[ Chapter 13 ]

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"It was a mistake

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"It was a mistake."

"We shouldn't do this."

"It's wrong, Jungkook!"

Jungkook laid in the bed, staring at the ceiling, as he repeated the words that left her mouth earlier in his mind. He heaved a sigh, his hands resting on his stomach.

"그녀는 그것이 실수라고 생각했다? (She thought it was a mistake?)" He whispered to himself. He hissed softly as his eyebrows furrowed and he tilted his head, deep in thought.

"왜 그녀는 그것을 실수로 생각할까요? (Why would she think of it as a mistake?)" He said with a pout, sitting up with a sigh. He then thought even deeper. The two only knew each other for a few weeks but for some reason, he felt like he knew her since forever.

He groaned, ruffling his hair in frustration. He was confused. He didn't know what she meant and he didn't know what he felt either. He went to the bathroom and washed his face, returning to his bedroom again and falling asleep.

You woke up with a gasp, quickly sitting up and looking around, sweat covering your forehead. You breathed heavily, a sigh of relief leaving you when you noticed it was morning already and you were still at BTS' dorm.

You leaned your face in your hands with a sigh, rubbing it. A nightmare has been bugging you since the whole gunshot accident, your mind distorting and reminding you of the horrifying but glorious moment of your life.

It kept reminding you of the pain, the fear, the numbness you felt. But it also reminded you of how you won Jungkook's gratefulness and care through that.

Your mind trailed off to the memories of yesterday, the kiss you both shared. Unable to hold it back, your heart sped up and cheeks burned, an unconscious smile growing on your lips. After heaving a deep sigh, you got up and went to the bathroom, freshening yourself up.

Then, you headed downstairs to the living room, noticing that the house was too quiet. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, looking around. "Where could they have gone?" You whispered to yourself, heading inside the kitchen.

Your eyes caught a note on the counter, your name is written at the top in beautiful handwriting. 

'Y/n, we are heading to practice. You can make yourself a coffee and come visit us. The van will be waiting outside whenever you need it. - NJ'

You smiled at the message, your head turning to glance at the coffee machine. You shrugged and instead headed back to your room to dress up. You dressed up in a pair of jeans and a shirt, halfway tucked inside your jeans. You picked up your purse, brushed your hair, sprayed some perfume on you, a sweet vanilla scent evolving you, and then you headed outside.

The door automatically locked, making you widen your eyes in surprise and nod your head in awe, turning around to find the same bodyguard from yesterday there. "Hello, it's nice to see you again." He said softly. "Hello, Jaesun. It's nice to see you again." You giggled.

"BTS assigned me to accompany you wherever you are going. So, where is the first stop?" He asked, opening the back door of the van for you. "Starbucks." You replied before getting in. He got into the driver's seat and took off to Starbucks which was quite close to where you were.

"What coffee do you like, Jaesun?" You asked as you dug through your bag, the van coming to a stop on the parking spot in front of the Starbucks. "Oh, no. You don't need to get me anything, I'm fi-" He began but you cut him off. "Just tell me." You said, giggling softly. 

"It's the caramel macchiato." He said shyly. Your eyes widened as you gasped, your hand covering your mouth in surprise. "Awee! You like the coffee they sing about!" You teased, his cheeks turning red.

"J-Just go! They already tease me enough." He said quickly, unlocking the door for you. You giggled once more before climbing out of the van. You put your mask on and headed inside the coffee shop, ordering (favourite drink) and a Caramel Macchiato for Jaesun.

You paid for it and bowed your head, going outside. You quickly climbed into the van, fixing your hair to the side and handing Jaesun his coffee. "There you go!" You said happily, pulling your mask off once the back door was closed.

You sipped your coffee, putting your seatbelt on and Jaesun took off towards the Hybe building. "How was the first night at the BTS dorms? Is it comfortable?" Jaesun asked, probably having been told to see if you were comfortable.

"Oh, yes. Of course. The boys are very nice and sweet to me." You replied, smiling sweetly at Jaesun. Especially Jungkook... You thought, a blush creeping up your cheeks.

Jaesun grinned knowingly after noticing your blush, humming quietly. "But it seems a particular member is giving you much more attention, hm?" He said.

Your eyes widened as you looked at him in shock, stuttering a few words out. "It's okay. It'll stay between us." Jaesun reassured.


Oh no...
Jaesun knows. Will that get in the way and bring bad news? Or will you be able to be open up enough with Jungkook?

 Will that get in the way and bring bad news? Or will you be able to be open up enough with Jungkook?

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