[ Chapter 7 ]

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"그녀가 퇴원했다는 것이 무슨 말입니까? (What do you mean she was discharged?)" Jungkook said angrily

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"그녀가 퇴원했다는 것이 무슨 말입니까? (What do you mean she was discharged?)" Jungkook said angrily. He had chosen to bring the members to meet Y/n, finally having a free day. They had spent a couple of days since the last time practicing and he could only come and see her for 2 hours or less.

"죄송합니다. 의사는 그녀가 모두 건강하고 집에 갈 준비가 되었다고 말했습니다. (I'm sorry. The doctor said she was all good and ready to go home.)" The receptionist said.

Jungkook's blood was boiling. He had given specific instructions that if she was to be discharged, he needed to be informed so he could take her home himself.

He heaved a shaky exhale, his hand turning into a fist as he glared at the woman. "그녀가 퇴원할 때 즉시 연락하라고 구체적으로 말했어요! (I told you specifically to contact me instantly when she was going to be discharged!)" He exclaimed angrily.

The nurse looked at him with wide eyes, her lips parting as incoherent words began to leave them. "우리는 전화를 시도했습니다. 그러나 아무도 주어진 전화를 받지 않았다. (We did try to call. But nobody picked up the given phone.)" The nurse replied.

Jungkook then closed his eyes and sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Namjoon and Seokjin looked at each other knowingly, "그것이 바로 끊임없는 전화가 필요했던 것입니다. (That's what the constant calls were for.)" Namjoon muttered to Seokjin.

"The person isn't picking up." The nurse said as you stood there, leaning on the counter with one arm while the other pressed onto your abdomen gently.

"Could you try again?" You asked. You were about to leave and Jungkook hadn't come today. You didn't want to leave without him knowing you were discharged first.

You had a small hope that he would maybe come and see you off. The nurse sighed as she hung up, the second attempt failed. "I'll try one last time." The nurse said.

You were lucky that the girl knew English because despite the thought that you knew Korean, it was very broken and it took you long to reply to people.

You looked down sadly when the nurse looked at you sadly, the line only ringing and nobody picking up. You smiled and nodded to her, signaling her to hang up.

"Can I leave a note?"

"그녀는... 그녀는 당신을 위해 이것을 남겼습니다. (She... She left this for you though.)" The nurse said, pulling out the note you had written him. He quickly took it and began reading over it quickly.

'Thank you for taking care of me. I'll never forget it. I'm sorry for being a burden <3 - Y/n'

Jungkook sighed deeply, lowering his head as Namjoon took the note and read it over, the boys instantly asking what was written.

"그녀는 그의 보살핌에 감사하고 그에게 부담을 드려 죄송하다고 말했다. (She said that she is thankful for his care and that she is sorry for being a burden to him.)" Namjoon translated.

He knew what effect the word 'burden' had on Jungkook. He knew perfectly well when he noticed the tears clouding Jungkook's eyes.

Namjoon knew Jungkook was filled with regret, feeling bad for making her feel like a burden. "적어도 그녀의 주소를 알 수 있을까요? 아니면 연락처? (Can we at least get her address? Or contact number?)" Seokjin asked, caring for the girl too.

The nurse shook her head with a 'sorry' look, "그러한 유형의 정보는 비공개입니다. 나는 당신에게 그것을 줄 수 없습니다. (That type of information is private. I can't give it to you.)" She replied.

Jungkook pushed himself away from the counter, running a hand through his hair with a sigh, trying to blink his tears away. He didn't know what to do now. He didn't know how he was going to find her now, make sure for one last time that she was okay.

"감사합니다. (Thank you.)" Namjoon said before walking to Jungkook's side, a few tears already running down his cheeks that he didn't manage to blink away. Namjoon placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder and sighed, "우리는 그녀를 찾을 것입니다, 나는 그것을 확신합니다. (We will find her, I am sure of it.)" He said softly.

Jungkook simply nodded, sucking his lips in to try and keep his sobs in. Namjoon patted his shoulder and turned to the boys. "집에 가자. (Let's go home.)" He said. He started walking with Jungkook and the boys towards the exit but Jungkook took a quick turn and sprinted off towards the elevator.

"Jungkook!" Namjoon called out. He sighed and shook his head, sparing a glance at Seokjin. "그를 내버려 두십시오. 그는 아마도 그녀가 있었던 방을 확인할 것입니다. (Leave him be. He is probably going to check the room she was in.)" Jimin said instead.

Jimin knew perfectly well what Jungkook was doing. And he knew it was best to just leave him to do it. After taking the elevator, Jungkook reached the floor her room was on.

There he stood again, just like the first day, hands shaking in front of the door. But this time, he was empty-handed, only his tears blurring his vision.

He shakily reached and opened the door, meeting an empty room in front of him. "Y-Y/n?" He stuttered. His sniffle echoed through the room as he stepped inside, the door closing behind him.

He noticed one of your sketchbooks on the table by the bed, noticing it was the one he gifted you. A post-it note was glued to the top.

'Thank you for these wonderful days. I will never forget them. You're the best! Hwaiting! - Y/N'

He sobbed quietly as he sat on the bed, opening the sketchbook to be met by another drawing of him, made by you. He smiled and caressed the pretty lines and details.

The drawing was of him sleeping, his arms hugging one of your pillows. He sighed and stood up, sniffling again. After wiping his tears away, he left the room and headed back to the lobby of the hospital, determined to find you.

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