• red eye → secrets.

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Wanna hear a funny story? I kissed Shu in another country, but not it wasn't exactly him.

No, Shu wasn't drunk or anything.

It all started when we were searching for Shu. Wakiya told us he suddenly disappeared, so we went to Mexico, because apparently the last traces of him were found there.

Even though we didn't find Shu, we found horrible news, and a very interesting person. But he was different. I somehow wanted to know him better.


But of course, kissing a somewhat stranger has to have a story to explain.


I was sitting in a private jet, that belonged to none other than the oh-so-great Komurasaki Wakiya, aka Richie Boi, as I like to call him.

[[ comment if you know what youtuber i got the nickname from and ill give y'all cookies if you get it right ]]

I was here as well as Valt, Daina, Boss, Cooza, and, of course, Wakiya. We were on our way to Mexico, because we were searching for Shu, and apparently the last traces of him were there.

We finally arrived, and we found ourselves in a rainforest. Some funny things happened during our journey, and we found what we were searching for.

We found a temple, that resembled one of those pyramids that could be found in Mexico, but it seemed newer.

It was the Snake Pit. I don't know how I knew, though.

Valt seemed pretty hyped, because he was already running for the entrance. But then, he was stopped by a stranger. But this stranger...

I couldn't believe my eyes.

He was literally a replica of Shu. Except he was wearing what seemed like a villain's outfit, and a mask that was covering the majority of his face.

Even though I couldn't tell where he was looking at, I felt his eyes on me. But why though?

"Who are you?" I inquired, stepping forward. The person took one step towards me. And then he smiled warmly, yet coldly, at me.

"You can call me Red Eye. And yours?" He asked. When I was about to answer, Valt shoved me aside and got Valkyrie out.

"I'm Aoi Valt, and this is God Valkyrie! And I want you to battle me!" He answered (when he wasn't supposed to-), followed by a bright smile.

Red Eye got dead serious. And he got what seemed to be like his Bey. "This is my Bey, Legend Spriggan."

Everyone gasped and stopped breathing. So that's why it looked so familiar when I first saw it! But, it was Shu's Bey, not his. Did he steal it or something?

"B-But... That Bey belongs to Kurenai Shu-" I started, but got interrupted.

"Kurenai Shu is DEAD! And he's not coming back, Y/N." He spat, and he somehow knew my name, as he said my name as if it was venom. But...

Shu can't be dead...


Y/N's eyes were filled with shock. What was happening? Shu can't be dead. He just can't.


Red Eye looked at Y/N, and he immediately felt sorry. But Y/N's eyes of sorrow soon turned into eyes of anger.

"SHU ISN'T DEAD!" Y/N shrieked, starting to run in Red eye's direction. She threw her fist at him, but he stopped it with his right hand.

Y/N threw her other fist at him in tears, which Red Eye caught as well. Boss and Cooza pulled Y/N away, as she was refusing the news that were fake to her.

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