xhaka → happier.

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"Are we there yet?" A tired Valt grumbled.

"No, but almost!" Y/N replied. She wanted to get to the dojo as fast as she could so she could see her boyfriend, Xhaka.

They were in a small forest, which was part of the trail. It was peaceful and quiet, only the birds chirping and the Beyclub's footsteps the only things being offered to hear. Until—

"sNAKE!!" Wakiya screeched, clinging onto Rantaro.

Y/N looked at the 'snake' more closely, picked it up, and laughed.

"It's not a snake, it's a leaf!" Y/N laughed more. Wakiya freaked out again.

"a LEAF THAT LOOKS LIKE A SNAKE!!" Wakiya held Rantaro's arm tighter.

"You whiny baby," Y/N chuckled. "Let's continue our way to the dojo."


"Xhaka!" Y/N ran into the red-head's arms. Xhaka hugged her tightly enough to let her breathe.

"Y/N!" Xhaka pecked her lips, his face showing happiness and love. He set her down back on her feet.

"Xhaka!" Valt ran towards him, tripping on air on his way. Xhaka laughed, and smiled at the rest of the Beyclub.

"Hey, Valt!" Xhaka laughed again.

"I missed you," Y/N muttered enough for Xhaka to hear, and hugged him. He smiled warmly at his girlfriend that he loved so much, and petted her soft, H/C hair.

"Aw, I missed you too." Xhaka blushed the faintest pink. Two weeks apart from each other wasn't enough for the both of them. They had a lot of things to catch up on.

"How about I hang out with the Beyclub first, and we'll have all of the time we need together after?" Xhaka kneeled down to Y/N's height, offering a cute smile at her.

"Sure," Y/N gave him a closed-eye at him in response, and walked outside.





"Go, Shoot!"

The voices of Xhaka and the Beyclub were heard faintly outside of the dojo.

Y/N was on her phone, reading fanfictions, as Shu walked out and spotted the female.

Shu was at the dojo for a couple of days, due to the treatment he was receiving from Xhaka's grandfather.

Y/N and the Beyclub came to see Shu and Xhaka, especially seeing Shu to see how his shoulder was going.

"Hey, Y/N," Shu walked over to her. "Mind if I sit here?"

Y/N's mind diverted from the BTS fanfiction she was reading to the unexpected company she received.

"Oh, sure." She smiled at the albino and moved over to make space for him to sit.

"I never asked you," Y/N looked at her friend, "how's your shoulder going?"

Shu smiled gently at her. "It's recovering fine. Thanks for asking."

"Also, Xhaka sent me here to ask you something." Shu continued.

"Hmm, what is it?" Y/N looked at him with eyes full of wonder.

"Are you happy with him? Like, truly happy?" Shu asked her, and Y/N felt a pang of emotions aimed and shot at her heart.

Small tears of happiness formed at the corners of her E/C eyes. "Yes, I can't be any happier with him." She smiled genuinely, remembering all of the great times with her tall and lovable boyfriend that she adored so much, and the other ones she'd have with him in the future.

Shu smiled at her response. "Alright, I'll go tell him—"

"No, I'll go tell him." Y/N smiled at him and walked into the dojo.

She coincidentally found Xhaka at the secret entrance that only him and Y/N knew. She smiled at her find.

"I couldn't be any happier with anyone else, Xhaka." Y/N smiled sweetly at him. He smiled back.

They both leaned in for a kiss, but then a wall broke.

And no, it wasn't the 4th wall.

"I'm can fix that," Xhaka sweatdropped.

"I'm gonna call a professional." The female proceeded to dial a repairing company that she had saved in her contacts in case Xhaka broke anything.

Let's just say that Y/N had to call them around 11,037 times.

"I am a professional!" Xhaka protested, pouting like a child.

"A more professional professional." Y/N couldn't help but smile.

"Alright." Xhaka gave up.

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