[ Chapter 59 ]

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After showering with Jungkook, which was nothing more than relaxing together and washing each other's hair, you headed to the bedroom and dried your bodies and hair

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After showering with Jungkook, which was nothing more than relaxing together and washing each other's hair, you headed to the bedroom and dried your bodies and hair.

He gave you a pair of sweatpants and one of his hoodies, letting you put them on since you had no other clothes. "Your underwear is in the dryer. It should be dry by now." He said softly as he looked through the closet to see what he would wear.

You hummed softly in response and headed to the laundry room he had, opening the dryer after checking that it had finished drying the clothes inside.

You gathered your underwear and looked up to see Jungkook's phone there. You chuckled and shook your head softly, taking his phone and heading towards the room just for it to start vibrating with an incoming call.

You froze when you read the caller ID, seeing it said '엄마 (Mom)'. His mother was calling and it was the first time you'd be present in the room while he was talking to her.

You quickly headed to the bedroom after shaking your head, not wanting to keep his mother waiting and make him worry. "Jungkook, your mom..." You trailed off as you handed him the phone, letting him see she was calling.

"Oh. I was wondering where I left my phone." He said with a chuckle as he took it and answered, pressing the phone to his ear. "네, 엄마. (Yes, mom.)" He said softly, a smile growing on his lips as he continued changing.

You did so too, taking the towel off and beginning to get your underwear on. "죄송 해요. Y/n과 나는 함께 저녁을 먹고 영화를 보며 밤을 보냈다. (I'm sorry. Y/n and I spent the night together having dinner and watching a movie.)" He said, sending you a teasing grin as you blushed, remembering what happened merely minutes ago.

"그녀는 그렇다고 말했다. 우리는 그녀의 물건을 잠시 후에 얻을 것입니다. (She said yes. We are going to get her stuff in a bit.)" He said with a small blush on his cheeks that didn't go unnoticed by you.

You were surprised that his mother knew and even asked about it, beginning to wonder how long this man had been planning to ask you to move in. You threw his shirt and sweatpants on before heading to the bed and taking the sheets off, deciding it was time to wash them.

You headed to the laundry room, Jungkook's voice echoing in the back as you put the sheets inside the washer. You examined the machine as you wondered how to turn it on, looking as if you were trying to hack some scientific computer.

Until a tattooed hand appeared and put the desired cycle, pouring in the detergent and softener once you stepped to the side and watched him. He was now fully dressed in his clothes, his tattooed arm making chills run down your spine as his muscles flexed when he poured the detergent and softener.

"It's quite complicated but I'll show you which cycles to use when we come back." He said softly, smiling at you as he closed the small compartment.

He pressed the 'Start' button and turned to you after, pulling you into his body by your waist. "I didn't know your mom knew I was moving in." You said softly, caressing his pectorals as you rested your hands there.

Jungkook chuckled softly as he blushed, clearing his throat. "W-Well..." He stuttered slightly, making you smile sweetly at him. "You asked her before asking me?" He looked at you and nodded shyly, his ears red.

"I just wanted to make sure that it wasn't too quick and I wanted to know her opinion. She's a mother after all." He explained, hiding his face into your neck as you cooed at him, caressing his upper back and head. "So she is supportive of our relationship?" You asked quietly.

He hummed, nodding his head. "Of course she is. I've sent her pictures of you and us together so she can see you." He replied, making your eyes widen and cheeks turn red. "You have sent her pictures?" You asked in shock, pulling back to look at him.

Your heart fluttered as you searched his eyes, seeing them sparkle as he looked back into your eyes. You felt strange, not knowing how to react to the fact that his mother had known about you all this time and even supported your relationship with Jungkook.

You thought that it would be the first time to meet his family on the trip, but if he sent pictures to his mom, then his brother, father, and sister-in-law knew about you too.

"Is it bad? Did you not want me to do that?" He asked worriedly, sensing how dumfounded you were. "Was it too quick? I should've asked you before sending her the pictures. I'm sorry." You blinked a few times before smiling sweetly, shaking your head.

"No, no. I just... I thought they didn't know about me yet and that you would introduce me to them on the trip that you were planning with them." You added, chuckling softly.

You then pulled away from him, running a hand through your hair. "But I'm happy that they are supportive and like our relationship. It eases my worries about their opinion of me." You said with a chuckle.

Jungkook's hands grabbed your face by the cheeks, smiling sweetly at you. "Don't you remember that my mom cooked you food when you were in the hospital?" He asked. "She adores you." He added after.


Sorry for taking so long to update the book! I will be going back to updating nearly everyday :3

Happy Ramadan everyone ❤️

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