red eye / boa alacer → imagination.

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Y/N, are you feeling any pain yet?" Ashram spat at the tired female.

"No!" She went faster on the treadmill. Ashram smirked.

"Very well then," He walked off.

"Are you sure you're not tired? You look pretty worn out to me." Boa whispered to Y/N.

He saw that Y/N's H/C hair was wet and dripping with sweat and water that was poured on her head, and her E/C eyes showed pure exhaustion.

"I'm okay, Boa. Thanks for asking, though." Y/N flashed a smile towards the green-eyed male, which made him blush immediately.

Y/N looked around the large room. She saw that the boys were extremely exhausted and didn't want to do any more of this. They wanted to go home.

But unlike Y/N, they chose to come, so they could leave. She couldn't, since she was practically a slave here.

On the far side of the room, she saw that a familiar male walked towards her.

Red Eye, she thought.

She remembered the time she met him. She saw him without a mask, and she thought he was really cute.

She still remembers how everything happened.


"Kurenai Shu, welcome to the Snake Pit." Ashram smiled coldly at the albino.

Shu came to the Snake Pit in order to become stronger, so he was chosen to become one of many people who were willing to become stronger at the Snake Pit.

The two males were near Y/N, so she could hear the conversation while she was being forced to exercise to death.

"Wait, why is she the only girl here?" Shu asked Ashram while pointing at the H/C-haired female.

She looked back at the male, and turned back, blushing. He was really cute. But of course, we're talking about THE Kurenai Shu.

"Something wrong?" Boa asked her. "The guy that's over there," She pointed over to Shu.

"That's Kurenai Shu," Boa looked surprised. You nodded.

"Are you two flirting again?" Ashram talked over to the two young teenagers.

"No," The two said in unison, blushing.

"Very well," Ashram said plainly. "Kurenai, you can explore wherever you like in the Snake Pit for now." Shu nodded.

He immediately walked towards Y/N. "Boa, I'm a tourist attraction now. Kurenai Shu is walking towards me." She joked. Boa strained back a laugh.

"Um, hey." Y/N turned to see Shu somewhat blushing.

"Hey," She gave him a small smile.

"I'm not trying to sound rude, but why are you here?" Shu asked the female.

"I was dragged here," She replied simply. "So, you were brought here for no reason?" He asked.

"Yep, pretty much," She said. "And apparently I can never leave so..."

"Wait, what?!" Shu's red eyes widened in shock.

"Mhm, but don't worry, everyone else can leave." She smiled.

"I'm very worried," Shu frowned.

Y/N giggled. "I'll be fine, but you should leave because Ashram might be stalking us and we would get in trouble and yeah." She looked around the large room.

"Alright," Shu looked around as well. "Well, see you around." He walked away.


"Y/N? Y/N? Earth to Y/N?" Boa poked Y/N's shoulder.

"Huh? What?" She turned to see that Boa was the one who was calling her. "Oh, sorry, what's wrong?" She blushed in embarrassment.

Boa blushed nervously. "Y/N, we've met for a year, and I really wanted to ask you if you want to be my-"

Someone grabbed Y/N's arm and dragged her away.

"Hey! Stop! Help! 911-"

She was interrupted by being thrown in a closet. "Who's there!?" She held her hands up, ready to slap anything, or anyone.

"Y/N, it's me, Shu." Red Eye took off his mask. She sighed in relief. "Thank god," Y/N sweatdropped. "But why did you bring me here?"

"Y/N," Shu took a deep breath. "Do you remember when we met?" He slightly blushed, which wasn't exactly visible due to the darkness of the room.

"I remember it perfectly," She smiled. "I do too," He returned the smile.

"Ever since I came here, you always caught my eye. Your situation is seriously unfair in my opinion. Do you mind if I help you to try to get you free?" Shu stepped towards her, a sad smile on his face.

"Sure, thanks." She smiled back at him. "I have another question for you." Shu blushed.

"Yeah?" Y/N was somewhat scared at the moment.

"Will you go out with me?"



yOu ThOuGhT i WaS gOnNa CoNtInUe?!?!


okok jkjk, i might continue this, but for now i want y'all to use for imagination pls

do you accept or reject?

it's your choice y'all



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jUsT uSe It


for me

and for you ;-;

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