[ Chapter 26 ]

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To say that breakfast went smoothly was a lie

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To say that breakfast went smoothly was a lie. Jungkook and you were both tense from the argument you just had, and you were both having breakfast in silence, barely sparing each other any glances.

Deep down you regretted ever bringing it up and making such a big deal out of it. But you were also happy you had, in a way, gotten that conversation out of the way and now he knew what you thought about this.

You felt guilty because you had spent an amazing night together, sharing the love you both grew to hold for each other and you came and ruined it, partially, with your insecurity.

"The omelette is really good." You heard Jungkook say, his eyes never leaving his plate while you glanced to your side at him. "I'm glad you like it." You replied softly, resting your hand on the counter.

With the other, you took a bit of your omelette, soon feeling a warmth enveloping your hand, turning to see it was Jungkook's hand intertwining with yours.

He heaved a sigh, finally looking at you with a frown. "I hate this." He said softly, groaning. "I hate it when we stay close but feel like we are 600km apart." He added.

"I know. I'm sorry." You were quick to say. "It's my fault. I started this and I shouldn't have. I shouldn't be this insecure, and I know it, but I can't help it."

"It's okay to be insecure, baby. I know." He replied, placing his fork down as he turned to you. "But I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I will always stay by your side."

"Is she your girlfriend?!"

"Are you two a thing?!"

"Is she the girl that saved your life?!"

"Are you the girl that got shot?! The one they all looked for?!"

You didn't know how to explain how this happened. The camera flashes and microphones shoved in your face made you dizzy and anxious. You were shocked and frozen, Jungkook's body managing to cover your face before it was too late.

You couldn't budge. Your heart was racing, hands shaking, mind blank, body completely frozen. Your breaths were shallow and quick, feeling like you were about to have a panic attack.

They were bombarding you and Jungkook with questions and pictures, microphones moving near your face and Jungkook as they demanded questions.

"Are you his one night stand?!" One of the reporters dared to ask. The glare that Jungkook sent her made her hiccup, eyes widening in fear as she regretted the question she had just asked.

Thankfully, the boys came to the rescue when they saw, from the van they were waiting in, the commotion and struggle Jungkook had to push you and him through the crowd, barely making it a step through them.

"이봐! 충분 해! 신을 위해 약간의 공간을 만드십시오! (Hey! That's enough! Make some space for god's sake!)" Hoseok exclaimed, pushing some reporters out of the way. Jungkook was hiding your face with his coat while Hoseok and Yoongi made way for you and him and into the van.

"그만 해요! 프라이버시라는 것도 있습니다! 우리도 인간이다! (Stop it! We also have something called privacy! We are also human beings!)" Yoongi exclaimed this time, climbing into the van with Hoseok and the rest of the boys that were stoping the reporters from surrounding you again.

You were trembling, a quiet whimper making it through your lips as the van finally took off once the boys were inside and secure. "Y/n, are you okay? Jungkook?" Namjoon asked hurriedly.

Jungkook took the coat off from your head, putting it away as he made you look at him, your teary eyes making contact with his.

"It's okay." He whispered. Taehyung handed you a water bottle which you took with shaky hands, muttering a thank you before you carefully drank some, trying to calm your breath.

"Those people... They dared to call Y/n a one night stand!" Jimin exclaimed in anger, scoffing in disbelief. You closed your eyes when Jungkook leaned his forehead on yours, his hands caressing your cheeks as he guided you with his breath so you would steady your breathing.

"I know, right?! That was so immature and disgusting! How dare they?!" Seokjin exclaimed this time, rubbing his chin in frustration as he spared glances at you and Jungkook.

"Hyungs, please," Taehyung said in a softer tone, glancing at the boys before turning to Jungkook and you. You were now snuggled into Jungkook's chest as he caressed your hair, whispering constant reassurances and placing kisses to the top of your head.

Jungkook spared a glance to the boys as he heaved a sigh. He had never seen you like this. The way you trembled and breathed unevenly, it hurt him to see you like this.

"Do you want to stay at the dorm? You don't have to come with me if you don't want to." Jungkook whispered into your ear once the boys had turned forward and gave you some privacy.

You pulled away from his chest, looking at him with your teary eyes as you shook your head. "N-No. I want to stay with y-you." You whispered, holding his shirt tightly, scared that he would disappear.

"Okay. Don't cry, please?" He whispered back, placing a kiss on your forehead before hugging you again. Then he finally realized it.

Your biggest fear had finally come true. Everyone would know soon enough. And it was a matter of time until everything falls apart or stays just how it is.

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