yamabuki akira → sure.

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L/N Y/N was an average girl. She liked music, drawing, girly stuff, and cute boys.

Yamabuki Akira was an idol. He was busy all of the time, and had high standards.

These two know each other, despite their opposite environments. How did they meet, you ask?

You can thank the angry mob of fangirls for that.


Y/N was at a concert.

But not aNY concert.

She was at Yamabuki Akira's concert, just for the heck of it. Your mom bought you tickets for your birthday, and you were just too excited to meet the cutest boy alive.

But she didn't know that in the crowd, she was next to the group of the most snobbiest and most annoying and vicious fangirls in Japan.

No, I'm just kidding, but they were snobby, and annoying, and vicious and-

Anyway, Y/N was waiting in the crowd for what seemed like forever, when she heard a certain cute voice.

"Hello, everyone! Thanks for coming!" None other than Yamabuki Akira, spoke in the microphone he was holding.

It seemed like his appearance was cuter in person to Y/N. But of course, mostly all celebrities are cute, but this was different.

Her thoughts were caught off by the group of fangirls next to her, who were starting to shove people in order to get to the first row or the crowd, pushing Y/N harshly to the ground in the process. She yelped in pain, as her left knee was bleeding.

Red eyes caught the sight of the female being shoved to the ground, and immediately went down to the crowd, and fans started to crowd around Akira, but security guards made them back away from the pink-haired male.

Akira went up to Y/N, and found a beautiful girl with shining H/C hair, and a pair of gorgeous E/C eyes, which were filled with a slight pain, and curiosity as she saw that the young idol was coming up to her.

Akira crouched down in order to be at least at the same height as her, and he shot one of his dazzling smiles at the girl. "Hi! Your name is...?"

Y/N was startled that he was talking to her. "U-Umm..." She started her sentence, until a girl from the 'snobby and vicious and annoying' group cut her off.

"My name's Tiffany, but you can call me 'love', Akkun~" The so called 'Tiffany' flirted.

Akira sneered at her. "I wasn't talking to you, you fake. I was talking to the beautiful girl over here," Akira spat, signaling over to Y/N, who was blushing, on the last part.

And so, since she got roasted, 'Tiffany' scoffed and left with her group of bit-

You get what I was going to say.

Akira looked over to Y/N. "Now, will you tell me your name?"

"U-Umm, it's Y/N."

Akira smiles once more. "That's an awesome name! Now, Y/N I'm going to take you backstage, so you don't have to be with these, um, unpleasant people. Sound good?" Akira said, glaring at the girls who pushed Y/N at the last part of his sentence.

"Umm... sure."

Akira did one of the most unbelievable things to one of his fans. He got closer to Y/N, and picked her up bridal style, then got up and went to backstage.

Protesting screams, shrieks, and threats started to brew in the crowd behind them. However, some fans, and when I mean 'some,' and mean thousands, screamed "I ship it," all at the same time.

When they finally got to Akira's dressing room, Y/N settled in one of the plush beanbag chairs that were in the room.

"You shouldn't have done that, Akira." Y/N said.

Akira sighed. "You're the first fan who didn't call me Akkun, did you know that?" Akira responded with another smile flickering on his lips.

"No, not really... But that isn't the point. Why did you help me?" Y/N questioned. Akira just smiled at the question.

"I had too. Like I always say, anything for my fans~" He replied, followed by a closed-eye smile.

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully to his response. "Thanks, I guess."

"Anytime," Akira replies. "Hey..." He started. "Yeah?" Y/N responds, eager to hear what's he's going to say.

"Wanna be friends?" Akira held out his hand, waiting for a handshake. Y/N was completely bewildered by the question. How would Akira Yamabuki, one of the most famous idol in Japan, ask someone as timid as Y/N to be their friend?!

Y/N shook the thoughts out of her head, and reached to Akira's hand, shaking it in acceptance.

"Sure." Y/N said with the biggest of smiles.


After five months, Akira and Y/N knew each other well.

And I mean they knew each wELL.

They knew each other's fears, favorite stuff, tiny flaws, etc..

But they didn't know each other's crushes.

Ever since Y/N met Akira, she's been very close with him, and eventually, fell in love with him. Akira liked Y/N ever since he looked at her, with her shining H/C hair, and E/C eyes filled with curiosity and wonder. Of course, both of them didn't know that they liked each other.

It was just a casual day, with Akira and Y/N sitting on a park bench. Akira was braiding Y/N's hair, while the two were talking about who was better, Akira or Y/N.

"Obviously you're the better friend Akira, don't hesitate~!" Y/N responded for the millionth time, smirking.

Akira let go of the masterpiece in Y/N's hair, and pouted at her. "I refuse!" Akira countered, getting closer to Y/N's face absentmindedly.

Now the two were fighting, with each time they said something, they got closer to each other's faces.

"Akira, you're better!" "No, you're a better friend than me!" "You're better!" "No, you are!" "No! You!" "No!" "You!"

At this point, their faces were a couple inches apart, and Akira noticed.

"Okay, let's settle this, Y/N. Who out of the two of us is a better friend?" Akira asked. "Pff, of course you are-" Y/N started, but-

Suddenly, a pair of soft lips pressed against hers, and when she looked at the person who was kissing her, and surprise; it was none other than THE Akira Yamabuki.

Y/N was in absolute shock at this, but after a few seconds, she kissed back. After a few seconds, they both pulled away. Y/N was blushing like crazy, while Akira had a light blush on his cheeks and he had a playful smile on his lips.

Akira did the most unbelievable thing, reminding the both of them of the time when they both met.

"Wanna be my girlfriend?" Akira held out his hand, waiting for a handshake. Y/N was completely bewildered by the question. How would Akira Yamabuki, one of the most famous idol in Japan, ask someone as timid as Y/N to be their girlfriend?!

Y/N shook the thoughts out of her head, and reached to Akira's hand, shaking it in acceptance.

"Sure." Y/N said with the biggest of smiles.

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