[ Chapter 62 ]

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"I can't believe you told him," Sena said with a chuckle as she lay on the bed of the guest room, you laying beside her

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"I can't believe you told him," Sena said with a chuckle as she lay on the bed of the guest room, you laying beside her. You chuckled softly as you turned your head to look at her, "Why? He was curious to know you better." You replied, earning a slap on your arm and glare from her.

"You could've told him something else about me!" She exclaimed slightly. You nudged her slightly, "Yah! You were the one who kept insisting on meeting with them." You exclaimed back.

"And it got you to date the maknae of BTS!" She replied, the two of you sharing a laugh and looking at the ceiling again. "It is crazy, isn't it?" You said in a slightly dreamy tone.

"How I went from simply going to their meet and greet, to getting shot, to dating Jungkook, and now living with him." You said, sighing in disbelief.

"Man, I wish I had a love story like that with Namjoon," Sena said with a dreamy sigh but mostly aiming to tease you about it, earning a slap by you on her arm.

She chuckled as you sat up, hearing the shower turn off. "Damn, I really missed talking to you." You said, watching her sit up. She hugged you sideways and sighed happily, resting her head on your shoulder.

"Promise me that we'll stay in contact more often from now on." She whispered, earning a nod from you, leaning your head on hers. "Of course. I didn't call or message because some sasaengs and ARMYs had gone completely crazy." You explained.

"I'll get you a second phone then. Only for you to call me." She stated, the two of you sharing a chuckle and pulling away when a knock echoed from the door to the room. It soon opened, revealing a fully dressed and freshly showered Jungkook, his hair still damp.

"Hey, having fun?" He asked, taking a few steps into the room and tucking his hands into his sweatpants. "We were about to. But you broke the fun. Now you'll have to join us." Sena said, a smirk growing on her lips.

Your eyes widened slightly and you turned to Sena, reading her eyes and seeing what she was planning to do. You quickly got into character and turned to look at Jungkook, his eyes slightly wide.

"W-What?" He asked, feeling flustered all of a sudden. "Come on, it will be fun. And you said we should try new things, right?" You said this time, his cheeks turning red as he stared at you in slight disbelief, watching your hand go to Sena's thigh.

He stuttered a few incoherent things, staring at the two of you. "B-But I meant between us. Not with..., y-you know." He said. And that's when you just wanted to burst out laughing.

You were starting to feel bad at how flustered he was and Sena could see that it probably made things awkward. "Let me show you how much fun we can have..." She trailed off after getting up from the bed, heading to him.

You widened your eyes and so did Jungkook's, taking a step back when she went to him but instead walking past him to the bag she brought with herself, pulling something out.

"With Monopoly!"

The moment that left her mouth, Jungkook heave a heavy, relieved sigh, one hand going to his chest as he began to calm down. He let out a laugh, turning to you who was already laughing quietly and smiling widely at him.

"I'm sorry, Kookie~ We were just teasing you." You said, making your way to him and hugging him with your arms around your waist. "It's okay, I was slightly taken aback though." He said with a chuckle.

Sena smirked as she placed the Monopoly game down on the bed and headed to him, slapping the back of his head slightly. "Yah, do you really think I would have a trio with my best friend and her boyfriend?" She asked, looking him up and down and then giving him a perverted face to which Jungkook replied with his own perverted face.

You let out a soft gasp and hit them both playfully, chuckling softly while pulling away from Jungkook. "Idiots." You said as you walked out of the room, Jungkook, and Sena sharing a laugh before bidding goodnight. "Goodnight, Sena." You called out.

"And don't worry, Jungkook. My body and no-no square are reserved for our president. The one and only, Kim Namjoon." You heard Sena say, making you chuckle as you heard the door close, Jungkook soon appeared in your shared room.

"Sena is amazing. I love her." He said as he closed the door, making you hum. "Should I call her to sleep with you then?" You said after a small fake gasp, crossing your arms over your chest.

He chuckled while he made his way to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "No~ Because I love you more." He teased, making you chuckle as he leaned down and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him close, humming into the kiss while tilting your heads slightly to the side.

"I love you, Y/n."

You smiled into the kiss at his words, squealing when he suddenly dipped you down to the side, holding onto him for dear life. "What do you say?" He asked softly.

You stared up at him with a grin, biting your lower lip and giggling. "Fuck me?" You joked, making him chuckle in response. "I would love to but you aren't the particular type to stay quiet." He said as he straightened you both up, your cheeks now red as tomatoes.

He kissed your forehead and grinned at your shy smile, patting your butt. "Can you dry my hair before we go to bed?" He asked softly, your eyes connecting with his.

You nodded and pulled away from him, heading to the bathroom and soon coming out with the hairdryer in hand. He was already sitting on the bed near the nightstand, watching you plug in the dryer and turn it on before beginning to dry his hair.

His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you between his thighs, making you smile as he leaned his forehead on your belly, his eyes closed as he sighed happily.

Just like the first time you two decided to sleep on the same bed, drying his hair at 4 am when he was exhausted and freshly showered.

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