• sisco carlisle → new.

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[[ AU where Sisco never left Real Sun Bat ]]


You sat in the training room, waiting to see the new member that Wakiya recruited for New Sun Bat.

You decided to support your brother and enter his team, instead of joining Valt and Kumicho at BC Sol.

Wakiya finally entered the room. No one was following him, but he did grab your arm and drag you into the hallway.

"Y/N, since you're my 'partner in crime' leading this team, I'd like ya to meet our new member, Sisco Carlisle." Wakiya led you to another room and fortunately stopped dragging you.

"U-Um, okay." You responded, a little anxious to meet the new member.

As if on cue, a green-haired male entered the room. He had a yellow strip of hair that was styled to be over his face, and wore a sleeveless green sweater over a black shirt that didn't cover his arms, neither his stomach.

He also wore brown pants and brown boots. But the eyes.

ThE eYeS.

They were a piercing, yet beautiful, shade of blue. Unfortunately, he had purple glasses over them so you couldn't always stare at them directly.

He held out his right hand.

"Hey." He smiled, revealing sharp teeth.

You took his hand, and shook it.

"Hi." Was all you simply said, having a light blush across your cheeks.

"Well uh, I'll leave ya two alone. Sisco, remember ya need to meet the new members eventually." Wakiya walked out of the room nervously.

You noticed you two were still holding hands. Your face turned slightly red. "E-Er, Sisco is your name, right?" You cursed to yourself for stuttering.

"Yeah." He replied. "Well, Sisco, can you let go of my hand?" Your face turned redder.

His cheeks turned pink. "Oh, sure," He laughed nervously, letting go of your hand, slightly disappointed.

"Wakiya told me about you, so you're Y/N, right?" He tried to start a conversation. You nodded.

He then realized you were a little hard to talk to, so he started to walk to the door.

"And where do you think you're going?" You shouted at him. He turned around, smirking. "What? Do you want me to stay?" He teased.

"No, get away." You rolled your eyes, blushing.

"Whatever makes you happy," Sisco closed the door behind him.


It's been four months that Sisco joined Real Sun Bat, and you have to admit, it's been the happiest four months of your life.

You two got along, of course, and you realized that you liked him, and a lot.

He liked you too, but he just wouldn't admit it.

"Thinking about Sisco again, aren't you, Y/N?" Wakiya sounded bored as he looked at the burst pieces of your Bey.

You blushed violently. "Shut up!" You pretty much screeched, catching everyone's attention.

Sisco walked up behind you and placed his gloved hands on your shoulders. You squeaked in surprise.

"Hey peeps," He greeted. "What are we talking about?" He smirked.

You gave Wakiya a silent death threat, and he immediately turned pale.

"UmweweretalkingaboutnothingbutIforgotthatIhadtodosomeerrandssoIgottagobyeeeeeeee!" Wakiya ran off to the bathroom.

"Wakiya's so weird sometimes I swear," You said, rubbing your temples.

"I know right," He replied, scratching the back of his neck. "Anyways, do you have a sec? I have to talk to you about something." He blushed faintly.

"S-Sure," You replied, following out of the building.


"So, what's the matter?" You asked him, sitting on the grass. He sat across from you.

"You see, um, well," He fiddles with his fingers nervously.

"What?" You asked him, getting closer to his face. He flushed red.

"wHAT? wHaT? WhA-" You got cut off by Sisco, who was now kissing you.

His rough lips fitted into yours, moving in perfect sync.

He grabbed your wrists and slowly pinned you into the grass, and now he was licking your lower lip for entrance.

Doubtful of what was going to happen next, you slowly opened your mouth, letting him in.

You never did this before, so you were pretty much being stupid at this point.

His tongue entered you mouth, and you, being ultimately disgusted, pulled away abruptly.

He laughed. "Never did this before?" He said in between laughter. Your face turned into a tomato.

"N-No," You said, wiping your mouth.

"Well," He said before kissing your cheek, "I'll talk to you about that later. But we've got to get back, or Wakiya is going to literally hunt us down." He chuckled nervously.

"Yeah," You replied.

You got up, with Sisco helping you.

Your fingers intertwined with his, and you laid your head in his shoulder.

"What were you going to tell me again?" You asked Sisco.

"I was going to tell you that I liked you," He said, smiling.

You stopped.

"You said you LIKED me? Like the past verb tense?" You asked, scared. He hugged you.

"I liked you, but now I love you." He said, wrapping his arms around your waist.

You smiled into his neck.

"I love you, too." You replied.

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