* midorikawa kensuke → valt the shipper.

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"Hey, Kensuke!" Y/N ran up to her shy friend.

"Hi, Y/N!" Beus waved his tiny arms at her. Y/N slightly giggled at the cute actions.

"Valt told me to tell you that the Beyclub meeting tomorrow is canceled." The female said.

"Do you know why, though?" Ker asked her. Y/N frowned in thought. "Actually, no." Being Valt's sister didn't mean she knew everything about Valt's actions.

Ker hummed in response. "Alrighty then, we'll see you tomorrow at school, Y/N!" Beus waved his arm as if to say 'goodbye'.

"Bye, guys." Y/N smiled at the three.


"Y/N! Don't miss out on the new bread Mom made!" Valt shouted with his face full of breadcrumbs, which the female found really cute.

There was only one bread left, and Y/N grabbed it before Valt got the chance, and took a bite out of it.

It was really good.

"Hey, we should make more of this bread and give some to the Beyclub," Y/N suggested.

"And Kensuke," Valt smirked, and Y/N's cheeks started to flush a deep red color.

"How did we get to bread to Kensuke?" Y/N pouted at her brother.

"You clearly wanted to give some of the bread to Kensuke, 'cause you like him~" Valt teased.

"I don't like him!"

"You... love him?"

Y/N flushed red again. "Okay, you win. I like Kensuke," she sighed.

Valt's eyes lit up.

"That means I can ship you two now??" Valt asked with stars in his eyes.

"W-What?! No!!" The virbrant crimson color on her face could put Shu's eyes to shame.

"Pleeeeeease?" Valt stretched the "e".

Y/N sighed. "Okay, fine. Just not in front of Kensuke, alright?"

Valt wore a sly smile on his lips. "Sure, Y/N."


"Go, Shoot!"

B/N and Kerbeus were sent into the stadium, with the green-colored Bey heading for the center.

"Go, B/N!" Y/N cheered for her Bey.

"Kerbeus! Knock her out!" Ker said, as B/N was heading to hit the Defense-type Bey.

Just as B/N hit Kerbeus, it was knocked out of the stadium landing on Kensuke's feet.

"Over Finish! Kensuke gets one point!" Valt said.

"Awww, I lost!" Y/N pouted. Kensuke chuckled.

He picked up her Bey from his feet, and handed it to Y/N. "You just need practice! Practice makes perfect!" Beus said, 'biting' the female's cheek.

Y/N laughed at the feeling. "I guess so." She smiled at him. Kensuke blushed, and smiled back.

"i SeE A sHiP cOmInG-" Valt yelled, but Y/N's hand was clamped over his mouth to prevent him to say anything else.

"U-Uh, we gotta go, Kensuke! Bye, Ker and Beus!" Y/N laughed nervously, still dragging Valt as she walked away.

"Wait, Y/N!" Ker waved his tiny arms to catch your attention.

She turned back to look at the black-haired male. "Yeah?" She asked him, forgetting that Valt was still there.

Kensuke sighed nervously before parting his lips.

"We need to talk," a shy voice came out. "In private."


"Y/N, I don't know how to say this but.." Kensuke was blushing heavily, due to him legit talking to the girl he liked.

"K-Kensuke, can I say something f-first?" Y/N flushed red as she stumbled with her words.

"S-Sure." Kensuke replied.

"L-Look, I don't know if I'm going to say the same thing as you were, b-but I like you. A l-lot. I really hope this doesn't affect our friendship." Y/N sighed, turning away.

"Y/N." Kensuke's voice was now firm. "You stole the words right off of my lips." He smiled, a small, happy smile.

"Y-You like me back?" Y/N asked him, hope flooding her words. Kensuke didn't say anything.

Instead, he grabbed the edges of her face, and kissed her.

Y/N was shocked at first, but eventually kissed back blissfully.

Everything was perfect until...

"wOoOoOoOoO!! MY SHIP SAILED!!" Rantaro's voice was heard.

"I KNEW THEY WOULD BE A COUPLE SOMEDAY!! :DD" Valt practically screeched.

"WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE WITHOUT A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND-" Wakiya was interrupted by God knows what.

"Guys, I think we should all calm down. We're interrupting their, moment." Shu tried to calm the Beyclub down, but it seemed that he was also fanboying on the inside.

The new couple smiled nervously, laughing a little, their hands intertwining with each other.

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