[ Chapter 43 ]

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You walked around the hotel room nervously, running a hand through your hair as you glanced at the food you had ordered for Jungkook and you

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You walked around the hotel room nervously, running a hand through your hair as you glanced at the food you had ordered for Jungkook and you.

You knew that after the concert Jungkook would be starving. But you were worried that maybe he had already eaten and that you ordered so much food for nothing.

You heaved a sigh as the door opened, a chuckling Jungkook entering while Jimin stayed outside. "Well then, rest well, okay?" He said softly, patting Jungkook's shoulder before heading down the hallway to his room.

Your breath hitched when Jungkook made his way to what was made into a living room, his smile faltering slightly when he saw you. You gulped nervously when he did so, his eyes scanning the room.

You had lit some candles and dimmed the lights slightly, making the atmosphere romantic and comfortable. He smiled once more at the sight, noticing you wearing a cute pink dress that reached your knees, the skirt lose and beautiful.

"What... What is all this?" He asked, placing his jacket and phone down on the TV table by the wall before heading closer to you. You played with your skirt nervously, glancing at the food you had ordered with Hoseok's help. "Well, um..." You trailed off.

"I wanted to do something tonight since you were so exhausted and stuff and I wanted to use that moment to spend some time together but since you were out with Jimin for a drink I suppose you two ate as well so-" He cut your ranting off by grabbing your hands in his, giving them a small squeeze.

"I didn't eat. Jimin insisted that I don't eat anything." He replied, a small chuckle leaving his lips. "I guess Hobi hyung told him." He added, looking down at your hands together.

His thumbs rubbed the top of your hand, sighing softly as his smile disappeared. He bit his lower lip, sighing deeply. "I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier." He whispered.

"No, don't you dare apologize." You quickly replied. "I deserved that. I totally deserved it." You added. "You tried so hard to protect me and keep me safe. To keep me by your side."

"And I..." You trailed off, your eyes watering as you whimpered. "I ruined everything." You whispered, looking up at him to see his eyebrows lowered in a sad look, his lips frowned.

You pulled your hands away and chuckled softly, "Sorry. We should eat, I'm sure you're hungry." You said while you tried to blink your tears away, wiping any that fell down your cheeks.

He watched you as you went to the small table, a small smile growing on his lips as you placed two cans of coke and pulled the containers with food out of the plastic bag.

You tried opening the top but struggled, making you scoff. "Fucking hell, they close these as if you aren't going to open them." You said. You watched him come to your side and take the container from you, his lips up in a grin as he opened the container without a hitch.

You rolled your eyes and glared at him as he nudged you teasingly. "Fuck you." You said, making him laugh. "You already have." He said in response, causing you to gasp and widen your eyes.

"You are such an idiot!" You exclaimed as you slapped his chest, letting out a chuckle until you got lost in his eyes, the same thing happening to him.

You stared into each other's eyes mesmerized, desperate to feel each other close again. It had only been a few days and it was torture, for the two of you.

"I'm so sorry, Jungkook." You whispered, your eyes full of regret and hurt. He sighed softly, shaking his head. "Stop..." He whispered, his hand going to the back of your head and pulling you into a hug, your face into his chest.

You hugged him tightly with your arms around his small waist, wasting no time in holding his shirt tightly and inhaling his scent deeply. He buried his face into your hair, sighing deeply as he held you back just as tight.

"I forgive you, but please, don't ever do that again." He whispered, your eyes watering once more when you nodded quickly in reassurance and hummed in response.

"I promise. I truly promise that I'll never do anything like that again." You whispered back, his lips placing a kiss on the top of your head. "I hope so." He replied, sharing a small laugh with you.

You pulled back enough to look at him, smiling up at him while your hands went to his cheeks and wiped a few tears that he had let out.

"I love you, okay? No matter what, I'll fight the world if it means I'll keep you by my side. You leaving won't stop me from being who I am or stop the fans from harassing us and being who they are." He said.

You sniffled and nodded, his hands squeezing your hips. "I love you too." You whispered back, hugging him with your arms around his shoulders this time.

He sighed and glanced down at the food, smiling softly. "We should eat or the food will go cold." He said softly, patting your lower back. You pulled back and nodded, wiping your cheeks. "Yeah, we should. I'm sure you're hungry too." You said with a giggle.

He chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, I-m starving. I might have to kill Jimin hyung for keeping me out for so long if he knew what you and Hobi hyung were planning." He said.

You chuckled and thanked him quietly when he helped you sit down, watching him sit down in front of you after. You instantly took your chopsticks and used the lid as a plate, putting Jungkook a bit of everything and then handing him the "plate".

"There, you should eat first." You said with a smile. He smiled back at you and took the first bite like a little kid, humming and moaning at the taste of the food. "Ah~ So good." He said, chewing on it quickly.

"Ah! I also have ramen!" You said quickly, heading to the microwave and getting the two packs of ramen you had made in the microwave, carrying them to him quickly since they burned.

"They're hot." You said with a small blush, rubbing your hands to ease the burn. He smiled cutely at you, his eyes turning into small crescent moons and his bunny teeth made their debut.

His hands took yours and gave them a soft kiss, pulling your chair to his side after and making you sit down beside him. With his chopsticks, he took a small bite of the ramen and moved them to your lips after blowing softly on them.

Shyly, you took the bite and slurped slightly, taking a bit of kimchi and then some bulgogi from the food you had ordered. He watched you with a soft smile, eating some ramen himself and some of the food on the lid, continuing to watch you with dreamy eyes.

"Y/n?" He softly called, your head turning to him as you licked your lips and chewed on the bite you had taken. "Yeah? What's wrong?" You asked as you noticed his slightly nervous but serious eyes.

He took a deep breath and giggled softly, clearing his throat. "I-I know this might be too quick. Or maybe not since I'm planning to do this in a few months, once the tour is on a break." He began.

"But I'm planning to go on a trip with my parents and brother, his wife and daughter will come along too." He explained, his hand taking yours into his and giving it a soft squeeze, smiling widely.

"And I want you to join us when we do go on said trip." He said, scanning your face and eyes.

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