• sisco carlisle → cheat.

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{ this takes place when you two are around 23 years old, and you're already dating sisco, as well as being engaged to him. and uh some sexual stuff will be included in this chapter so sorry ig >:^))) }


"You're stupid if you think that I'm cheating on you!" Sisco took off his gloves, setting them on the table.

"Then why did I see you flirting with that girl?" Y/N yelled from the kitchen. Sisco groaned. "Min is nothing but a friend, Y/N! I thought you were friends with her, too?"

"Well Min should learn her place! And why do you say her name like that? Sounds like you care for her more than you care for me!"

"That's it! I'm not staying for the night!" Sisco took his keys and opened the door. As he left the house, he slammed the door shut after him.

Y/N leaned against the table, sighing. She didn't like fighting with her boyfriend, but she felt that he was cheating on her. When she saw the two, it looked like more than a friendship was going on in between them.

She wanted to get over this as soon as possible. She couldn't handle being mad at the man she loved. So, she followed Sisco to give him an apology.

She quickly dressed in some dark clothes, and followed Sisco.


Sisco stopped walking and faced an apartment complex. The green-haired male pressed a button, which had a label that read 'Min Lee.' A small beep was heard.

"Hello?" A feminine voice was heard. Sisco smiled, showing his sharp teeth that sparkled.

"Hey, Min. I was wondering if I could stay the night." He replied in seductive tone. Min giggled.

"Sure thing, the door's unlocked."

Sisco opened the door and entered the large building. As soon as he wasn't visible, Y/N sprinted to the door that was still open.

She carefully followed her boyfriend, and saw him open a door. He quickly closed it. Y/N saw a small crack in the door, and decided to use it to see what was going on.

She saw a blue haired girl wearing a shirt with shorts sitting on a sofa with a glass of wine. Y/N awed at the girl. She was gorgeous. Her face was pretty and her body was amazing.

I could learn a bit from her, Y/N mentally chuckled while looking inside her shirt.

"You're finally here, I needed you really bad." Min said in a seductive tone, standing up and stroking Sisco's cheek. This made Y/N look up and pay attention to the conversation.

Sisco grabbed her from her hips, and growled, "well, let me make it up to you." Sounds of the two making out and the creak of them falling onto the sofa filled Y/N's ears, making tears fall down her cheeks.

He actually cheated on me, she thought while hiccuping.

She walked away sadly as other people started to complain about the loud moans coming from Min's door. Y/N didn't bother to complain about them, she just cried more with every moan she heard.


"Y/N, I'm sorry for leaving like that, I should've just said that I'm not cheating on you," Sisco said as he entered the house they shared. He heard silence. He didn't even hear Y/N breathing.

He saw that things were missing. The pictures of the couple were shattered, and some cabinets were thrown across the floor.

In between the glass shards, Y/N's  ring twinkled in the early morning sunshine. A folded piece of paper laid next to the ring.

Sisco bent over and grabbed the paper and unfolded it, to reveal a letter in Y/N's handwriting.


I am ashamed of you.

I tried my best to be the best girlfriend and future wife that I could be, but it apparently wasn't enough. You cheated on me selfishly, while you denied it.

What does Min have that I don't? A body that's great for sex? Is that it? I took care of you, supported you, and loved you. I bet Min can't do that.

I love you so much, it hurts my heart so much that you cheated on me like that. Did you ever take my feelings into consideration? Well, it seems like you didn't give a shit about how much I felt for you.

I'm done. We're done. Keep your hoe and give her my ring if you love her so much, but I'm leaving for good.

I hope I never see your damn face ever again, Sisco Carlisle. Goodbye.

- L/N Y/N

Sisco sighed, picking up the ring. It shined brightly, almost like Y/N's eyes. He missed the mornings where he woke up first, and admired his girlfriend while she slept. He missed those times where they cuddled in the living room, and ended up in their room, sleeping in each other's arms. He missed everything about Y/N, the first woman he truly loved.

He regretted sleeping with another woman. Min wasn't worth it. She was nothing compared to Y/N.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'll make it up to you," Sisco said in tears.


{ unedited }

what if i said that this is probably my favorite one shot in this book

well idgaf because this is my favorite one shot in this book >:^)))

something different amirite
and also now i feel bad bc i love sisco a lot and now i feel like i trashed him but hey no hard feelings buddy <33

love ya sisco

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