[ Chapter 71 ]

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Soft lips touched your shoulder and upper back placing soft kisses on your skin, making you stir in your sleep as the figure hummed, his lips turning into a smile

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Soft lips touched your shoulder and upper back placing soft kisses on your skin, making you stir in your sleep as the figure hummed, his lips turning into a smile. You couldn't help but smile sleepily yourself, the kisses stopping for a bit before continuing to your neck and jawline.

"Good morning, baby girl." A soft, raspy voice whispered into your ear. You blushed softly at the words, moving closer into his arms and turning in them, hiding your face in his neck.

He chuckled lowly at you, hugging you close,  with a sigh leaving his nose. "Did you sleep well?" He whispered, placing a kiss on the top of your head while his hand caressed your hair.

"Yes, I did. I had the most peaceful and amazing sleep ever." You replied, closing your eyes. He kept caressing your hair soothingly, humming in response to what you said. "Good. I had the most amazing sleep ever too." He chuckled.

With a soft smile, you pulled back to look up at him, his eyes nearly melting you from how lovingly he was looking at you. "Were you watching me sleep?" You asked quietly, your hands resting on his chest caringly caressing his torso.

"Mhm... I woke up early and I wanted to watch you." He whispered back, moving his hand to your cheek and tucking some of your hair behind your ear. "It makes me calm to watch you sleep peacefully." He added.

His words made you soften up, unable to hold a small blush from creeping up onto your cheeks after too. You giggled and pecked his lips, hearing voices outside that made you two sit up a bit and look towards the main door.

"It seems they are awake already." He sighed, a tone of sadness in his voice as he laid back down, laying on his back this time. "We can always stay if you are tired. I am sure your mom will understand." You said, leaning your hand and chin on his chest.

He shook his head and sighed, staring at the ceiling. "No... My mom and dad will want us to go with them." He said, looking down at you with his arm around your shoulders, caressing your arm up and down.

"They would want you to rest too." You said, smiling sweetly at him. He stared at you for a bit, returning you a loving smile and shaking his head. "I know they would. But we have two whole weeks to rest. I just want to spend one day cuddling you and being lazy with you." He replied, his arms wrapping around your body and hugging you close, his face buried in your neck.

"I want that too..." You whispered, closing your eyes. You sighed happily at the skin contact, the intimacy between you two. It felt good, so comforting and warm. You two soon pulled away down, his hands going to your ass and giving it a small slap as he grinned while your eyes widened.

"We wouldn't just be resting though." He whispered teasingly. At that, you slapped his chest while blushing heavily, your heart skipping a beat as you remembered what happened yesterday.

"You are as horny as a bunny!" You said as you sat up, squealing when he sat up as well and attacked your neck with small nibbles, making you laugh. His arms kept you locked against his chest, your hands holding the blanket close to your chest to hide your breasts.

"I resemble a bunny for a reason." He smiled teasingly. You felt his lips begin placing small kisses on your neck and on your shoulder, the same way he did earlier while trying to wake you up. You couldn't explain how warm inside it made you feel, the tickling feeling of his lips on your skin leaving a trail of his love and care at each kiss.

"Do you know how happy it makes me to hear you laugh?" He whispered, nuzzling his face into your nape. You couldn't help but smile widely, giggling a bit in shyness. "And do you know how shy you make me when you say such things?" You replied, his arms pulling you deeper into his embrace.

"Yes, that's why I say them." He whispered with a grin, leaning in and connecting your lips into a slow, yet loving kiss.

"Baby! Are you ready?!" You heard Jungkook exclaim from outside. "Y-Yes! Just a second!" You stuttered back in response, digging urgently through your bag. "No, no, no! I had it here." You muttered to yourself, feeling on the verge of crying.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" You heard Haneul ask as she made her way inside the room. You looked at her with a distressed look, her eyes instantly noticing the panic and anxiety in them. "T-The pills..." You said with a stutter and shaky voice.

"I-I take anti-conceptive pills. They prevent me from getting pregnant." You began to explain. "Before we c-came here, I had ran out of pills and I had to buy a new box. A-And I didn't drink the pills I had to drink before we came here with the thought that I'd drink them here."

"B-But then we came late, and I was tired, and I forgot to drink them, and we had sex with Jungkook yesterday, and now they aren't in my bag, and I can't find them in any of the bags-" You began ranting, your eyes beginning to water.

Your hands began to shake and your breaths turned ragged, your chest heaving up and down rapidly as you took in unstable breaths, beginning to feel dizzy even. "Hey, hey, Y/n. Calm down. It's okay. We'll buy a new box." Haneul said, your head shaking as you denied what she said.

"N-No, no, no! It's been nearly 2 weeks!" You exclaimed, your hands going up to your head as you began to sob. "I-I'm on my fertility window! It's too late!" You added. Haneul's eyes widened at your words, her outstretched hands that were trying to get a hold of you to calm you down slowly relaxing and falling to her side.

"What?" She said in surprise. You were way too shaken up to even hear her or pay attention to her. You felt everything around you begin to spin, your head feeling lightheaded, eyes only focusing on the ground where you were staring.

You felt your body be moved and sat on the bed. Big, soft hands grabbed your face in the most gentle hold possible, making you look at the person. You met a pair of brown, chocolate eyes, tears shining in them as they stared lovingly at you.

"Look at me, baby. There you go..." He said softly, staring at you with a soft look. His lower lip trembled a bit as he tried his best to hold back any sobs that threatened to leave his lips. He gently tucked some of your hair behind your ears, kneeling in front of you and sniffling, a few tears managing to leave his eyes.

"You'll be okay. We'll be okay, hm?" He whispered. Your trembling had calmed down a bit, completely lost in his eyes, while your breathing was still slightly uneven and shaky. He sat up and pulled you into his arms, one hand on the back of your head and the other on your lower back.

"I'm sorry-" He cut you off before you could continue, patting your back and caressing your head. "No. It's not your fault. It's okay." He whispered after shaking his head. Your hands grabbed his shoulders as you hugged him back, your eyes closing.

What you didn't notice, apart from Haneul's soft and slightly sorry eyes staring at you, was Junghyun, and their parents, standing by the door and seeing the whole scene. Jungkook sighed softly, placing a soft kiss on the side of your head.

"We'll be okay, I promise." He reassured, pulling back to check on you and wipe your cheeks with his thumbs, giving you a soft smile.

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