komurasaki wakiya → wealth.

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{ Soulmate AU - Anyone can directly deposit money in their soulmate's bank account once they turn 15 years old, and they can also receive money from their soulmate. 

Also a small note - big amounts of money get sent over faster, while smaller amounts usually get deposited the next day! }


"How much did your soulmate send you for Valentine's Day?"

"I got 10,000 yen!"

"I got 50,000 yen!"

"Psh, get on my level. My soulmate gave me 100,000 yen! I bet they're rich!"

Y/N was dreading the moment her mother would ask how much she received. The truth is that she didn't receive a single penny from her soulmate. She didn't want to put down the mood for her siblings that got a lot of money from their soulmates.

"And you, Y/N? How much did your soulmate send you?" Y/N's mom asked, causing her siblings' eyes to turn towards her.

"Big sis is always so lucky in everything. I bet she also got 100,000!"

"Maybe she even got a million!"

Y/N panicked, a million thoughts racing through her head. What would everyone think of her if she said that she got nothing?

"I got 100,000, too!" Y/N chuckled, running her finger under her nose. Everyone gasped.

"Whoa, really, Y/N? You're so lucky! Your soulmate is probably loaded too!"

Y/N sweatdropped. "It's not all about the money though, as long as they're nice and will love me is all that matters. But I do suppose that them being rich is a small bonus, too," the female laughed nervously as she started to regret the big lie she just told.

"Whatever you say, Y/N, you're just making stuff up because enough want Wakiya to be your soulmate!" Y/N's older brother teased her, poking her shoulder.

"N-No! It's nothing like that..." Y/N's face flushed red, "we've never had an actual conversation with each other in years, I doubt that it would be him anyway."

"Anything can happen, sweetie," Y/N's mother reassured her, ruffling her hair, "even if it isn't the guy you like, I'm sure your soulmate will be someone really nice, just like your father," she smiled sadly.

A heavy silence settled in the room.

"Anyways, since our soulmates are also able to receive money, we should also give them some money!" Y/N's brother clapped his hands together and looked at Y/N. Y/N beamed at the idea.

"It won't be a lot compared to what they gave us, but I'm sure they'll understand!!" Y/N's younger sister said, taking out her phone to prepare her deposit. Everyone else did the same.

"I'll send them 1,000 yen! I'm sure they might be able to buy a nice burger or something," the youngest sister said.

"I'll send 500 yen... I kinda spent all of my money on food," the youngest brother said laughing.

"I saved up a little for this, so I'll send 20,000 yen! I hope they buy themselves something nice," the oldest brother said, "and you, Y/N?"

"Uhh... I don't know..." Y/N mumbled quietly. She was tight on money, her part-time job wasn't going too well, and she spent most of what she earned on helping her mom with paying her tuition. "I'll just send them 5,000 yen, I'm sure they'll understand. I'll deposit some more when I can get more money!" Y/N reassured herself, entering the amount, and clicked the 'deposit' button. She felt part of her soul and her bank account leave as she heard the 'beep' confirming her deposit.

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