kurenai shu → with me.

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The water of the beach reflected the now orange and pink sky, with night almost taking over it.

The second best blader in Japan, Kurenai Shu, stood by the coast, staring into Spriggan's now broken layer with a deep sorrow and guilt.

He couldn't believe what he did to his own Bey. He broke it. He was so blinded to become the best blader and beat Lui, that he didn't see that Spriggan was breaking slowly, little by little, before his own eyes.


Tears started to well up in Shu's eyes and fall down his cheeks, a tear falling onto the fractured Bey. When the tear hit, a mirage of Spriggan's spirit was looking back at Shu, with a face of sorrow.

"Shu!" A familiar voice rang in Shu's ears.

Shu didn't bother to wipe his tears away, and looked into the eyes filled of worry of his friend, Y/N.

Y/N ran to Shu, giving him a tight hug, slightly blushing, but that soon ended when she started crying into Shu's chest.

Shu hugged her back awkwardly, realizing that the past events also affected Y/N as well. "Sp-Spriggan broke..." She started in tears, muffled by Shu, but he heard.

"Shh... Spriggan will be fixed, I promise."


Shu and Y/N were now sitting in the sand of the now dark beach, staring at the stars after countless hours of crying and comforting.

A comfortable silence settled between the two, as they were staring at the countless stars that shone in the midnight sky.

"When is Spriggan gonna be fixed?" Questioned the E/C eyed girl, looking at Shu and taking in his features once again in the moonlight.

His white hair was slightly messy, his beautiful blood red eyes were now puffy and red, and just one stream of tears stayed clinging onto his left cheek, as if it didn't want to let go of his soft face.

"Soon, for the millionth time, Y/N." He answered followed by a chuckle.

Y/N blushed, but then her blush multiplied due to Shu's hand being placed on hers.

"You know, Y/N," Shu started looking at Y/N. "You always supported me in everything. Improving with Spriggan, when I hurt my shoulder, and much more. I'm really grateful that you're my friend." Shu said, leaning in Y/N's face absentmindedly.

Shu always had a small crush on Y/N, he liked how energetic, kind, supporting and adorable she was

Y/N blushed crimson, and squeaked a little. Shu, her crush, has never been this close to Y/N. Why now?

"Y/N, I really like you. You've been an important person in my life, and I hope that'll continue."

Y/N's eyes opened wide in shock, and was left speechless.

"Shu, I...." Y/N started, looking at Shu, who was expecting rejection.

She leaned in closer, grabbing the sides of Shu's face, pulling him into a warm and comforting kiss.

Shu kissed back, wanting the moment to last forever. But since air is something that humans need, they were forced to part.

"..... I like you too, and I promise to be with you, always." She finished, pulling Shu in a long hug, kissing his forehead, sitting in the brightness of the moonlight and stars.

"Thanks, Y/N, I'm glad you're with me."

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