komurasaki wakiya → hide.

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"You can't just let him in the club like that, Valt!" You yelled at your brother.

You see, the national team tournament was starting soon, and it required a team of five. Shu offered to join, which you and Valt approved. But.

Wakiya also offered.

You wanted to say no to the blonde, but Valt said yes before you could open your mouth.

And now you were really pissed.

"Y/N, it's the best for the team! And now we're gonna be able to compete in the National Team Tournament!" Valt looked at you, pouting.

You sighed. "I guess. You win," You said defeated. Valt's face broke in a smile. He put his hand on your shoulder.

"I promise you won't regret my decision in the future, sis!" He shook your shoulder in excitement. You gave a slight smile to him.

Would the decision turn out good?

Only God knows.


"What are ya doin', Y/N? Ya sure have some poor posture." Wakiya spat while you were about to launch your Bey.

Your E/C eyes rolled. "At least I'm not some whiny eggplant who complains every second of the day," You mumbled.

"Huh? What was that?" He sounded offended. "Nothing," You sighed as you got up.

"Better not be talkin' trash 'bout me behind my back," He crossed his arms.

"Oh no, I won't, Your Highness," You mocked.

"Why, ya little sh-" Wakiya started.

"What? Huh?" You cut him off.

"Ya can't interrupt what I say-"

"How are my friends getting along with each other?" Valt suddenly stepped into the conversation.


"Well, we're doin' great, Valt!" Wakiya cut you off, slinging an arm around your shoulders, as he flashed a fake smile.

Red roses grew on your cheeks in embarrassment.

"That's great! See, Y/N? I told you both if you'd would get along!" Valt looked at you.

"Y-Yeah! I was kinda doubtful at first, but now I see what you meant!" You smiled nervously.

Valt smiles and walked away to train with Shu.

You pushed away from Wakiya's grip. He rolled his eyes at you. "Ya better be thankful that Valt interrupted our argument." He scoffed.

"Well, of course I am! You're just a whiny, childish, and awful person!" You glared at him. "I hope we never talk again!"

"Fine!" He yelled back.

"Fine!" You yelled in response.

And with that, you two walked away from each other.

Geez, I think I like him. You thought.

That half-hug couldn't just happen. You knew it wasn't in Wakiya'a comfort zone.

Does he like you?


God, I think I like her, Wakiya thought.

You were cute when you were mad, and he knew the effort you put into your Bey.

He really liked you, and liked to tease you as well. But you thought he was just insulting you.

Wakiya's reputation was just insulting people, so the idea of him teasing you wasn't available.

But he was actually teasing you.

I probably repeated that too many times?

But the point is that you liked Wakiya, and you liked him back.

He wasn't going to show it anyways.

And you weren't going to, either.

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