[ Chapter 52 ]

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After the pool party, the 7 boys and you sat calmly in the different pools inside the pool floor in the hotel

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After the pool party, the 7 boys and you sat calmly in the different pools inside the pool floor in the hotel. Some were in the warmer pool to relax, some in the bigger one doing laps, and Jungkook and you were in the jacuzzi by the warm pool.

"Did you have fun today?" He asked as you climbed inside. He was already in, sitting on the stone seats inside the water. You hummed as he pulled you towards him and hugged you, making you sit on his lap.

"Mhm, I did." You replied, your arms moving to be on your shoulders and your hands in his wet hair. He smiled when you ran your hand through his hair, pushing his hair back.

It made your heart skip a beat at how handsome he looked, completely mesmerizing to you. "I'm happy you did. Jimin seemed to be happy too." He said, leaning his head back against the wall.

"Really? That's good to know." You said with a giggle, hugging him close as you let the warm water relax you, feeling his body press into your more when he pulled you closer.

"I can't wait for us to go on the trip with my parents. It will be exciting." He said quietly, his hands caressing your back inside the water. "I am excited too." You replied.

"What plans do you have?" You asked as you sat up again, lifting yourself to sit beside him but stopping when his hands grabbed your hips and pulled you down. "No, stay. I like it when you're on top of me." He said quietly, smirking at you when your eyes widened slightly and your cheeks turned slightly red.

You slapped his chest, the two of you sharing a chuckle. He hummed after as he leaned his head back once more, looking around the place. "Honestly, I don't know. I still have to talk to my brother about it." He said with a soft sigh, looking at you again.

"I do have lots of plans for us though." He said with a grin, leaning in and placing a soft peck on your lips. You moved your hands to his cheeks and pulled him in for a longer kiss, humming quietly. "I think I can guess what those plans are." You whispered against his lips before getting off of him, earning a whine from him.

"I am hungry. I wanna go back to the hotel room and shower." You said while pecking his lips which were now pouted. "I don't want you to go." He said with pouty lips. "I'm hungry though." You said with pouted lips too. 

He chuckled as he gave in to your pouty lips. "Okay, okay. I'll spend some more time with my hyungs and you can head to the room to shower. I'll be there in a few minutes." He said as he stood up as well. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed you deeply, dipping you slightly to the side which made you giggle into the kiss, his hand grabbing your thigh and pulling it closer to his waist.

"You're lucky Jimin hyung is coming for dinner." He whispered as he pulled away, making you widen your eyes and hit his arm when he smirked down at you, straightening you up before getting out of the jacuzzi. You watched him go with a shy smile, biting your lower lip and giggling to yourself before heading off to the elevator while drying yourself up.

It had been half an hour since you had gone up to your room. You had showered, currently sitting in your bedroom with your phone in hand, texting Sena. You truly missed that woman and you were planning on going to visit her the moment you returned to Seoul.

You heard the door to the hotel room unlock, along with three voices echoing as they laughed, entering the room. "Baby! Were here." Jungkook called out softly, the two other voices instantly mocking him for calling you baby. 

You put your phone down and went to the living room where the boys were, bags with food and 2 boxes of pizza occupying their hands.

You giggled as you went to Taehyung and Jungkook who had the pizza boxes, taking them from the boys. "What's with all this food?" You asked with a giggle, carrying the pizzas to the table in the room. "Well, we are all very hungry and it's our last night here," Taehyung replied with a chuckled.

"Oh, we are leaving tomorrow?" You asked in surprise, Jimin and Taehyung looking at Jungkook with a small chuckle. "He didn't tell you?" Jimin asked in surprise too.

"I was just caught up with... things..." Jungkook replied with a blush on his cheeks, smiling shyly as he placed the bag with drinks that he was carrying on the table.

"Yeah, as if we don't have girlfriends and know what you mean." Taehyung teased, making the maknae blush even more. Jungkook cleared his throat, taking the drinks out of the bag as he avoided everyone's eyes.

"Ohh~ So it is that. You've been too busy having sex." Taehyung said, a chuckle leaving him once Jungkook glared at him. You blushed a bit too, feeling Jimin's eyes on you.

"How is he? Good enough?" Jimin asked this time. "Y-Yeah. He's great." You replied, blushing deeper when Jimin nudged Jungkook proudly. "That's my boy. If you achieve to pleasure a woman, then you've won in life." He joked, the 4 of you chuckling together.

You all then sat down and began pulling the food out, displaying it in the middle of the big table so everyone could eat a bit of everything. "So, we are heading home tomorrow. What are your plans?" Jimin asked you, taking a pizza piece and taking a bite of it.

You hummed in thought as you ate some steak, "I was planning on seeing my friend Sena. It's been a while and it feels like I've abandoned her." You said with a chuckle, smiling sadly.

"What about you?" You asked back, glancing at Jimin and Taehyung. "I was planning on visiting my girlfriend while we are on a break," Taehyung replied with a soft smile.

"With our schedule and stuff, I haven't had the chance to see her lately." He added, a small pout on his lips as he took a bite of pizza and munched on it.

"I am planning to visit my family in Busan," Jimin replied, giving you and Jungkook a smile. "Jungkook told me you were going to have a trip with his family so can go out once you visit Busan." He added, smiling warmly at you.

"It will be really exciting. I can't wait for my parents and brother to meet her." Jungkook said with a smile, taking your hand in his and giving it a soft squeeze.

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