yamabuki akira → otp.

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Y/N looked the magazine, and got annoyed again.

She groaned as she threw the magazine into a pile of many others. "This is hopeless," The female whined.

"How about taking a break? There's a box of donuts in the kitchen~" Zac offered, throwing a magazine in the giant pile as well.

"I really do need some donuts," Asahin- I mean, Y/N, yawned. "Let's eat some donuts then."


The two teenagers ate their donuts as they were continuing their search through the magazines and newspapers.

You see, a couple of days ago, Akira Yamabuki, the rising idol, and Y/N, Zac's sister and a rising idol as well, were caught holding hands by paparazzi, and the picture was posted everywhere on the internet and was on every cover of every magazine in Japan.

In short, people started shipping the two.

And now Y/N and her brother were looking at every magazine there was in their reach to see if any of them were shipping magazines, to see how bad the situation was.

The situation was awful.

Every single magazine had the picture of Akira and Y/N on the front page.

The pile of shipping magazines could be taller than Xhaka.

Y/N stared at the donut in her hand. The frosting was pink, like Akira's adorable hair, and the sprinkles were as red as the pair of eyes that Y/N could get lost in so easily.

Y/N snapped out of her thoughts and shoved the donut in her mouth.

The last magazine was thrown into the "Shipping Trash" pile. Y/N sighed as she ran a hand through her H/C and red hair.

"Hey, friends!" Akira walked into the room, as if nothing was happening.

"Hey Akira," The siblings replied at the same time.

"So, how bad is it?" Akira asked with worry in his eyes.

Y/N looked at the cotton candy boy, and immediately softened at his expression. "It's kinda bad, Akira. I think we're gonna need to move to another continent and pretend we died," Y/N chuckled nervously.

"Mm," Akira hummed in response. "I don't think so, Y/N-chan. The ship is international on the Internet." Akira sweatdropped.

"tHiS iS hOpElEsS!!" She groaned, hitting her face with a pillow.

"Wait! I have a plan!" Zac rose from the couch. "We pretend that you two are dating! That way the shipping would die down!"

"What?!" The two blushed violently.

"I'm not doing that, even though it would be a dream come true," Y/N mumbled the last part.

"Y/N, we gotta do it for our own privacy." Akira pouted. Y/N looked at him, and please, who would resist a face like Akira's?

"Fine," Y/N sighed, giving up.

"Nice~! Now go outside and act like you're a couple." Zac smirked.

The sunshine boy wasn't only doing this because it was to calm down the drama, but because he also shipped the two.

He already knew the two liked each other, so why not make the OTP come true?

*insert random giggling here*

Akira and Y/N walked out of the house, holding hands. The paparazzi immediately came running, ready to spam the two with questions.

"Run," Akira whispered, while he pulled Y/N's arm. The two ran in a random alleyway, and hoped they wouldn't be found for another couple of minutes.

"Y/N, can I say something?" Akira breathed heavily. "Yeah?" Y/N replied, wiping the thin layer of sweat that was on her forehead.

"I-I like you," Akira blushed heavily, making the E/C-eyed female blush as well. "I guess that was why I accepted Zac's plan. I really like you, and I understand if you don't feel the same. I like everything of you, your personality, your appearance, everything."

Akira hid his face in his scarf, waiting for rejection.

Y/N was blushing hard now. She couldn't say anything, so instead of saying a lousy "I like you too", she grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss.

The kiss was amazing, and Akira immediately kissed back. They were happy until-

Snap! Click!

Lights blinded their eyes, and parted to see the paparazzi fangirling and taking pictures.

"I don't think this will calm the world down," Y/N blushed nervously.

"Me neither," Akira sweatdropped.

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