[ Chapter 28 ]

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"Better?" He whispered, a sweet tone in his voice

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"Better?" He whispered, a sweet tone in his voice. You nodded, your eyes looking into his while your lips were pouting. "Okay, I want you to get up and get ready. Get your laptop and anything else you need." He said, sitting up with you in his arms as you whined.

He wiped your cheeks and kissed your pouty lips longly, his hands gently holding your face. You heaved a sigh happily, your hands holding his tiny waist.

"We are spending time at my office, taking our mind off of things and keeping with our lives as if nothing happened." He said after pulling away, kissing your nose.

You giggled softly and nodded, watching him get up and pull you up as well. Once he let go of your hands, you watched him leave the room while you went to the bathroom. You washed your face and did your necessities, moving back into the bedroom and gathering your laptop, laptop charger, phone, and purse.

You put some jeans and a hoodie on, brushing through your hair before making it into a messy bun. The door opened again and revealed Jungkook in his black sweatpants and an oversized long sleeve shirt. "Ready?" He asked, his gym bag hanging from his shoulder by the strap.

You nodded and grabbed your things, walking to him with a soft smile. He leaned down and kissed you deeply, his hands holding your cheeks as he did so. Once he pulled away, you giggled and he grinned, "There, that's better." He whispered while taking your hand and pulling you out of the room.

You went downstairs and waited for the rest of the boys to come downstairs to head out to the agency, you and Jungkook waiting, hand in hand, with Jimin, Taehyung, and Namjoon who were already there with their gym bags and exercise clothes on.

Namjoon kept sparing glances at Jungkook who was ignoring him, not looking at him at all. They must have fought badly... You thought, giving Namjoon a soft, sad smile when his eyes fell upon you. He smiled back just as sadly, heaving a sigh as he turned to the boys.

"I'll wait in the van," Namjoon said, sparing one last glance at you and Jungkook before heading outside. You looked at the door and then at Jungkook before your eyes fell upon Jimin who was looking at you intently. "Go." He mouthed, making sure Jungkook wouldn't notice him doing so.

You nodded your head and turned to Jungkook, kissing his cheek. "I'll go wait in the van too. Okay?" You whispered. He nodded in response before letting go of your hand, watching you go outside and climb into the van. You smiled at Namjoon as you went to the backseat, where you usually sat with Jungkook, and heaved a sigh once you sat down.

"I don't know what Jungkook has told you but-" "He didn't tell me much." You cut him off. "I understand that I cannot go, and I'm not even urging Jungkook to change your mind or anyone else's so I can go, this is all his doing." You quickly cut in.

"If it was my choice, I would definitely have you with us, Y/n. You're someone amazing to hang out with. The boys love you, Jungkook loves you, in a different way of course, and I love you." He said quickly. "But this isn't my choice, this is the agency's choice."

"I know. I would love to join you if there was the chance." You replied, running a hand through your hair. "If there is a small chance of you asking and me having permission to go, I'll go, but I don't want any of you, especially Jungkook, to get in trouble because of me." You added soon after.

Namjoon looked at you with a sweet smile, his hand reaching over to squeeze your shoulder, nodding his head. "I know how much Jungkook wants you to come. So I will talk to our manager and see if he can do something." He said with a reassuring smile.

You turned towards the door when Hoseok climbed inside and sat down in his chair after sparing you a smile, the rest of the boys piling in. Jungkook was last, his eyes instantly staring at Namjoon with slight anger before turning to you.

The anger disappeared and only love and care showed in his eyes, smiling at you while making his way to his seat beside you. "Okay, let's get going," Seokjin said, closing the sliding door.

The van took off, Jungkook's hand enveloping yours and intertwining your fingers. "Did you get everything?" He whispered, leaning closer to you with a smile.

"Mhm, I did." You said, leaning your head on his shoulder with a sigh. "You shouldn't be angry at Namjoon." You added after, Jungkook's head quickly looking down at you.

"Why? What did he say?" He said, his voice slightly hopeful. "Did he mention the tour?"

"He did. I'll tell you later, okay? I don't want you to get all crazy in front of the boys." You said in a serious tone, his eyes staring right into your as he tried to read them, desperately wanting to know what it was.

"Tell me, please. I can't wait." He said, a slight whine leaving his throat. You stared up at him, "You can." You simply said, turning to look outside the window as the van moved through the streets in the already darkening sky.

The ride was quiet between you and Jungkook, apart from a few members talking and saying jokes to each other. The van slowly went through the parking garage and climbed up to where you had to get off, all of you getting out and heading to the main doors.

You threw on a mask as the boys walked in front of you, opening the doors and greeting some of the staff there. Jungkook and Yoongi walked beside you as if protecting you as you walked with them.

"그녀를 사무실로 데려가겠습니다. (I'll take her to my office.)" Jungkook said, receiving a nod from you. You both climbed a separate elevator, noticing how even the staff eyed you curiously.

You heaved a sigh, looking down while taking your mask off. "그들도 알고... (Even they know...)" You muttered. Jungkook glanced at you and the staff as the doors closed, the elevator beginning to move.

"여기가 한국이야. 1분도 안 돼 모든 사람이 다 안다. (This is Korea. Everybody gets to know everything in less than a minute.)" Jungkook replied. You glanced up at him and smiled sadly, "Yeah, sadly it is like that." You added.

Once the elevator reached, he took your hand and walked you to his office, the labyrinth-like hallways making you a bit dizzy. "Okay, this is my office." He said, putting the code on his doorlock and pushing the door open.

The office was dark, fitting his style. The computer was a two-screen computer, his gaming chair, the walls were dark brown. "I kind of imagined your place like this." You giggled, hearing the door close as you placed your stuff on the table.

You smiled when his arms wrapped around your waist and his chest pressed against your back, his lips placing soft kisses on your neck.

"I want to stay with you so badly." He whispered. His lips trailed up your neck and to your earlobe, sending shivers down your spine while he began nibbling it.

"Let's do it again tonight." He whispered, your cheeks turning red at the comment. You felt his breath hit your neck and then your cheek as he leaned closer to your ear, a smirk obvious on his lips.

"I miss you underneath me." He whispered, pulling away and heading to the door with the smirk on his face, leaving you in his office, dumbfounded and shocked at what you just heard.

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