[ Chapter 23 ] +21

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After the nice dinner Jungkook had made with Seokjin's help, you went back to the car and Jungkook drove to his apartment

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After the nice dinner Jungkook had made with Seokjin's help, you went back to the car and Jungkook drove to his apartment.

The car was silent but the tension and attraction between you two were obvious in the air. You kept glancing at him and he glanced at you, the silence still there.

Once you reached the destination, he parked the car in the underground parking lot and helped you out, guiding you inside the building and to his floor.

"I don't have many things since I don't stay here much." He said, opening the door to show the big apartment. The living room had a couch and a TV, a few decorations here and there but there wasn't much, like he said.

"This is the living room and that's the kitchen." He said, pointing to the different sections of the room, gesturing you to follow him.

"Then you have the guest room and the main bedroom, where I sleep sometimes." He said, opening the door to his room. It was dark and only the lights from the city outside brought some light into the room.

You walked a bit closer to the windows, staring at the sight until you felt a presence behind you. You felt your breath hitch slightly when his fingers gently grazed your shoulder, pulling your hair to the side to reveal your shoulder.

His lips soon came in contact with your shoulder, a shaky exhale leaving your lips while your head fell back, eyes slightly closing at the feeling.

His lips left butterfly kisses over your neck and shoulder, moving to your collarbone. "You make me crazy..." He whispered, his hands moving to your waist and pulling you back until your body was against his.

He trailed kisses up to your ear, sighing nervously and in need. "I need you so badly." He whispered, pulling you even deeper while grinding his hips into yours, letting you feel the boner he already had.

You turned your head to look at him with hooded eyes, staring at each other for a bit until he crashed his lips on yours. Your hands moved to his cheeks as you turned in his arms to face him, hugging him closer and digging your hands into his hair.

His hands skillfully pulled the zipper of your dress down, letting it drop from your shoulders as you worked on unbuttoning his shirt. The moment it was off, you couldn't help but pull away from the kiss, admiring his tattooed arm and toned torso, his broad shoulder making you feel butterflies.

He examined your body too, the dress on the ground. "You like what you see and I like what I see." He commented, making you giggle and kiss him deeply again.

He carefully picked you up and took you to the bed, gently laying you down as he hovered over you. You stared at each other, now feeling too shy that he was on top of you.

His hand moved up to your cheek, caressing it with a feather-like touch as he smiled shyly. You smiled back, watching him lean down and soon connecting your lips again.

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