komurasaki wakiya → dear diary.

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Dear Diary,
Wakiya talked to me again today!

I'm really happy!

I've been really sad lately since Wakiya was avoiding me for some reason, and he didn't talk to me or look in my direction. It truly was sad.

I wish he could just talk to me again like he used to...

Y/N sighed as she closed her F/C book. She hid it under her bed, so her parents wouldn't read it. She took a shower, ate some food, brushed her teeth, and went to bed. As she wrapped herself in her cozy blankets, she embraced the moment she shared with her crush that day.


"Oh, sorry about that, Wakiya!" Y/N panicked as she hurriedly picked up Wakiya's books and folders which were scattered across the floor. Wakiya sighed, joining her in collecting his stuff.

"Don't worry 'bout it, Y/N, s'okay." Wakiya gave her a slight smile, signaling to her that it was all chill. The blonde male gave her a quick 'thanks' and 'goodbye' once he had all of his books, and walked to class.

Y/N's eyes lingered on his walking figure for a few more moments, and sighed dreamily. She continued her walk to class.


Y/N sighed in content. She hasn't had a moment like that with him ever since, what, two weeks?

Y/N heart almost always hurt every time she saw Wakiya in class, always talking with someone else. She and the boy bonded when sitting next to each other during chemistry class, and they grew close. Once the semester was over, however, that all changed.

After seeing Wakiya at a party, she saw a softer, cuter side of the tsundere, that made the H/C-ette aware of the tiny crush on him that was steadily blooming into a vicious plant that was attacking her feelings.

Once aware of her crush, Wakiya suddenly grew quiet and stopped talking with her, and instead socialized with her classmates, which was something that made the young girl very mad. She was confused, frustrated. Why could Wakiya decide to abandon her right when she fell for him?

Was her crush too obvious? Did one of her friends tell him? Or was he that he possibly liked her back?

No, no. That wasn't it. It wasn't it at all. Y/N probably just exposed herself, and Wakiya noticed, thus putting her into this despairing situation.


"I just don't know what to do!" Y/N pulled on her hair, looking up to Nika, Valt's sister and her best friend. The younger girl frowned.

"I dunno, Y/N," Nika sighed. "I mean, why do you like Wakiya? And be brutally honest," she asked. Y/N sighed, and giggled a bit, Wakiya entering her mind again.

"Okay, first of all, Wakiya is pretty good looking-"

Sasha snorted a bit at her opinion. Once Y/N whipped her head to her direction, her humorous mood vanished. The indigo haired girl shook her head, and raised an eyebrow.

"Y/N, I love you, sis, but how?" She asked her friend, causing Y/N to sigh. Oh boy, she had a lot to say-

"Have you not seen his hair! It's like all spiky and cute! And oh my god, his eyes are the dreamiest thing I've ever seen! He's so handsome I swear to god, and his voice-"

"Okay, Y/N, I think you explained," Sasha waved her hands, regretting to expose her opinion and asking Y/N for hers.

"Continue," Nika offered, and Y/N smiled.

"He's such a great Blader, I've seen the effort he's put into Wyvern and his struggles," Y/N smiled softly remembering the times Wakiya talked to her about his Beyblading career.


"Hey, Y/N, can I talk to ya 'bout somethin'?" Wakiya sat next to Y/N, making her heart seem to set on fire for some unknown reason.

"Sure, Wakiya! Something up?" She asked the blonde and arrogant male, who sighed and looked at the lovely sunset that took place in front of them.

"I'm just bummed out on how Shu beat me in the last battle, that's it." He sighed, playing with his ponytail. He looked down.

"I practiced so much, just so I could lose to him, it's not fair!" He hid his face in his hands, sinking to the floor. It sounded like he was crying.

"I'm an idiot to let that happen!" He yelled, shaking uncontrollably.

"Hey, hey, there," she patted his back, in attempts to soothe him. "It's okay to lose. It really is. There's always a good thing about it, it helps you get stronger and better. So I reassure you that next time you guys battle, you'll win." She tried to comfort him, as the male's back started to tremble ever so slightly. Looks like Wakiya was successfully calmed.

Wakiya wiped his eyes, as he stayed quiet for a few minutes in efforts to calm down. "Thanks, Y/N. I really needed a pep talk like that. I'll get better and better, and next time I battle that albino, I'll walk out victorious!" Wakiya smiled at her, taking our Wyvern, which the female returned.

"But, don't tell anyone 'bout this, or you're gonna get beat." He threatened, going back to his normal self.

Y/N giggled. "It's a secret between the both of us, don't worry."


"Well, I guess that's a good reason, seems true," Christina agreed a bit with Y/N's opinion. "What else do you like about him?" She inquired.

"I don't know, but Wakiya's been nicer to me than the others. He always made jokes with me and cared about me for a while," Y/N chuckled, all of those memories coming back to her.

It was sad that she no longer shared those moments with him. It made her heart ache just remembering his face, his voice, everything. Why, right when she fell for him, did he leave her hanging? Y/N didn't understand him.

She remembered those bad moments with him. The time he shoved her away, those moments he made her cry. They hurt so much just remembering them.

Was it just a sign? A sign to change her feelings, to let them go?

"Y/N, are you okay? You're crying!" Sasha shook her shoulders, breaking Y/N out of her trance.

Once the H/C-haired female noticed the tears flowing down her cheeks, she just broke down even more.

"I-It's just not fair! Why did he leave me when I needed him the most! I was there for him, and he's not there for me! H-He's such a jerk! I hate him!" Y/N sobbed, letting her feelings get out of her chest. Sasha, Christina, and Honey hugged her and comforted her.

Y/N wiped her eyes, with her final decision.


"I think I need to let him go."


Dear Diary,
I've decided to let my feelings for Wakiya go into the trash. I need to get over him. My heart was chasing the wrong guy, yet I still do not know who's the right one. I'll find out sooner or later, though.

My heart ached for him, I've comforted him, I've supported him in everything, and he doesn't do anything to thank me, just to leave me in the dust. That's not what someone who loves you does. I've officially ended this one-sided love for the best.

I know it's for the best.

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