minamo naoki → scientific arguments.

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"I did a project that's far more complex than yours!"

"Pfft, please, Naoki. How do you think your robotic arm can be better than my 15-page report explaining DNA?"

"You mean that song from that band of gay people that you call cute? Then that doesn't even have to do with science, Y/N!!"

"Don't insult BTS like that! And I'm talking about DNA in us, not the song, you dumb dumb head!"

The entire room was watching Y/N and Naoki fight, while the judges were deciding the winner for the 7th grade science fair.

Both thought that each other's project was stupid (excluding the BTS part), and were far than determined to win.

But it seemed that they were trying to win a roast contest, not a science fair.

"Okay, we have a winner for the scholarship and 500 dollars," The judge waved his arms.

"Who is it?!" The two teens asked at the same time, while they glared at each other.

"It's both of you, we'll split the reward. You both get the scholarship and $250 each."

"Okay," The two were disappointed that neither of the two won, nor got the $500 dollars whole.

After the judge left, the two kept fighting.

"Damn you! I can't believe we're at the same level!" Y/N pouted angrily.

Naoki blushed. "I don't care! I'll be better and I'll win next year!" Naoki retorted.

haha lol—

That didn't happen next year.

The next year, it was a split win with Naoki and Y/N winning.

The other next year, same thing happened.

Year after that, again.

It seemed that the two were at the same level, which both hated the fact.

When will there be one winner?

Who knows.

But here's the funny part: Y/N and Naoki aren't actually enemies, they're actually best friends that liked each other a lot.

They just do the "I hAtE yOu So MuCh UgH" act because they thought it would be funny.

And all I can do right now is sigh, to be honest—

Anyways, let's do a time skip to see if anything improved.


"Class, we'll be doing a partner science project this month." The science teacher called.

Several high-fives and squeals were heard.

"Hey, Y/N, do you want to work together? I have a great idea for the project." Shu leaned over to her desk and gave her a small smile.

Naoki, who was sitting next to the H/C-haired female, glared at Shu internally.

Y/N returned the smile. "Sure—"

"And I chose your partners."

Everybody facepalmed and groaned. "I'll make this quick and painless, so I might as well announce the partners."

"Rantaro and Wakiya."

"Valt and Shu."

"Daina and Kensuke."

"Ben and Jin."

"Akira and Zac."

"Ukyo and Yugo."

"Lui and Gou."

"Naoki and Y/N—"

"WHAT?!" Both teenagers stood up from their seats.

"You can't do that! Let me work with Shu!" Y/N glared at Naoki.

"Can I just work with Jin?" Naoki looked at Y/N.

"No, my choices are final." The teacher shook her head.

The two groaned, and slumped back in their seats.

"You're all to do a science project about anything we learned this year in two weeks. This project is worth 95% of your grades. I will not accept any projects late."

The entire class groaned, while Y/N and Naoki simply shrugged, like this wasn't any big of a deal.

They would probably finish the project in half an hour.


"Alright, I'm here—" Y/N entered Naoki's house with several bags that had craft supplies and textbooks. "Woah." Y/N looked around wide-eyed.

His house was different from the last time she visited.

Naoki walked in and saw Y/N, and nervously blushed. "Um, er, hi." Naoki stumbled with his words.

"Oh, uh, hey." Y/N got the same effect. "Where should I put these?" Y/N frowned as she showed her bags.

"Anywhere, I guess you could just leave them there." The blue-haired male pointed at the place where Y/N was standing.

"Alright," She set the bags down. "First thing, what are we going to do for our project?" Y/N sat on one of the couches.

"I guess we could do cells," Naoki flipped through the textbook.

"Maybe," Y/N replied, but then her eyes lit up when she saw something. "Ooh! How about we do something about forensics?"

Naoki smiled. "Sure," he replied.


Y/N and Naoki have been working on the project for twenty minutes, and they're almost done.

"It's funny how everyone is believing that we hate each other's guts, right?" Y/N glued a piece of paper on the presentation.

"Yeah," Naoki blushed absentmindedly.

"Um Naoki," Y/N face went hot, "C-Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah?" Naoki looked at his friend, nervous.

"I-I don't know how to put this into w-words, b-but.."

"Y/N, if you're going to say the same thing as I'm thinking, let me say it first." Naoki blushed furiously.


"I like you."


"Was that what you were going to say?" Naoki blushed.

Y/N nodded slowly, her cheeks going from red to crimson.

Naoki started to lean in, but Y/N interrupted him by putting a hand on his face.

"I like you too," Y/N smiled, and gave Naoki and small peck on the lips.

Naoki stayed silent for a few moments, and snapped back into his thoughts.

"We have to finish this project." Naoki blurted out.

"Yeah, I guess," Y/N went back to applying glue to the piece of paper she was holding.

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