[ Chapter 53 ]

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After having packed your stuff, along with secretly stealing the cute little shampoo and conditioner bottles from the hotel room, you dragged your suitcase to the small living room, sighing tiredly

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After having packed your stuff, along with secretly stealing the cute little shampoo and conditioner bottles from the hotel room, you dragged your suitcase to the small living room, sighing tiredly.

It was night and you had woken up with Jungkook from a small nap a few minutes ago, having begun to pack your stuff before having to leave.

Jungkook had finished packing too, checking to make sure he got everything before he took his bag to the living room and placing it beside yours. "I can't wait to be on the plane and have you in my arms again." He said with a sleepy smile, pecking your lips while hugging you closer by the waist.

"Hm, same here. I miss your warmth." You said back with a sigh, wrapping your arms around his neck. You closed your eyes as he pecked your lips, smiling sweetly when he pulled you into his arms and buried his face into your neck.

He sighed happily, kissing the skin that showed through the V-neck of your hoodie before staying there. "I am so glad I get to have you by my side every day." He whispered.

"Really?" You whispered back, caressing his hair as you buried your face in his neck. "Mhm." He hummed in response. "Sometimes I feel bad for my hyungs. Because I am sure they would like to do the same thing with their girlfriends. To hold them and spend time with them." He sighed.

You smiled sweetly at how he cared for the boys. He always thought about them and what they felt whenever he did something by himself or with you. He always thought of the possibilities.

"I'm sure they do miss their partners but they are happier that you have someone." You whispered back, pulling back to look at him and pecking his lips.

"Well, I'm euphoric that you're mine." He said with a chuckle. You giggled as he leaned in and kissed you deeply, the two of you sharing a sweet and passionate kiss.

Once he pulled back, he kissed your nose and stared down at you. "Once we get to Seoul, let's head to my apartment and have a dinner date." He suggested, a smile growing on your lips.

"We'll cook together, eat, and then we can watch a movie." He added, tilting his head as you instantly nodded in response. "I'd love that." You giggled.

Right on cue, the doorbell rang, making you two jump slightly from the bell. "Jungkook, Y/n. It's time to go." Jimin called out from the other side of the door.

"Coming, hyung," Jungkook replied, pecking your lips one last time before taking your bags. You opened the door for him and let him go out first, leaving after him once you checked every room and bathroom just in case.

You took the card for the room and closed the door, hugging Jimin. "Hey, did you manage to rest?" You asked softly as the 3 of you headed to the elevator.

"Yes, I did. Taehyung also took a nap." Jimin replied with a smile, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Did you two nap?" He asked, glancing at Jungkook and back at you.

"Yeah, we did. Jungkook was very clingy and we barely got up in time." You replied, giggling when Jungkook groaned and threw his head back for a second before looking back to the front.

"He is clingy with everyone. Before you came, he wouldn't leave me, Taehyung, or Hoseok alone. He would always sleep with one of us." Jimin teased.

"Because I don't like sleeping alone~" Jungkook whined. You climbed into the elevator when it reached the floor, Jungkook following after and placing the suitcases down.

Jimin patted your lower back as he noticed how Jungkook was looking down, nibbling his lower lip. He didn't like being teased.

You giggled quietly, leaning up and pecking his lips with a small grin. "Don't pout, you baby. We are joking." You said softly, his lips turning into a deeper pout.

"But you're teasing me~" He whined again. "Oh. You baby. You just want Y/n to pamper you." Jimin said through a laugh, Jungkook's cheeks turning a bit red at his comment.

"No, I don't..." Jungkook said shyly.

During the flight, Jungkook and you spent time eating and watching movies, cuddling in his seat which was big enough to have you both in it.

You also took another nap, his arms securely around you. Once you reached, you went with the boys to the dorms and left your suitcases there before getting his car and heading to a store.

You explored the aisles, seeing what you could get to eat. "Let's get some kimchi, I want some." He said while examining two different trays of meat, wondering which was better.

"Okay, I'll head there." You said, leaving the cart with him and heading to the aisle with all the cans and jars of preserved food. You found the jar with kimchi and took one, heading to the snacks aisle and getting some chips, popcorn, seaweed snack for Jungkook and a pack of 24 bottles of banana milk.

You giggled to yourself as you headed to find Jungkook, finding him pushing the cart as he walked the main aisle looking for you. A chuckle left him as he saw you with all the stuff you were struggling to carry.

"My god, look at you." He said, chuckling again as he took the things from you and placed them on the cart. "I just thought we'd need some snacks for the movie." You replied with a giggle.

"That's a good idea." He said. He checked the cart that was full of vegetables, meat, snacks, drinks, and other toiletries he needed for the apartment.

"Okay, we've got everything. Let's go!" He said, taking your hand and pushing the cart towards the checkout. You helped him put everything on the checkout, putting them in bags while he paid.

Since you were wearing masks, you weren't recognizable. But the cashier did. The girl widened her eyes as Jungkook smiled underneath the mask, putting his index finger over the mask, wanting her to keep quiet.

"이건 비밀이야. 싸인해줄게. (This will be a secret. I can sign you an autograph.)" He said quietly. The girl instantly nodded, making you smile as she pulled out a piece of paper and gave him a pen. Jungkook quickly signed it and handed it to her, the girl turning to you.

"서명도 해주실 수 있나요? 나는 열렬한 팬이다. 나는 당신의 관계를 사랑합니다. (Can you sign it too, please? I'm a huge fan. I love your relationship.)" You felt surprised at her request, glancing at Jungkook before taking the pen and nodding.

"물론. (Of course.)" You said with a smile. You signed the piece of paper, handing her the pen and smiling when she giggled to herself, staring excitedly at the paper once you gave it to her.

"감사합니다! (Thank you!)" She beamed. You grabbed a few bags, Jungkook grabbing the rest. You both bowed to the girl as a goodbye before heading out and to his car.

"That was... surprising." You said as he opened the trunk and placed his bags in it, helping you after. "Well, it seems people are getting used to our relationship." He said with a smile, closing the trunk.

He helped you inside before heading to the driver's side and getting in. After taking his mask off, he pecked your lips and started the car.

"Let's go have fun~" He sang excitedly, driving off towards his apartment once you had your seatbelts on.

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