shalt → what did i do.

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Lui was already winning the match with an Over Finish.

Red Eye was stunned that the blue-haired Japanese blader actually stole a point from him.

It reminded him of....

Red Eye shook the thought out of his mind and started to concentrate on the next round. How could he beat Lui's Death Spiral, especially with his Bey that was more powerful than ever?

For some reason, he looked at the cliff that was near them, and spotted a familiar group, and it was none other than Sisco, Rantaro, Cooza, Wakiya, an old man and a little kid he didn't recognize, and Valt.

Valt, the name came to the blader's mind like a drop a venom into his brain.

What was it? Was it hate, rage, confusion, or...



Red Eye can't just fall in love. Especially with a boy! It's just plain darn wrong! It would just distract him.

Red Eye looked back at Lui, who was smirking at his win. Eventually he burst in laughter.

"Spriggan is still weak, just like the last time I battled you, Kurenai Shu." Lui said, showing his pointed teeth in a grin.

Sh- um I mean Red Eye, gritted his teeth in rage. "He's dead!" Red Eye spat.

"Let's see about that, shall we?" Lui smirked, as he got into launching position, as Red Eye did the same.


I'm not letting him win again.


He's the reason I'm like this.



"Go, Shoot!"


Both Beys flew out of the stadium, while Lui caught Longinus, and Red Eye let Spriggan fly over to the ground beside him. They both went out at the same time, which meant a simultaneous Over Finish, so no one got a point.

Red Eye was furious. He still can't beat the eyebrow dude. As he the thought entered his mind, a sharp pain jolted across his right eye, letting the haunting memory enter his mind.

Red Eye screamed mentally, cursing himself for letting him think about that again. He recovered, keeping his impassive facade. But beneath his mask, his eyes showed only hints of nervousness and pain, as well as guilt.

Red Eye got into launching position, as Lui did the same as well. Lui was smirking, a sign of confidence, a quality he showed all the time.

"sO COOL!! I WANNA WATCH THIS UP CLOSE!!" Valt jumped up and down.

Oh boy.

Valt was being his hyped self again.

He started down the cliff, as his friends were protesting, pleading him to not do it. But it was too late.

The countdown was already starting.


Valt was running, until he fell into a river. But he starting swimming until...


...Valt's mouth suddenly had a fish in it. But his determination didn't stop him, he kept going even though he was practically drowning.


He somehow got out of the river alive. I'm not talking about Valt. I was talking about that fish in his mouth.

yeah sure valt was alive too-

Valt spit the fish out of his mouth, and conveniently the fish landed into the river, and Valt started to run as fast as he could.

"Go, Shoot!"

Spriggan and Longinus spun rapidly, heading for an attack. Just as the two Beys collided, Valt was just at the "perfect distance" to watch the outcome of the battle.


The impact of the two Beys hitting each other caused a bright light, practically letting no one see what was going on.

Lui, being his overly confident self, smirked as if he knew what was going to happen next. On the other hand, Red Eye, was kind of nervous that he didn't know what was happening to Spriggan. He had witnessed what Lui and Longinus were capable of with their strong bond. He didn't want the same thing to happen again.

Red Eye set his mind on other things. Destroying Longinus, Fafnir, being the best blader in the world, breaking Beys, making other people suffer, his old life in Japan, Valt-



Just as his mind snapped, the light from the stadium diminished, but the battle was still going. Lui's aura was shining fiercely, saying that something was going to happen. Red Eye's aura was shining as well, and Spriggan was getting ready for a Counter Break.

[[ seriously i forgot the techniques used in the battle so imma make everything up lol ]]

Longinus was heading for Spriggan, ready for attack. It was spinning towards the red Bey with a tremendous speed. This wasn't looking good.


Longinus touched Spriggan, and the impact was just too much. The blow caused Spriggan to burst. The impact also caused Red Eye's mask to crack and break off his face.

The person's eyes widened as the mask broke off his face. And his right eye had a scar. This couldn't mean anything else.

Red Eye was Shu all along.

Valt felt like he was stabbed. He couldn't believe it.

"Kurenai Shu is DEAD!" he remembered Red Eye told him at the Snake Pit.

How would Shu lie about his own death? He shakily got up to his feet, and started to run over to Shu, who stood still, his hair covering his face in shame and defeat.

"Shu! Shu!" Valt yelled at Shu, grabbing his shoulders. "Why did you do this to everyone?!" He said, shaking the shoulders of the albino.

Shu's eyes were emotionless, empty. His bright red eyes were now dull, now in a dark and old shade of garnet. His eyes didn't dare to look at Valt's warm and comforting brown eyes full of tears. Instead, he shoved Valt's hands away, but Valt's hands stayed firm.

"Shu, I can't believe you did this! You lied to everyone you were dead when you really weren't-"

"SHUT UP. GET AWAY FROM ME!" Shu said without any emotion except anger.



Valt's tears were getting bigger, as he stepped away from Shu, who was now heading into the vast darkness of the forest ahead.

What did I do?

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