[ Chapter 8 ]

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"소식이 있나요? 그녀를 찾았니? (Any news? Did you find her?)" Hoseok asked as he walked into Jungkook's room

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"소식이 있나요? 그녀를 찾았니? (Any news? Did you find her?)" Hoseok asked as he walked into Jungkook's room. He had been trying, really trying for the past week.

He looked through books, tried speaking to her doctor, to the nurse, and nothing. They couldn't give him anything to be able to contact you.

He knew that in Korean they were strict with this stuff, but he didn't know it was that much. "아니, 형. 아무것도 아님. (No, hyung. Nothing.)" Jungkook replied, resting his head on his hands as he stared down at the table.

"더 이상 어디를 봐야할지 모르겠어, 형. 그녀를 찾는 것은 불가능합니다. (I don't know where to look anymore, hyung. It's impossible to find her.)" He sighed, a few tears blurring his vision as he bit his lips together.

"아미에게 도움을 청해야 할 때라고 생각합니다. (I think it's time we ask for ARMY's help.)" Hoseok said with a chuckle, heading to his side and squeezing his shoulder comfortingly.

"우리가 그녀를 찾을거야. 확실해. (We'll find her. I'm sure.)" Hoseok said. Jungkook looked up at him with his teary eyes, sighing softly as his lips tremble.

"한국에 없으면 어떡하지, 형? 그녀가 휴가를 위해 여기에 와서 그 순간을 우리의 만남에 온다면 어떨까요? (What if she isn't in Korea, hyung? What if she came here for vacation and used the moment to come to our meet?)" Jungkook asked, looking at the drawing you had made him which he had framed and put on his desk.

"우리가 그녀를 찾지 못할 것 같아요. (I don't think we'll find her.)" He said, giving up on searching for you.

But Hoseok, he wasn't going to let his maknae feel like that and give up so easily. He left his room and headed to the living room where Jimin, Namjoon, and Yoongi were.

He told them the plan. To tell ARMY's to look for you. To look for Y/n L/n, anywhere in Korea or outside Korea. They had many fans and he was sure that they would do anything to help Jungkook find her.

Once Jimin understood the plan, he went to Taehyung's room and told him while Namjoon went to Seokjin in the kitchen and explained it to him too.

Jungkook heard the whole commotion and came out of his room after wiping his cheeks, noticing everyone in the living room with their phones.

Some were on Twitter, others were on Weverse, some were planning to start a normal VLive and mention that they are looking for you some time on the live.

Jungkook stood there as he watched his hyungs with sparkling eyes as they talked to each other, announcing what each of them was going to do.

He felt his heart warm up at the sight, feeling so damn lucky to have hyungs like him. "정국아, 와서 도와줘. 그녀가 어떻게 생겼는지 상기시켜주세요. (Jungkook-ah, come and help us. Remind us what she looks like.)" Namjoon said, patting the empty seat beside him.

Jungkook went to his side slowly and sat down, staring at his hands on his knees and fiddling with his fingers. He took a deep breath before he started telling them.

He told them your eye color, your face, the weight you seemed to have, your height, your skills, and what he thought you worked in. He explained everything he remembered. The way you spoke, what your smile was like, what your personality was like.

He unconsciously smiled when he was explaining all of that, the members smiling at each other while Jungkook's eyes began to sparkle. All of them noticed you had made a mark on his life in some way, and they loved that Jungkook was like that towards a girl.

You had really made an impact if he was willing to go through thick and thin just to find you and see you for one last time. Once everyone was done discussing what they were going to do, they went straight to their rooms and began working on it, not caring if they were going to practice the next day and needed rest that night.

They were willing to do anything for their maknae, especially if it involved a woman.

"Y/n? There's news about ARMY's looking for some girl BTS is looking for." Sena said as you two sat on your desks at the office the next day. You widened your eyes slightly, "Really? Did they say what girl they are looking for?" You asked, leaning over to look at her desk and her. "No, not really. They just said that BTS was looking for this girl that they met, even gave her features and everything." Sena said with a chuckle.

You leaned back on your chair with a sad smile. You wondered if it was you they were looking for, after all, you forgot to give them any contact number and the hospital wouldn't give you Jungkook's. But you didn't think they would go through all that trouble, even bringing ARMY around to look for you.

With a sigh, you looked at the time and saw it was nearly time for your shift to end, gathering your purse and stuff. Sena waved your way when you stood up, her eyes still glued on the pc screen as she read something very intently. "Well, keep me updated." You said before biding goodbye and heading to the exit.

"These details surprisingly fit Y/n eonnie." She whispered to herself, her eyes widening when the details lastly mentioned 'gunshot wound on the lower abdomen'. She choked on her saliva as she realized it was definitely you who everyone was talking about.

She quickly replied to one of the ARMY's saying she knew you and how to contact BTS to tell them she found you. Of course, it would take some time. But she was determined to help you connect with BTS again.

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