[ Chapter 44 ]

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You sat by your desk, putting some soft cream on your face

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You sat by your desk, putting some soft cream on your face. After the sweet dinner between you and Jungkook, and his question, you both headed to your rooms to get ready for bed.

You both wanted to take it slow before being like you were before, not wanting to force yourselves on being close when you barely looked at each other 2 days ago.

You giggled quietly at the video you were watching, a compilation of BTS moments from Run BTS. You gently patted your face while smiling, looking into the mirror only to see Jungkook's reflection from where he was leaning on the doorway with a smile.

You blushed as you paused the video and turned off the phone's screen, getting up and heading a few steps towards him. "I didn't see you there." You said shyly, putting your hair down from when you had previously tied it up in a bun.

He hummed softly as he looked down, his arms uncrossing from over his chest and moving his hands into his sweatpants pockets. You noticed he was wearing a t-shirt now when he usually slept half-naked.

"Yeah, sorry. I-uh... I wanted to ask you something but I saw you were busy so..." He said softly.

"What is it?" You instantly asked, your eyes staring right into his. He stared back for a bit, his lips slightly parted before he sighed. He let out a small sigh before he looked down.

"Can you come to the concert again? It's the last one and after today's... exhaustion... I'd like you there." He asked.

You parted your lips in slight surprise. He was seeking your comfort again, he wanted you to be there for him just like before. Not that he ever stopped. You smiled and nodded, "I'll be there. I promise." You replied.

His head snapped to you with slightly wide eyes, his lips growing into a smile as he nodded his head back. "Great! I mean, great, yeah." He said once he realized how his excitement had grown.

He knew you had been there before, watching him. But this time was extra special because you two had finally, sort-of, fixed things. He let out a few incoherent sounds before pointing towards his bedroom and leaving quickly, his cheeks turning red.

You chuckled at his shyness, shaking your head as you finally headed to bed, getting cosy under the blankets but missing each others warmth.

"We need to get him to a hospital."

Your eyes widened as you looked at the medic, tears spilling down your cheeks as you whimpered. "What?" You asked in shock.

"His heart rate is slowing down and we don't have the needed equipment to keep him stable. He has reached over the limit and he is at risk of a heart attack." The medic explained.

Jimin instantly pulled you back to your feet while Namjoon, Taehyung and Hoseok helped the medic pick up a numb and weak Jungkook, face turning pale.

You sobbed softly, staring at the empty spot where Jungkook was just seconds ago. "He'll be fine," Jimin whispered while he hugged you sideways.

"I'm scared, Jimin. I don't want him to leave me." You whimpered back, his arms hugging you tighter. "It's okay to be scared. But he'll be okay. I promise." He said.

You both headed to where the ambulance was, watching Jungkook get put onto the bed and strolled into the van, the same way he watched you.

Your heart tightened in your chest and you sobbed heavily, hugging yourself for comfort until...

Your eyes snapped open, gasping slightly as tears clouded your vision. "Y/n?" You heard Jungkook's soft voice call for you, your body trembling as you quickly sat up and glanced at him.

"Hey, baby, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly, his hands wiping your cheeks sweetly.

"You're okay..." You whispered, your shaking hands grabbing his face gently, before moving one hand to his chest over his heart. You sighed in relief when you felt it beating normally, just slightly faster due to seeing you like this.

"Yes, I'm okay. I'm right here." He whispered back, his hand moving to the back of your head and leaning you into his chest, his arms protectively around you.

You sobbed softly, closing your eyes and letting his heartbeat fill your ears while his hands soothed your back and hair. "Nightmare?" He whispered.

You nodded, hands gripping part of his shirt on his back as you sighed. "Yes. It was... horrible." You replied, a soft sniff leaving you.

"What was it about? Me?" He asked, already guessing it was him since you were so urgent to check if he was okay. "Yeah..." You muttered, closing your eyes.

"It was just another day at the concert and you suddenly collapsed again. The medic told me that your heart rate was dropping and that you needed to go to the hospital urgently because you were at risk of a stroke." You explained, your voice getting shaky and whimpering.

"A-And then I watched you get pushed into the ambulance, your face pale while you barely even moved a-and-" He shushed you as you become more hysterical, his arms pulling you closer to himself, your body pressed into his.

"It's okay, it's okay. It was just a nightmare." He whispered. You pulled back to look at him, his hand instantly reaching to wipe your tears as you sniffled uncontrollably. "Pro-Promise me..." You said as you cried heavily.

"Promise t-that you'll be careful. P-Please." You whimpered, his hands holding your face as he nodded in response. "I promise, baby." He quickly replied, kissing your nose sweetly.

"I promise I'll be careful for you. I won't overwork myself." He said, his lips in a small smile as he watched you get slightly calmer, hugging you close once more.

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