[ Chapter 56 ]

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It was nighttime

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It was nighttime. After your beautiful dinner with Jungkook, where you joked and laughed, had fun while watching a movie, you cleaned up and headed to bed.

His arm was around your waist as he laid behind you, chest pressed against your back as you snuggled in bed. You were in your underwear and his shirt, while he was simply in his pair of boxers, loving to sleep half-naked.

You were staring outside at the quiet yet mesmerizing city of Seoul, your breaths slow and calm as you laid sleepily but unable to fall asleep. The excitement of moving in kept you awake, imagining how things would be with Jungkook once you got to live with him.

Being able to cook together, work together, sleep together, even shower together. You would be able to spend so much more quality time and this time you would be by yourselves, not worried if the boys would be able to hear you.

A smile crept up onto your lips before you got up slowly and out of Jungkook's embrace, his deep sleep leaving him asleep as he didn't even notice you were gone. You quietly left the room with your phone in hand, scrolling through the different videos and pictures you had taken from the boys, mostly Jungkook.

You headed to the kitchen as you played one of the videos, Jungkook's cute and unique laugh quietly sounding from the speaker since you had your volume on low, not wanting to wake Jungkook up.

"Look how cute that is." He said, pointing to the little cartoon on the TV where you were watching some cartoons while having breakfast.

"Not as cute as you." You stated as you pointed the camera at him, his head turning to look at you with a cute smile, his bunny teeth completely into view.

"You're cuter though." He replied. He leaned in and kissed the camera before leaning to kiss you, the two of you smiling widely into the kiss.

You sighed happily as the video ended, warming up some milk in the microwave as you leaned on the counter, waiting for it to be done.

You kept scrolling at different pictures you had taken with him or of him, giggling at some goofy ones you two had as you turned to get the cup from the microwave once it dinged that it was done.

You took the cup and placed it on the counter, pouring some sugar into it before stirring it with a spoon and taking a sip. You hummed as the warm liquid began warming you up, smiling while heading to the couch and sitting down.

You placed the phone down on the couch and turned the TV on, lowering the volume to not disturb Jungkook. You couldn't sleep because of your excitement and you didn't want to wake Jungkook up from his sleep.

He was a busy man with his career and the concerts were exhausting. The last thing you wanted was to wake him up when he was sleeping so peacefully.

You did wonder what it would be like once his schedule got busy. You knew that you wouldn't be together 24/7. Sometimes he would have to go by himself on trips and other times he would be able to take you with him.

And once the comebacks started, he would mostly be at the studio or practising at the label. But it didn't bother you, it's what his career was about. You had your job too which you could more calmly get back full-time again.

You continued sipping the milk as you watched the show they were playing on the TV, beginning to feel even more sleepy than before. Once the entire cup of milk was drunk, you got up and headed to the kitchen, washing the cup and leaving it to dry before heading off to the couch and getting your phone.

You turned the lights off and headed back inside the bedroom, climbing into the bed. You felt Jungkook shift as you placed your phone on the bedside table, turning to the man you loved so much to find him blinking his eyes open.

"Can't sleep?" He asked in a sleepy and groggy tone, his eyes falling closed again. You noticed his pouty lips, giving them a small peck before you snuggled into him under the duvet cover. "I was about to. I drank some milk." You whispered back, leaning into his chest with a smile.

He kissed the top of your head and hugged you closer, sighing happily while his hand rubbed your back soothingly. "Why didn't you wake me up? I would've kept you company." He whispered.

"Because you were tired and I didn't want to wake you. You need rest." You whispered in response, kissing his chest. "I only took 5 minutes though. I was watching TV." You said, returning the gesture by rubbing his back too.

"Hm..." He hummed. Then you realized he was falling back asleep, feeling his hand rubbing your back come to a stop before continuing for a bit more and stopping again.

It made you giggle quietly, looking up at him to see him asleep once more. "Cutie." You muttered, kissing his forehead before snuggling into him once more and finally drifting off to sleep with the loving feeling of each other's warmth.

You woke up to complete silence in the room, snuggled into the blankets as the sun shone onto the bed and slightly blinded you when you opened your eyes a tiny bit.

You sighed as you turned to the side, finding Jungkook's space empty. With furrowed eyebrows, you sat up and rubbed your eyes slightly, brushing your hair with your fingers to get the bed hair away.

You glanced around to see yesterday's clothes gone, probably in the washer. You got up and stretched with a small groan, heading to the window to look outside to the busy city before leaving the room.

An instant mix of smells filled your nostrils, instantly waking you up as you walked down the hallway to the kitchen. "Hey! You're finally awake!" Jungkook beamed from the open kitchen when he saw you, too busy cooking some breakfast in his grey shirt and boxers.

"You're right on time. I'm nearly done." He added after, flipping the omelette he was making. You went to his side and hugged him sideways with your arms around his waist, his one arm going around your shoulders.

"Why didn't you stay in bed?" You asked with a pout. He let out a soft chuckle and pecked your pouty lips, rubbing your noses together a bit. "Because I wanted to surprise my girlfriend with breakfast." He whispered with a grin.

You pulled away and look at the various side dishes and things he had cooked, looking up at him after. "I am nearly done with breakfast." He began, turning to look at you as he placed his chopsticks down.

He made you face the hallway where the bathroom was and grinned, kissing your cheek as he let go of your shoulders and chuckled.

"You should go wash up." He said, giving your butt a small slap and smirking at you when you turned to look at him with wide eyes, a hand on your butt as you headed off to wash up.

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