aoi valt → fate.

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{ Red String AU - Everyone is connected to their soulmate by a red string tied to their wrists. Whoever they're connected to by that string is their soulmate. }


"Valt, can you help me with my launch? B/N just won't spin around like it used to." Y/N pouted at the smaller male, who blushed a bit at her request for help.

"Sure thing, Y/N!" He smiled at her. "Why don't you launch again, maybe that can help!"

Y/N sent B/N into the stadium. The Bey spun well for a few seconds, but then it lost its balance and stopped spinning.

"Aw, man!" Y/N crossed her arms in frustration. "I don't know what to do! What do you say, Valt? Can you help me?" She asked wistfully.

Valt literally had no idea what to do oh my god-

He was so confused, he was never the type to see the technicalities in Beyblading. The people who usually did that for him were Daina, Wakiya, Kumicho, and-

"Shu! Help us!" Y/N ran over to said albino and grabbed his shoulders. Shu smiled a bit, and walked over with her.

"Could you help me and Valt see what's wrong with B/N?" She asked him, and he nodded. "I walked in just when you launched. It seemed like your angle was a bit off. You should tilt the launcher a bit down, and you'd be fine," Shu responded with ease.

Y/N followed his advice, and she launched perfectly. "That was so cool! Thanks, Shu! You're the best!" Y/N hugged him.

Valt felt a violent twist at his heart looking at the scene before him. Of course, Shu didn't know about his crush on Y/N, but it did pain the brown-eyed male.

"Valt! Let's battle!" Valt's eyes opened to meet beautiful E/C orbs. He could get lost in those eyes forever-

"Yeah, let's do it!" Valt took out Valkyrie and skipped towards the stadium. Both went into positions.




"Go, Shoot!"


"Valt, you've been staring at your Beybread for five minutes! Are you okay?" Chiharu shook her son's shoulder. The cheerful boy went out of his trance and nodded before biting into the edible Valkyrie.

"No worries, Mom, it's all good!" He responded with his mouth full. Toko and Nika snickered, knowing what was going on in Valt's mind.

"Oooh, someone's thinking about Y/N!" Nika teased, earning a laugh from Toko. Valt whined, he didn't expect Nika to expose him like that!

"Nikaaa!" Valt stretched out the 'a.' He hid his face in embarrassment. Chiharu just chuckled, being proud that his boy was growing up.

"Y/N is a really sweet girl, Valt," Chiharu comforted him. "Have you seen your string yet? I bet you'll be connected to her!" She smiled.

Valt sighed. He doubted about Y/N being his soulmate. He was thinking about her and Shu lately. They were talking a lot for the past few days. What if Valt didn't get Y/N as his soulmate? It would really disappoint him.

"Nope, I haven't," Valt ate the rest of the bread. "I do feel like I'll see it soon though," he was deep in thought. He always felt something grabbing his wrist, but when he look down, he saw nothing.

"I'm sure you'll see it soon, Valt." Chiharu smiled at her son.


Beep! Beep! Beep!

The annoying sound of an alarm came to Valt's ears. He groaned as he slammed his hand down on the beeping machine, making it stop.

He wearily dragged himself out of bed, and got dressed.

As he was brushing his teeth, Valt felt the tugging again, but it was way more harder than before.

He looked down once more, and saw a bright red string tied to his wrist. Valt nearly gagged as he moved his toothbrush to the back of his mouth in shock.

After a few minutes of coughing and wheezing, he calmed down and looked at his wrist again for reassurance.

The thin, red string was moving, almost pulling Valt to somewhere. He decided to follow the string, as it got shorter and shorter. He was so excited to meet his soulmate, he even skipped breakfast (which was some special Beybread), just to see his soulmate as soon as possible.

He followed the string, and ended up in Beigoma Academy. He was confused, but yet it was logical. He probably knew his soulmate!

He followed the string, and he found a delicate hand, with the same string tied to their wrist.

Without hesitating, Valt grabbed the person's hand, and looked up to see their face. Valt's face grew pale once he saw who it was.

"V-Valt?" Y/N blushed red at the sudden contact.

"Y-Y/N?" Valt was so happy right now. His crush was his soulmate, all along. He smiled warmly at her.

"Y/N, look! We're soulmates!" Valt told her, making her look at her hand. What he said was true, indeed; the female saw the both of their wrists connected with the same string.

"I-I-" Y/N was in shock. She couldn't believe that the boy she liked since kindergarten was her soulmate. Was this some type of dream?

Her thoughts were cut off by the embrace of the smaller male. She immediately returned the hug, hugging him tighter.

"My wish came true, after all," Y/N chuckled. Valt smiled. "Mine did too," he pecked her on the cheek. Both of them smiled at the same time.

"I guess it was fate, after all."

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