free de la hoya → sleep.

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You couldn't sleep.

You just couldn't sleep.

You would close your eyes for half an hour, and you would still be awake.

The doctors told you that sleeping pills could help with your insomnia, but you didn't like the idea.

You just decided to live with it.

You walked out of your dorm, and into the forest. The moonlight reflected off of your H/C hair and E/C eyes. You sat on a random tree stump, and tilted your head upwards.

The moon was full, and hundreds of stars littered the sky. You always liked the night.

There was no noise, no drama, and no people-

A deer came up to you. It tilted its head in a greeting manner. You stood up, and tilted you head as you smiled. It walked away, and you sat back down.

Resuming, you liked the night. There was no noise, no drama, and no people-

"Hey." A sleepy male's voice said.

You turned around to see a tall male with blonde and red hair, that was slightly messed up. He wore a loose tank top and brown pants. He had brown leather shoes that looked a little old.

It was Free de la Hoya, the world's best blader.

"Hey," You replied, giving him a small tired smile.

"Can't sleep, huh?" He asked, sitting on the grass near the stump you were sitting on.

"Nope, it's just too hard," You replied. "Same here," He tilted his head up to see the stars.

"Wait, you have insomnia?" You looked at him. He hummed in response.

"Oh," You said, looking down. "You're Y/N, the girl that hangs out with Sisco, right?" He asked you.

"Yeah I am," You smiled. "I'm Sisco's sister, so that can explain why I'm with him all the time."

"That's interesting," He replied, standing up. "You better get going, the guards might be searching around here." He held his hand out.

You took it, now standing up. "Okay," You yawned. "It was nice meeting you." You smiled.

"Nice meeting you too," He smiled back. "We should do this again another time. How about tomorrow?"

"Sounds good." You replied.


You walked into the forest, holding several blankets for you and Free.

It's been a year since you two met, and you made a discovery that both of you could sleep if you slept together.

You still weren't dating him, but you liked him. He's really cute when you get to meet him, and he's capable of making everyone soft.

A pair of cold hands grabbed your shoulders. You silently yelped, and turned around to see a smiling Free.

"Free! I told you to stop doing that!" You whined, blushing.

"It's too fun," He strained to keep back a smile.

You laid the blankets on the grass, and you sat on one.

"Y/N, can I say something?" Free asked you. "Sure," You replied.

He took a deep breath. "I love you." He hid his blushing face. "Ever since I saw you a year ago, I immediately liked you. I loved how the moonlight reflected off of your hair and eyes, you were absolutely beautiful when I first saw you. You always look beautiful in moonlight and daylight, and you've always been nice to me.

"What I'm trying to say is, I love you." He leaned into your lips, as you did the same.

It felt amazing.

His lips were soft, and tasted like vanilla. He caressed your cheek, and you grabbed his shoulders, pulling him closer. You didn't want to let go. He didn't either.

"I love you too," You hugged him after you both parted for oxygen.

He smiled against your neck.

"C-Can we do that again?" You asked him, blushing.

He immediately crashed his lips onto yours again.

The two of you were enjoying the moment, and were forced to part again.

"I love you," You both said, covering yourself in the blankets, and falling asleep in each other's arms.

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