lui x kat (oc) → laugh.

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So Lauren_Skywalker requested this so I'm doing it

She wanted Lui torturing her so this ought to be fun
"Lui Lui Lui Lui Lui Lui Lui Lui"

This is what was being heard constantly in the room. Just Lui's name being repeated constantly.

I believe you're confused, huh?

Well let me take it back a little.

You see, Kat was in the same room as Lui, also known as Lui's training room. All Lui was doing was pulling a cord, and well.....Kat was just annoying Lui.

Let's get back to these peeps, shall we?

"Lui Lui Lui Lui Lui Lui Lui Lui"

Lui's name being repeated millions of times was triggering him. A lot. He tried to keep his cool and pulled a handle once more, sending a long string back, whacking the ground. This procedure seemed to repeat for days.

[[I tried to describe to pull thingy Lui uses I have shitty descriptions ;-;]]

"Lui Lui Lui Lui Lui Lui Lui"

Okay, that was the breaking point. Lui was about to explode. He couldn't take it anymore.



Kat was amused by this. She was trying hard not to laugh. She bit her lip, but it wasn't enough. She let the laughter spill out and flood the massive room.


Lui turned around, a soft shade of pink brushing on his cheeks.

"What the hell are you laughing about now?!"

Some of Kat's midnight black hair fell in her face, to cover her face, red from laughing. To be honest, Lui thought it was kinda cute.

Wait, what?!

Kat stopped for air. "It's just that....... It's funny when you're annoyed!!" Then she resumed her laughing fit.

Lui turned around, ignoring her laughter. The blush on his face stayed, not wanting to go away because, the male never felt like this before. It actually felt kind of, like Zac the Sunshine would always say, "nice".

Lui shook away the feeling and returned to his training.




I am so sorry for this crap tho

What did I do

Oh well

I'm sorry if you wanted a kiss scene but I have very little experience writing those "displays of affection" like it says in my school handbook pfffff

Anyhoo I'm really sorry if this was really short

I have like

6 more one shots to work on so

Requestos are closed

But you can still make a suggestion and I'll add it to the waiting listo

How does that sound

Anyways time to die bai


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