[ Chapter 41 ]

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After the concert, you returned to the suite with Jungkook silently

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After the concert, you returned to the suite with Jungkook silently. The aura around him didn't feel the same and you of course understood it. You weren't expecting him to be all lovey-dovey with you just like before.

You had promised him not to go and you broke said promise by doing so, and even worse because you didn't want to say goodbye. Currently, you were in the separate room, having gathered your things from Jungkook's room as he showered in the shared bathroom.

You fixed your room as you sniffled, your tears dry on your cheeks and eyes red from all the crying. You heard the shower stop running, gathering your pyjamas and changing into them.

Soft footsteps echoed close to the rooms until a half-naked Jungkook showed at the doorway as he looked inside his room and then into yours. "You... You took your things." He said with a low tone, his eyebrows slightly furrowed but not in confusion, but a bit of hurt.

"U-Uh, yeah. S-Since you said you didn't want me in the room, I thought it would be better to just... take my things." You replied softly, avoiding to look at him since he was half-naked and you were already on bad terms.

He simply nodded and sighed deeply, sniffling. "Okay then." He then walked away to his room, leaving you behind as he disappeared into his room to change into his clothes.

With a soft sigh, you rubbed your face, feeling your heart squeeze in your chest. After gathering your phone and a towel, you went into the bathroom and took a shower as well, playing some quiet music as you showered.

You couldn't help but cry silently, letting your tears wash off with the water running over your body, quiet sobs leaving your lips. A few minutes later, you were in your room, dressed in your pyjamas, with a hair towel on.

You stared outside the window to the city, all the lights off in the suite. You headed to the minibar and took a small beer can, popping it open with a sigh before heading back to the window and sitting on the ground in front of it.

You sipped the beer as you watched, rethinking the acts that you did. How you decided to leave. How close you were to leave. And then how you stayed. Then, Jungkook's hatred towards you.

Tears clouded your vision as you sat there, lower lip trembling as you stared at your reflection, which twisted to Jungkook's figure as he glared at you, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Those brown eyes that used to hold so much love, care, compassion, affection, and kindness in their unique sparkle which was now gone every time he looked at you.

You placed the can on the ground before burying your face in your hands, muffling the sobs that urgently left your mouth in small whimpers. How desperately you wanted to feel his warmth and embrace once more.

To feel him hold you and whisper how much he loves you. Or the small kisses he used to leave on your shoulder and neck as you laid with your back to him, his arm around your waist while he held you close to himself.

Your heart ached for his love once more but you knew you deserved his coldness and hatred. You knew you broke his promise and that made you feel guilty and regretful.

With one big sigh, you wiped your cheeks although more tears kept falling and took the beer, taking 3 big gulps before placing the can on the nearby coffee table and getting up.

Once you stood up, you went to your bed but stopped beside it, glancing at the other room beside yours. Jungkook's room. With a deep breath, you tried your best to stay quiet as you tiptoed to his room, looking through the doorway to see him laying on the bed with his back to you.

You didn't know if he was awake or not, too scared to get caught either way. You still watched him for a bit, his bare torso shifting gently every time he breathed in and out. His breaths were slow and steady, and he looked asleep to you.

But truly he was awake, his arm stretched out over your spot as he stared at your empty space. He also wanted to desperately go to you and hug you tightly. To have you back in his arms.

To kiss you.

His eyes were watered, his hand gently caressing the sheets of your now cold spot on his bed. A small creaking sound came from the doorway, his body instantly turning as he looked back to see no one there.

The small hope of seeing you there dissipated the moment he saw the empty doorway. He heaved a sigh as he turned back, "Fuck..." He muttered, rubbing his face before sitting up on the bed.

Your breath had hitched as you hid behind the wall, eyes wide when the floor had suddenly squeaked when you wanted to see what he was doing. You heard shifting in the bed, your heart beginning to race as your eyes widened even more.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You muttered to yourself as you tried to walk away quietly but quickly, knowing he would go and investigate the hallway.

You reached your room and quickly moved under the sheets, moving them around a bit to show as if you had been laying there a while. Soon enough, Jungkook stood by your doorway, seeing you laying on your bed peacefully.

But truly, your heart was racing and your eyes were open, breath slightly shaky as you laid there, trying to show you were sleeping peacefully.

A soft smile was on Jungkook's lips though, leaning on the doorway as he watched you because he knew you were on the doorway watching him.

He heaved a small sigh before looking at you one last time, heading to his room after. He looked at his empty bed, his heart squeezing in his chest as he moved and laid down on his bed.

He stared at the ceiling for a bit while he thought, knowing that it would be a while before you could go back to what you were.

Before he could go back to loving you, forgetting about your broken promise.

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