clio delon → secret.

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"Y/N? You there?" Daina pressed his face against your dorm's door.

You were silently crying, your tears dripping from your eyes, at the same pace as the blood that was dripping from your arms.

You didn't want to open the door so Daina, your best friend and captain of the French team, would see you like this. It would hurt him as much as you hurt yourself for all of these years.

"Y/N! If you don't get out of there I swear I'll open the damn door!" Daina shouted over the door, slamming his fist on the door.

Your ears perked up at his words, knowing he could be capable of breaking the door. You quickly dried your tears, and pulled your sleeves down, and hid the blade in your closet.

Daina was about to punch the door, when you slowly opened the door. Daina, who was unaware that you opened the door, punched your face instead of the door.

"Um, I'm a person with feelings, ya know," You said rather annoyed.

"O-Oh, sorry." Daina sweatdropped. "But why didn't you answer me before? I was getting worried." Daina frowned.

"I was sleeping," You lied. Daina sighed in what she thought was relief. "Oh, you had me worried," He nervously laughed.

"Anyways, we have a new member for the team, and I really want you to meet him. I know you two will get along," Daina offered.

"Sure, I have nothing else better to do," You replied, shrugging.

"Great, let's go."


Your shirt was slightly red with blood, you were thankful that the bleeding wasn't as bad as others.

You and Daina were a few steps away from the door where the new member was.

Daina opened the door for you, and you stepped in.

You saw a male who seemed to be around your age, and he had grey hair with a portion of it seeming to float above his head.

His skin was a light pale color, with stunning orchid eyes and a red mark crossing his left eye. But what worries you was that he dressed and looked like a vampire.

To make it worse, you're bleeding. He could probably smell it or something.

"Hey, Clio," Daina called to the male. The vampire-like male looked at you and Daina, and smiled.

"Hello, you two~," He replied, a smile following.

"Hi," You faked a smile.

"Clio, this is Y/N, the girl I was talking to you about." Daina motioned over to you.

"Oh," Clio beamed. "Well, you're really pretty." He extended an arm towards you.

You blushed in response. "I-Um, thanks." You took your non-bleeding arm and took his hand, which was fortunately was the original hand he offered to you.

"I'll leave you two to meet each other," Daina smiled slightly. "Y/N, don't do anything weird." He jokingly threatened you.

You giggled slightly. "Nah," You faked your smile again.

He left.

"So," You tried to start a conversation. "Your name is.."

"Oh, my name is Clio, Clio Delon." He smiled.

"Oh. Well, Clio, do you mind showing me your Bey?" You asked the male.

"Oh, sure," He replied, handing you a blue, white, and yellow bey. It seemed like a Stamina type, and the tip was unusual, you never saw anything like it.

"It's really nice," You smiled at the Bey, giving it back.

"Thanks, N/N."

"I'll see you around," You said, opening the door, your sleeve accidentally showing your cuts and scars.

Clio gasped and walked towards you.

He grabbed your bleeding arm, and looked at you in the eyes. You were confused and then you saw your arm.

Well, shit.

"What happened?" Clio asked firmly.

"I-Uh," You tripped on your words. "Daina's cat scratched me."

"Daina doesn't have a cat." The vampire bean frowned.

"Fine. I scratched myself with some roses."

"And the scars?"


"Stop acting like I don't know. You're cutting yourself." He said with hurt.

He knew.

You looked away, trying your best not to cry.

"Y/N, if you have anything to say, tell me now." Worry was laced into Clio's words.

Your E/C eyes filled with tears as you looked at him. "Please don't tell Daina. He'll get really worried." Your tears fell down the sides of your face.

His face softened, wiping your tears away, and petting your hair.

"I won't."

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