kurenai shu → good enough.

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Things weren't supposed to turn out like this. Everything was supposed to go perfectly fine, just as planned.

The weather app was such a dirty little liar.

Y/N ran as fast as their legs could take them through the downpour to find somewhere to dry off and wait until the storm stopped. They were panting from carrying an unrealistic amount of grocery bags and inhaling the cold, wet air. They trembled as they felt the air burn in their lungs. 

Was this worth it? Would this make Shu happy?


Did you hear that Y/N literally does nothing for their relationship?

Shu is good-looking, a really strong Blader, and he probably has a bunch of other secret talents that we don't know about. Y/N on the other hand...

What does Y/N do, anyway? They're in the Beyblade club but they didn't compete in the national team tournament with Shu and the others.

He's the valedictorian of our class but he's with an average student...

There's nothing special to them.

The thoughts of the people around them grew to whispers which eventually grew to screams that would explode relentlessly in Y/N's ears every time they messed something up. Whether they forgot to turn an assignment in, lost a Beyblade match, or said something stupid or wrong by accident, they were never good enough for their perfect boyfriend.

One day it became too much for them. Even though it would hurt, they had to let Shu go. This would be the last and only contribution they'd put into their relationship. It didn't make sense for them to keep Shu any longer if they brought nothing to the table.

The others were right. They didn't deserve him.

"..Shu?" Y/N turned over to face their beautiful boyfriend, who was cooking dinner for the two at his apartment. It was storming outside and the sky seemed like it wouldn't let up any time soon. The cold, grey sky contrasted the colorful peppers Shu was cutting and his warm, bright red eyes that softened when they fell onto their partner.

"Yes, dear?" Shu offered a soft smile as he continued to dice the vegetables for the dish he was planning. "Are you hungry? I'll be done soon, but I do have some of your favorite bread in the pantry if you're too hungry to wait." His hands moved skillfully as he turned the stove on and started to sauté some onion and garlic while preparing some noodles to boil.

"I.. It's not that." Y/N looked down, slightly trembling from fear. "Um.. I-"

"Did you want something else, dear? I can make fried rice-"

"I think we should break up."

Shu's eyes widened and squeezed shut, shock reflecting in his face and body as he let go of the cooking paddle in his hand, creating a silent yet deafening clatter against the kitchen floor. Y/N regretted looking up at Shu's face immediately when she saw his face twisted in hurt and disappointment. His once bright ruby eyes turned into a darker shade of garnet. He winced and knelt to the ground to pick up the paddle he dropped.

"And I think we should stay quiet for a while." Shu grabbed a clean paddle and continued to cook dinner.


That was three days ago.

The couple ate in absolute silence after that interaction and Y/N decided to sleep on the couch that night and leave before Shu woke up. Y/N couldn't stand to see their boyfriend's face after their selfish question. Shu was the one who asked them out in the first place and he could easily break it off whenever he wanted to. He was the one who started the relationship - it would only be fair if he was the one to end it, too. Y/N knew that..

...but why? Why is he still with them?

A crack of thunder interrupted Y/N's thoughts as the rain started to get lighter.

"The rain isn't going to let up any time soon..." Y/N muttered as they checked the weather app on their phone. "But it's supposed to be lighter for the next half hour. I think I can start walking again." They sighed in dread of the wet and cold journey ahead of them but decided to walk out of their shelter, flinching slightly as the cold rain started to hit their head again.

Y/N decided to take their mind off of the negative thoughts that were slowly manifesting in their mind and focused on the apology dinner they would prepare for Shu tomorrow. They haven't talked since the talk the other night, besides the pitiful exchange they had over text a few hours ago where Y/N asked if he was free to come over to their house for dinner, where he replied with a simple and dry "Okay."

"I'm going to start marinating the beef after I get home and shower.. Then tomorrow morning I'll prep the vegetables before school.. Then when I get home I'll-" Before Y/N could mutter out their plans for her special garlic bread, a deafening thunder hit the sky, a bright white flash almost blinding them, causing them to yelp and flinch. The sky suddenly started to downpour again, almost beating Y/N to the ground, and to make matters worse, the grocery bags burst open, their contents spilling onto the pavement. They groaned and dropped to their knees as they watched the perfectly ripe produce roll off to the distance and egg goo started to leak out of one of the bags.

"It's only been five minutes.. I thought the weather app said that the rain would be light for the next half hour..." Y/N covered her face with her hands, not caring about the rain anymore. Everything was ruined anyway. The groceries, her wallet, her relationship...

Why did they trust the weather app again? Why can't they just have common sense and learn from their mistakes? Why are they still here-

Their thoughts were interrupted once again by the sound of an umbrella being dropped to the ground and the gentlest, sweetest voice they'd ever heard.


Y/N's eyes started to water as soon as they heard the voice of their favorite person. They turned to see Shu, who was getting doused in the cold night rain running up to them with a concerned look on his pretty face. "Y/N, dear, what happened? What are you doing to the rain without an umbrella? Why are you surrounded by vegetables?" Shu knelt to cup his partner's face, which was getting wet not only from the rain but from the tears that wouldn't stop pouring from their eyes.

"S-Shu.." They covered their face with their hands as they let out a cry in pain and embarrassment before sobbing with all of their strength. "I'm a failure of a partner. I don't deserve you. I'm stupid, I can't do anything without messing it up, I'm failing chemistry, I can't win a single Bey battle, and I'm nowhere near your level. We need to break up, Shu." Both Y/N and Shu felt their hearts ache at the last sentence. "I still don't even know why you're here... Why I'm here..."

"Y/N, please look at me."

Y/N hesitantly uncovered their face and gasped slightly as Shu planted a soft, warm kiss on their forehead before wrapping them in his arms. "I could never leave you. I'm not dating you because you're necessarily good at something... I'm dating you because you're the only one who really understands me and supports me, and I really like you because you're you. You're such a beautiful person inside and out, and you have so many little quirks that make me happy that I know you and get to call you mine. I'm the one who asked you out in the first place, and I'm never going to let you break up with me, dear.

"I love you too much, Y/N. You're good enough. I don't want you to believe anyone who tells you otherwise. Even if that anyone is yourself. Or me."

Y/N smiled into his embrace, feeling warm despite the cold rain that was hitting them both. "I knew you'd say that."


yeah i decided to put up one last one shot bc i can't handle seeing that this is only 39 chapters long. also i had this in the drafts ever since like 2 years ago so erm yeah. i forgot to publish it LMAO

this is the last part of this book for like forever! same goes for my silly little scenario book. beyburst era is officially over y'all.. i still can't believe it. it was a good run. 

bye byeee it was nice knowing you all (: also if you like twisted wonderland ummmm stay tuned i might have something coming up veeeeeeery soon......

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