[ Chapter 20 ]

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After having breakfast with Jimin, you cleaned everything up and managed to calm him down before he returned to the room he shared with Taehyung

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After having breakfast with Jimin, you cleaned everything up and managed to calm him down before he returned to the room he shared with Taehyung.

You went to your room, where Jungkook was still sleeping. You carefully walked inside and closed the door quietly. You headed to the bed and climbed in it, watching him sleep peacefully.

"Jungkook loves you, Y/n. And it is clear you love him too."

You sighed quietly, reaching up and tucking some of his hair back. You then snuggled closer to him, feeling his warmth embrace you as he stirred into his sleep.

"Y/n?" He said sleepily, his arms wrapping around your body softly. He sighed happily, pulling you closer. You buried your face in his chest, a smile growing on your lips and on his lips too.

"Did you sleep well? I'm sorry I awoke you." You said softly, looking up at him. He smiled warmly down at you and shook his head, "Don't worry, I woke up long ago. Since you went to the kitchen with Jimin." He said.

You widened your eyes, staring at him in shock. "R-Really? Did you hear us?" You asked in shock, gulping nervously. "I-I did. A tiny bit of it though." He replied nervously.

You blushed and sat up, hugging your knees as he soon after did the same, the two of you sitting in silence. He then reached over, taking your hand in his softly, caressing the top of your palm before looking at your side profile. "What he said is true." He whispered, your head instantly snapping up to look at him in slight shock. "W-What?" You asked.

He nodded softly at you, smiling warmly. "I love you, Y/n." He replied, staring back at you. You blushed deeply and looked away shyly, giggling as Jungkook chuckled shyly, leaning his head against your shoulder. "This is crazy." He whispered.

You looked down at him as he slightly looked up, only his eyes showing over your shoulder. The two of you shared a shy laugh, leaning your forehead on his as you both stared lovingly into each other's eyes. "Will you go on a date with me today? Ever since we know each other, we haven't really had the chance for a date." He said softly, his hand reaching up and caressing your cheek.

"And I want to properly confess to you." He added shyly. You bit your lower lip and nodded, the two of you pulling slightly back and looking around the room. "Them... I will talk to Namjoon hyung so he can help me organize everything. Meanwhile, I want you to take a shower and dress cute." He stated, leaning in and pecking your lips.

He then excitedly got off the bed but you stopped him by grabbing his arm. He looked back with confusion, moving closer to the bed as you moved on your knees, your hands moving to his small waist. "I need you to help me change the bandages first." You said softly.

He smiled at you and nodded, leaning down and kissing you sweetly. His hands went to your cheeks as you kissed back, a small smile on your lips as you went closer to him. The kiss was sweet and loving, making you feel butterflies in your stomach, but it was soon cut short since Jungkook pulled back.

"Okay, let's go change your bandages." He said, picking you up bridal style which surprised you, letting out a squeal. He chuckled softly and carried you to the bathroom, sitting you on the counter. You handed him the medkit and he started working on your bandages, changing them quickly since he was already a master at it.

"Done. Now, don't forget to-" "Cover the wound with something before taking the shower so that the bandages don't get wet. Got it." You cut him off, finishing the sentence instead. He ruffled your hair and tickled your sides, making you giggle, trying to stop his hands.

Instead, he hugged you sideways, keeping you still in his arms, sighing happily. "You make me the happiest man alive, Y/n." He whispered, kissing your temple. "I will make tonight the most special night ever. For the two of us." He added, pulling away and finally leaving the bathroom and bedroom, heading to Namjoon's.

A few hours later, your hair was styled in a wavy way. You let down your hair and styled your front strands to look nice and natural. You applied a light bit of make-up, not wanting to put too much, and you were wearing a knee-length dark blue dress that hugged your figure nicely.

You nervously sat on the bed, the lights dim in the room as you heard a knock at the door, making your head snap to it as it began opening, revealing Taehyung there. "Your carriage awaits, my lady." He said politely, bowing as he gestured you to follow him. You giggled softly, heading to the door where he was and taking his arm after he offered you to place your hand on it.

You held your purse with your other hand, following him as he led you down the hallway and stairs, down to the main door where Jimin and Namjoon were standing in bodyguard-like poses. You covered your mouth as you smiled widely, letting out a soft chuckle as they looked at you and bowed their heads, opening the door for you.

Once outside, you noticed the black jeep Jungkook owned, Yoongi as the driver but Jungkook was nowhere to be seen. You looked around to try and find him until the back door opened from inside the jeep, revealing Jungkook in a pair of black jeans and a white button-up tucked inside the jeans.

He smiled widely when he saw you, his eyes scanning you up and down as he moved to the side and held the door open for you, Taehyung giving your hand to him. "조심해~ 아니면 내 손으로 죽여버리겠어~ (Be careful with her~ Or I will kill you with my own hands~)" Taehyung said with a threatening voice, making you snort as Jungkook nodded, his smile faltering a bit.

"응, 형. 조심할게. (Yes, Hyung. I'll be careful.)" He replied, helping you into the jeep as Taehyung patted his shoulder, moving up the driveway to stand there with Jimin, Namjoon, and now Hoseok who showed up from inside.

Jungkook climbed into the jeep with you and you two waved to them, Jungkook closing the door after. "I didn't know that you could understand Korean," Jungkook said after turning to look at you.

"나는 그것을 이해할 뿐만 아니라 실제로 말할 수 있다. 나는 충분히 자신이 없습니다. (I can actually speak it, not only understand it. I'm just not confident enough.)" You said with nice pronunciation, making him chuckle and nod.

"당신이 할 수 있어 기쁩니다. 그것은 단지 당신이 우리 나라와 문화에 대해 얼마나 사랑하고 더 알고 싶어하는지 보여줍니다. (I'm glad you can. It just shows how much you love and wish to know more about our country and culture.)" He said, taking your hand in his and nodding to Yoongi so he could take off.

"두 분의 귀여움에 녹아내립니다. (You two are making me melt from your cuteness.)" Yoongi said, making you two blush and chuckle.


Seems like Yoongi ships you two skkdsjdkakjhfdwhgjfa

How will the date go though?
What is your dream date like?

How will the date go though?What is your dream date like?

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