, looking at Y/n with sad eyes. "You have to go..." She said, a tone of sadness in her voice. Jungkook nodded, tucking away a strand of hair that had fallen from his small man bun.

"I'm sorry. Seokjin hyung just called me to say we have to rehearse since we have an upcoming show and comeback around the corner." He explained, standing up from the chair and beginning to gather his things.

She closed her sketchbook and nodded, smiling up at him. "I understand. You have your responsibilities." She said in an understatement.

"I'm sorry for being a burden." She added after. Jungkook quickly snapped his head to her, eyes slightly wide. "Ani, I mean, no. You are not a burden at all." He quickly responded.

"It was my choice to come and ignore my responsibilities. You're my top responsibility right now." He said. She widened her eyes at his words, Jungkook just then realizing what he had said.

His own eyes widened and his heart sped up, a blush creeping upon his cheeks. "I-I mean- because you're hurt- and I need to take care of you- and-" He cut himself off, chuckling embarrassed.

She looked down shyly, nodding her head. "Yeah, I understand." She giggled in response. "You should go. We don't want Seokjin to be mad at you." She added.

Jungkook went closer to you after having gathered his stuff, putting the sketchbook on the table by your bed. "I'll come tonight or tomorrow morning okay?" He said.

She nodded her head and looked up at him, his eyes lingering on hers for a bit before he sighed and smiled widely. "Bye." He said quietly, waving his hand a bit.

She waved a bit back and watched him exit the hospital room, heaving a sigh once he was gone. "And now I'm all alone." She mumbled.

She laid back down and stared at the ceiling, her head soon turning to the sketchbook he had left on the table. She reached for it and opened it, the drawing making her eyes widen.

It was a drawing of her while she was drawing. Her features and everything was well detailed, bringing tears to her eyes.

What made it even better was that Jungkook drew it. Out of everything he could have drawn, he chose to draw her. Soon, she noticed a small note scribbled on the right, low corner.

'A pretty girl like you also deserves a drawing. Thank you for saving me. -JK ♡'

She giggled softly at the note, sniffling as a few tears fell down her cheeks. She wiped them away and caressed where his handwriting was.

"You're welcome, Jungkookie." She whispered to herself, continuing to admire the drawing.

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