[ Chapter 30 ]

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You sat on your chair and watched Jungkook work on his stuff, humming quietly as he stared intently at his computer

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You sat on your chair and watched Jungkook work on his stuff, humming quietly as he stared intently at his computer.

You were both exhausted from the heavy session you both had a few hours ago, but you were happy. It was a huge step that you did it once more, even if it was in Jungkook's office.

It made your relationship special. It showed that despite the two of you seeing the reaction of people worldwide, you were willing to stick together and hold each other.

"Hey, you're tired. Lay on the couch and have some rest." Jungkook said, moving your chair closer as you giggled, crossing your legs.

"I'm fine." You replied while leaning in and kissing him sweetly and slowly, his hands resting on your sides while yours went to his cheeks.

He hummed quietly into the kiss, pulling away after a few seconds and looking at you. "You were falling asleep on the chair while watching me work. I have a blanket in the cabinet there along with a pillow." He said.

You watched him pull back with the chair and head to the said cabinet, pulling out the blanket and pillow and fixing them up on the big couch he had on the side of the room.

You watched him in awe as he did so, your heart-melting at how caring and sweet he was. "You have to get your stitches taken out tomorrow, by the way." He said, turning to you.

You hummed softly, nodding your head. "Yeah, I know. It took longer than expected." You chuckled softly. He chuckled too, helping you up and to the couch. "I'll talk to Namjoon and we'll go together, okay?" He said sweetly, crouching in front of you once you sat on the couch.

You simply hummed, pulling him closer for another kiss and sighing happily once your lips connected. It felt warm and safe to be in his arms, his lips slowly moving against yours.

He slowly pulled away, nuzzling his face into yours as he sighed. "Do you want me to lay with you until you fall asleep?" He whispered, keeping his eyes closed.

"I'd love to. But you'll fall asleep too." You whispered back. He simple pulled back, not replying to you, as he laid you down and then squeezed beside you, his arm wrapping around your shoulders while the other covered you both with the blanket.

"I'll fall asleep then. We both worked hard today." He said, a smirk growing on his lips since his words had a double meaning, and you instantly caught on it.

You slapped his chest and rolled your eyes, snuggling into him after and sighing happily. He did as well, snuggling closer to you and embracing you once he made sure you were covered and warm.

Then, in less than 5 minutes, his soft snores filled your ears, his body slowly relaxing against yours. You were relieved that the couch was big enough for the two of you and even had a bit more space left for him to lay on his back because if it was smaller, he would've met the ground long ago.

You looked up at him and smiled when you glanced to his pouty lips, slowly and carefully placing a peck on them before continuing to admire him. He is such a gorgeous human being.

You didn't even know how such a man was yours and wanted you. Your eyes slowly began falling closed but you fought the urge, wanting to watch Jungkook sleep for a bit more.

But exhaustion took over you and you were soon asleep, snuggling close to a sleeping Jungkook who held you protectively. Hours passed as you both still slept, a quiet mumble reaching your ears but not waking you up at all.

It did wake Jungkook up though. "Jungkook." He looked up at who was calling his name to wake him up, being met with Hoseok. "It's late. You should go home with Y/n." He said in a whisper.

"What about you, hyung?" Jungkook asked in response, carefully sitting up and covering you with the blanket. "We will practice a bit more and head home after. I'm sure you and Y/n are tired and the couch isn't comfortable." Hoseok quickly replied.

Jungkook glanced at your sleeping form, his lips still pouted and eyes slightly narrowed from being half asleep still.

The couch truly was uncomfortable and he was sure you'd have back pain later on. "But I don't want to leave you al-" "Just go home. You already finished your practice for the day anyways." Hoseok quickly butt in before Jungkook could protest.

He glanced at Hoseok and you again, heaving a sigh. "Okay, okay. We'll head to the dorms first then." He finally gave in, earning a smile from Hoseok. "Good, the van is waiting downstairs. Go home and rest well, okay?" He said, ruffling Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook half-smiled at Hoseok, watching him leave the office before heaving yet another sigh. He stretched, letting out a deep but quiet groan, leaning down to kiss your lips sweetly.

"Y/n..." He called out softly, his hand caressing your cheek sweetly. "Hm?" You hummed half asleep, stirring awake. "Let's head home." He whispered, receiving a nod from you.

You sat up sleepily, rubbing your eyes until you felt your head meeting a chest. "I'll carry you to the van, is everything in your bag?" He whispered.

"Yes, my laptop is on the table though." You replied sleepily. He carried you to the desk and carefully sat you down, beginning to put your laptop away. Once everything was secure and in your bag, he grabbed it and picked you up again.

"Okay, let's go home now. My sweet princess." He muttered sweetly, kissing your forehead. A sweet smile grew on your lips as you leaned into his chest, your arms around his shoulders.

The long trip with the elevator and soon after the van had you reaching Jungkook's apartment. "We'll stay here tonight." He said, unlocking the door carefully.

You signalled him to put you down and he did, letting you walk inside the apartment by yourself. You were still sleepy and pretty tired, and he smiled and watched as you headed inside cutely.

He locked the door and headed to you after, helping you into the bedroom. He helped you change your bandages and clothes, changing his clothes before snuggling you once you both climbed under the covers, his arms protectively around you as you both fell asleep.

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