kurenai shu → why should i.

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"Kurenai Shu is dead!"

The words coming from Red Eye's mouth hit Y/N like a bullet to the heart. She fell on her knees, staring at the floor in disbelief. She refused to meet the Beyclub's gaze, much less Red Eye's.

"Hey, ya can't leave like that!" Wakiya spat at the boy who was walking away. Y/N broke down, she couldn't handle it anymore.

Even though they weren't dating anymore, her heart ached for the love of her life. What was she going to do without Shu?


"Y/N, can I speak with you for a minute?" Shu looked nervous, which wasn't good. He never went out of character like this.

Unless it's a fanfiction which this is obviously not.

"Shu? What's wrong?" She asked her boyfriend, and he looked up at her.

"I got scouted for the Raging Bulls in America," Shu said, sighing. Y/N grinned, hugging him. Shu only stood still. He didn't hug back or anything.

"Shu, that's great! I'm so proud of you! You're going to be an amazing international Bla-"

"I have to break up with you, Y/N. I'm sorry." Shu said flatly, too ashamed of himself to look at her lovely girlfriend in the eyes.

"S-Shu, but why?" Y/N was stunned. If it was about long distance relationships, she could handle being without him for a while.

"I know you won't be able to tolerate a long distance relationship with me. Just to avoid anything, I have to break up with you, Y/N." Shu said calmly. Y/N, on the other hand, was not calm at all. Heck, she was breaking down.

"You can't trust me! That's what's making you break up with me! Well, I won't trust you, either! Fine!" Y/N yelled at him, walking away.


"Get to your stupid plane and your stupid team, and leave me alone!" Y/N said before leaving the room. Shu immediately felt the remorse hit him like a sledgehammer.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." Shu sighed.


"Y/N?" Valt shook said female's shoulders, bringing her back into reality. She blinked a few times and looked around her, and realized she was still at the Snake Pit. She sighed.

"I had one of those flashbacks again," Y/N sighed. Her heart ached remembering the last moment she had with Shu. She regretted everything she said, she wished that she could take back all of the words she said.

"It's okay, Y/N. We'll find him soon." Valt hugged her. She immediately gave into his embrace, and cried uncontrollably.

"What if he is dead?" She hiccuped, and Valt shook his head. He petted her H/C hair and looked at her in the eyes.

"I'm more than sure he's alive." Valt smiled reassuringly. Y/N earned the smile, although she wasn't sure of Valt's words of comfort.


"I knew it was you, all along, Kurenai Shu!" Lui taunted, as Shu stood in front of him, not daring to look at his enemy or his other friends behind him.

Valt was there to see everything, and he was ultimately shocked to see his best friend like this. He just looked tired, worn out, disappointed. Why did he lie about his death? That wasn't something Shu would do.

The Shu that he knew, anyways.

On the other hand, Y/N just stood there. She didn't say anything, heck, she probably wasn't breathing. She clutched her broken Bey, B/N. The Bey was broken by none other than Red Eye, or Shu. This broke her heart. She wouldn't forgive him.

She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. She went and climbed down the cliff to confront Shu.

"Shu!" Valt clutched the boy's shoulders, as he refused to meet his eyes. "I'm so glad you're okay-"

"Shut up! Leave me alone!" Shu screamed, shoving Valt away. "Leave me alone! You're nothing but an annoyance!" He glared at Valt. There was no other emotion in his eyes besides hate and anger.

Valt stood there in shock. Was he actually an annoyance to Shu? He thought he was his best friend, his rival, companion. Did any of those words matter anymore?

Shu started to walk away, until Y/N ran over and blocked him from going anywhere. She was angry, and she was going to say everything she felt to him.

"You're not going anywhere, Shu." She stepped closer to the albino. "You think you can just walk away after you broke me, B/N, Valt, your friends, and all of those other Beys and their owners! Well, no! That's only what a fricking coward does! I know you! You're not a coward!

"You're one of the bravest people I know! But I forgot. You're not Shu. You decided to lie that you died and turn into some idiot named Red Eye! Also, that name sounds stupid! Why not Albino?" She screamed at him. Tears were threatening to spill out both of the teens' eyes.

Shu dropped to his knees, now crying. His shoulders were shaking, as he felt the pang if remorse and hurt. He finally noticed that he hurt his girlfriend, his friends, and the owners of the Beys that he broke without mercy.

He fell in Alexander's trap. He was so stupid.

"Guys, please forgive me," Shu looked up at them. He felt so bad for them, he hurt them so much and made them went through of all this, and everything was his fault.

The Beyclub nodded quietly, but they were glad Shu finally noticed what he was doing, and he was willing to start over.

"Y/N?" Shu asked, getting up and taking her hands into his, "can you forgive me? Can we start over again? I want to start over, and get back together?"

Y/N tried hard not to cry. His eyes were pleading, he looked so guilty. He was willing to start over and love her like before, and that made happy.

But, was she ready for a relationship again? After Shu lying to her and breaking her heart numerous times?


"Why should I?" Y/N asked shakily, immediately regretting her words. Shu looked shocked and hurt, and he realized he lost his chance with his dream girl forever.


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